Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blood Moon

Wake up, get outta bed, drag a comb across my. . . . no wait . . I don't do the comb thing  . . never mind.

2:00 this morning I wish I would have taken this photo but MY attempt fell short.  HOWEVER, my nephew in Texas was more successful.

My attempts were problematic as I still had a slice of moon which was brilliant white and with the darker red moon the contrast was just too much for my sensors.  So, I have a plan for October 8th (a Wednesday night/morning) and I'll have something really cool planned for the NEXT Blood Moon.

Learned a few things.

City Council Meeting tonight! 

1. Election of Council President
2. Mayor Appointments to commissions and boards
3. Presentation of Service Plaque to Bill Breuing CFD
4. Proclaim Arbor Day
5. Take Action or not, on Hospital Bonding Request
6. Take Action or not, on Conditional Use Permit for Sentry/Hardware Store *(1)
7? reads like #6
8.Lots of Room Tax requests
13. Approve Waste-water's repair of their hydro excavating machine
14.Approve or not, of purchasing a used Street Sweeper for a cleaner downtown *(2)
15. US Census Bureau's Consolidated Boundary and Annexation Survey
16.Senior Center Advisory Board Ordinance fix (age discrimination thing)
17. Approve or not, A Resolution in Opposition to Eliminating the Tax Exempt Status of Municipal Bonds.
18. Approve or not, Economic Development & Marketing asst Position
19. Approve or not, an operators licenses
20. Approve claims for a lot of money
Council of The Whole (basically NEW business)

6. review/recap Intercity Snowmobile trails
7. recommendation by Parks and Rec to set aside $ from rentals for maintenance of Pavilion and Rest Haven
8. Creation of a Columbus Tourism Commission to handling ALL Room Tax $$ without Council approval
9. Founders Day Ordinance giving all city employees a day off with pay
10. Primary elections
11. Employment agreement for City Pool Manager
12. CSS Task force (hiring a Consultant with knowledge for 16/60 Strategic Plan)
13. Contract with Carrico Aquatic Resource for Chem management for pool
14. Consideration of a subcommittee for review website
15. Secret meetings
go home

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