Sunday, July 27, 2008

James? Is That You? The Story of Case #08-6792

Cell Phone : Hello?

DJ: Hello? Who is this?

Cell Phone: This is James.

DJ: James, why do you have my husbands cell phone?

James: I have your husbands cell phone?

Dj's cell phone is now handed over the the driver of the car, Rod.

Rod: JAMES, why do you have my cell phone?

James: It's your cell phone? I just bought it for $40 from a guy.

Rod: I want my cell phone back, how can we arrange for me to pick it up.

James: Well, it cost me 40 bucks but I'm not that kind of guy that does that sort of thing, I just bought it from some other guy.

Rod, who is now completely unaware of the traffic around him but he does not give a shit thinks and thinks.
You see, the car was parked in the 4th basement of the Department of Justice (DOJ) in downtown Madison. It was left unlocked because nothing is in the car and it's a bother to key-lock this particular car and . . .good grief, it's in the 4th basement of THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT.

Nothing in the car 99% of the time, except THIS time my cell phone dropped out of my backpack in the back seat. At work I looked for it and when it was not in it's special compartment I knew exactly where it was. In the backseat. No big deal.

Except on this particular day someone decided to rummage through our car and found a cell phone.

When DJ entered the car I said "Call my cell phone" thinking maybe it MIGHT be hiding somewhere but knowing it was stolen (stuff in the car was not where we had left it).

And that is when James answered the phone.

Back in traffic I decide perhaps I did not want to meet some stranger to get my phone so we go back to DOJ can call in the caverly. I tell James I'll call him back in 10 minutes.

I park at DOJ and we talk to DOJ security who call the Capital Police Station (right across the street) and they respond immediately 15 minutes later.

Information is taken and Officer Jason calls James!

James's story has changed ever so slightly and he is on a bus now and hesitates when he is asked for his last name. But he is willing to give back the phone EVEN THOUGH it cost him $40.

We arrange to meet him at a point near Oscar Mayer at a bus stop in 25 minutes.

We're on stake out across the street as back-ups are called in on this Friday after work (not a way to start a weekend).

The bus's come and go but no James. We wait for 1/2 hour but no James. Officer Lee calls James and James is now a little pissed and tells Jason (who he now thinks is me - white guys all sound alike) WHY DID YOU BRING IN THE COPS!

Faux-Rod says he is sorry and just wants his phone. James again says it DID cost him $40 and faux Rod agrees to meet him in two hours at the library at 8:00.

No meeting was held as faux-Rod watched for any activity at the library at 8:00.

Meanwhile we disconnected that phone and I, Real Rod, on the drive home was just itching for a certain neighbor to look at him funny as we drove in the driveway.

Real Rod drank heavily at the Kurth that night hiding the need to take someone down. Luckily Caralea - Mary's 10 year old Black Belt wielding daughter did not piss him off or he could have had broken bones on top of all the other anger.

THEN (oh - it never ends).

I'm buying a phone the next day in Madison and of course my Razor is now $330. I settle on another phone for much less but as I'm about to pay for it I see my Credit Card is still at the drug store in Columbus (I hope - I'm calling after this). ARG!!!

That's my story!

Thank goodness no one ever calls me! Except last night my friend Elweed was over (DJ was at Jenny's house) and we decided to order Pizza from the Pizza Shack. Wait - NO PHONE!!! ARG!!!!
On a slightly funnier note.

I was at Wal-Mart yesterday to buy a small funnel and a strainer for my beer. I also needed a scale so I could way my Hops for beer.

I could not find them so I ask a guy where is scales were. The guys asks "How big of one do you need" and I say "I need to measure ounces and half ounces".

He gets this big smile and I say "For Hops, I'm making beer" and he says "Yea right" and smiles, "follow me". Sheesh!!

They were $28 - I didn't buy one.

That's it.

I'm looking forward to tomorrows blog"

Have a great day.


  1. Hey Rod,

    I am so sorry to hear about your phone - and your credit card for that matter. You know what they say...if it weren't for bad luck....

    Anyways, I'm glad you were able to get a new phone and drown your sorrows for a bit at the Kurth. I keep telling Terry I'll make it up there one of these days and share my own "Columbus 7" experience, but work keeps interfering every time! :) Still, one of these times it'll work out! I'm looking forward to meeting you and DJ - been following the blog from day 1!

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. OMG!!!!
    It sounds more like a movie!!!
    James has alot of Gut's!I gotta say!

    I am so sorry that you were invaded!
    Glad you had some fun at Kurth..
    Hope you did not have to much of a hangover!
    and that you got a new phone...

    The guy at Wally World was priceless! heehee!!

    Try and Have a Great Sunday!!!!!
    You and DJ deserve it!!!!

  3. James needs to gather some friends and head himself back over to the park to personally thank the dude who sold him the hot phone. I'm guessing fenceboy is a regular.

    Caralea would have simply immobilized you first; further damage is necessary only if resistance is offered. But you must have no idea how much she really really likes you guys...


  4. I don't think Rod got his new phone, because the lack of credit card...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Rod, did these life mishaps happen before you met Evan and I? I mean is this normal for you?

    We are taking a survey...

  7. Seems like there is a cell phone curse on you!!

    And Walmart employees think you are a drug dealer.

  8. I am sorry, I just dont understand the mentality of FIRST: rummaging thru someone else's car and stealing from them... and SECOND: realizing that you have bought a stolen cell phone and NOT being a HUMAN and returning it! Kind of makes you wonder about what really makes people tick!!!

    The guy at WalMart was funny though!!! LMAO!

    Sorry to hear that the dregs of society have been in your life.... hope your luck turns for the better soon!

  9. Well Rod I am very, very glad to hear that you were on the good end of the police involvement, my mind did wander and had cooked up a somewhat crazy scenario in my mind that also included your nosy neighbor! LOL

  10. I thought the police situation was about the neighbor, too, Shakes.

  11. It was probably James that stole the phone. He did not seem shocked or anything when we told him that it had been stolen. Its a scam...someone "claims" to have bought a stolen phone and wants to return it. BUT "oh wait they are out 40 bucks!" The person is so anxious to get their phone back, and so grateful for the guy being so "honest" that they just handover the money.

    Part of me wishes we would have just met the guy and given him the money. Its gonna end up costing us much more than 40 bucks and not to mention the hassle!

  12. DJ - I tried to call you but it went straight to voicemail... Did someone steal your phone too???

  13. dj That's why the scam works because we find it easier to give in than fight. I think the only mistake you made Rod was not agreeing to meet the guy right away and if he was too big to hurt then give him a check that you could stop. Remember this for next time you fall prey to this scam.

  14. LOL! You should have invited James over to your house and duked it out in the driveway!
    Btw cdubya says you can have her pink razr now that she has an iPhone.

  15. Rod, I'm sure you have thought of this but make sure to check into your car insurance and your homeowners as well.


  16. Wow. Just wow. Scum of the earth, right in our back yards....

    Sorry to hear about this. Ugh!!

  17. I just can't believe it! That is so out of a movie Rod! I really hope that you put the fear into that guy....but I hope you get your phone back too!

    New phones now adays are so expensive, unless you buy a cheap one with a really long contract or something.

    I can't believe all that happened at the DOJ. It just goes to show you that criminals are everywhere I guess.

    Hope that your week goes more smoothly for you.


  18. Are you having the disconnect your old phone and continuing to use the same number? Because of you are getting a new number, you can post your old one and we can all call it and drive the guy nuts.

    You may want to anyway, because oyu know he has that number.

  19. Rod,

    You do have the worse luck with cell phones!! But I must say that story is the worse. It took a lot of nerve for James to go through your car while parked at the DOJ. Guess it goes to show no car is safe anywhere!

    Your Walmart story is funny.

    Hope you have a good week after this past Friday.

  20. Sorry to hear about (another) mishap with your cell phone. I lock my car even in the church parking lot! Criminals have no morals!! A couple of years ago I lost a valuable ring that I had inherited from my mother. I had lost 30 pounds and the ring just slipped off my finger! I placed an ad in the Daily Citizen and the Madison paper (dd and I had been shopping in Madison the day before I noticed the ring was missing). I offered a reward for it. I received three calls in response to the ad. The first two were for rings that didn't fit the description. The third call came in the middle of the night. I was asleep when it came in. I could hear people talking in the background as the guy asked me to describe the ring. I told him it was a pear shaped blue saphire surrounded by diamonds. He asked how many karots???? Didn't know! When I told him the saphire was surrounded by diamonds, he asked
    "diamonds or CZ's"?? And then said
    "maybe I should keep it and sell it."and then hung up!!! He had called with a block number, so I could never find out who it was, but I was sure he had found it! Our homeowners insurance did give us some coverage; but I never got my mother's ring back!!
    Did you look at diet scales?? I wouldn't think they would be that expensive.

  21. Thanks for your nice article,,.......



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