Thursday, December 24, 2009


Merry Christmas or, as they say in Russia, Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom.

Have a very very safe drive if you are heading out today. Conditions will get better today as the rain will melt the ice. I went out and helped unstress one of our young birch trees, SAVE THE TREES!!

Blake went out for his poop on the driveway and I had to rescue him as he could not make it back up the driveway. I was going to call Josh (since he is a firefighter) so I would not have to put on my shoes but I man-ed it up and skipped the shoes.

As for the great picture controversy. Seems some people did not like the puzzle piece shots so I made a "straight" photo.

I think I might frame one of these and donate it to the Children's Hospital. But . . . . their walls are full so . . . . . would they want it?

HELP - DJ will not stop baking. After baking three pumpkin breads she is sick of them so it's on to chocolate cream pie. I'VE GAINED OVER 30 POUNDS in the last 2 weeks. We also have these great round butter cookie things and I've already gone through a whole batch of beer bread. I AM ONLY ONE MAN - I CAN NOT DO IT . . . .SAVE ME!!!!

She is now rousing through the cupboards looking for more ingredients.

Milo has given up - he hates his life, he hates Wisconsin and he hates us for not turning on the heat outside. However - he does love pumpkin bread and brownies and he has learned if he can knock containers off the counters every so often they come open and then it's a race between him and Blake. Sierra just sits and worries about getting into trouble. Milo and Blake have the "ask for forgiveness AFTER our tummy's are full" theory.

OH - we watched WALL-E last night. Both of us fell asleep! Not enough words. zzzzzzzzzz

That's it.

Seriously - have a wonderful rainy Christmas AND a white Christmas. We don't have both normally. WHEN was the last time we saw sunlight anyway, it's been weeks.

At least we are in the long slow climb to summer, the days are getting longer (can't you tell??).

OH - Caydence is doing great. Her scar is almost completely heal over. She is happy (as happy as a baby can be) and healthy. There was a small problem last Saturday with a record breaking call the Doctor how can one baby have so much poop thing but . . . you know baby's, always surprises.

And . . . .I'll leave you with THAT vision in your head LOL



  1. Yes, you should donate the photo to Children's Hospital. They WILL find room for it. And it does look better as a straight photo. Until we experiment, we don't know what will work and what won't.

    Have a wonderful Christmas. How fortunate you are to already have your blessing with Caydance on the mend.

    PS If you don't have enough, I can send a fruitcake.


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