Thursday, March 10, 2011

Retiring is suppose to be a happy time not a sad time!

WHOA - Pulled that Rabbet out of their ass.

Minutemen were members of teams of select men from the American colonial partisan militia during the American Revolutionary War. They provided a highly mobile, rapidly deployed force that allowed the colonies to respond immediately to war threats, hence the name.

It was like the Minutemen were called to arms.  As the illegal voting of the NOW - non-fiscal part of the Bill was being rammed through the Senate people were literally RUNNING to the Capitol trying to save democracy!  People without coats, people in cars parking where ever their was an opening leaving their car and RUNNING to the Capitol!

  - - - -pardon me if I seem a little disjointed - many of the people around me have given their 1 day notice and are retiring tomorrow!   It seems like something "I" should do  - this is so fucked up.   The Republicans have REALLY screwed public workers in the ass! My contract is up TOMORROW (all of a sudden) after tomorrow the republicans can pretty much do what ever they want to us!  Putzpatrick's brother was put in charge of the Retirement system!   Go figure!!! 

ANYWAY - Walker has basically admitted he has been lying along!  The Collective Bargaining part of the bill was PART of the Fiscal package so he could not just get rid of it.  Until he decided that it did not have anything to do with fiscal so he split it out!  

Then he says he can get rid of Collective Bargaining because the people voted for him to get rid or it!  NOT so sure about that one!  

People here are STUNNED!!  It's like the rub has been ripped out from under them, it's like the same day as 911 happened!!  
OK - I turned in my paper wit hall the others!    One side says don't go crazy - nothing is goign to happen but the other side says . . . why risk a LOT of money for 3 weeks!!  

MAN!!!  This is SO messed up!   Retiring is suppose to be a happy time not a sad time! 


  1. Rod,
    Take the lead of the Governor and "Cover Thy Posterior". We should feel for all the others that have to stay, to feed there families. I am just glad you are getting out safely.
    Wisconsin will survive this political assault, Walker will not.

  2. This is fucked sorry you are being put in a sad place after a great career with the state. Bigger, better things await you. For instance, we may be needing a governor come next year.


    Chin up, pal. You will be better than fine!

  3. Same as 9/11 because you won't be able to get such cushy benefits at the expense of the rest of Wisconsin's taxpayers anymore? Wow, you people are insane.

  4. you have a new career now Grinder and you are great at it.....sorry it had to end so crappy.....but like Suz hoping for a new gov in a year....and several new senators sooner than that


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