Monday, January 12, 2009

More Monkey Adventures

On January 9th 1493, Christopher Columbus (the guy that discovered our city), is sailing around near the Dominican Republic and sees three "mermaids", which in reality were manatees but he blurts out "not half as beautiful as they are painted."

Obviously Columbus had been at sea a very very long time.

I had a blog about Flying Monkeys a few years ago (April 6th 2006) and another monkey memory occurred.

I remember buying some sea monkey's when I was a kid and was rather disappointed with the results as they did not look ANYTHING like what was expecting.

The story behind Sea Monkeys goes back to Harold von Braunhut, the inventor of the Invisible Goldfish and X-Ray glasses (yet more disappointments for me). With Invisible Goldfish for only a few dollars you would get a bowl, colored rocks and a plastic plant for decoration and . . . . invisible goldfish, not sure what IW as expecting. But then he was looking at brine shrimp and how they were evolving before his eyes. They were being used as fish food but in the last few years (this is 1957ish) were encasing themselves in shells so fish could not eat them. They also had the ability to go into suspended animation (not unlike beer yeast) when water dried up and then come to life when water was introduced again.

He worked on the shrimp to develop a faster lifestyle for them and then marketed the little fellows as "Instant Life". While not a total flop and sales WERE steady but slow, it was not enough to retire on. So he needed to rework the advertising aspect. Thus - Sea Monkeys were thought up and a new advertising campaign started.

At one point there were over 300 million pages in print with a Sea Monkey advertisement. Von Braunhut even got a patent for the tiny shrimp. BUT - kids like me were a little disappointed when there was no monkey family into water. They did not build a little civilization with Ma and Pa monkey, no little monkey cities and they didn't even have any arms. I mean good grief, they breath through their feet and are born with only one eye (2 more are grown when they get older). Not the quality I was expecting.

NOW I find out that Harold von Braunhut was a member of the Ku Klux Clan AND the Aryan Nations AND claimed he was Jewish. WOW - that is one mixed up dude. So I guess I can no longer run for President or public office as I was a supporter of the Ku Klux Clan and Aryan Nations. Damn!


WEATHER - I've been looking for a bright side of the upcoming week of weather and think I found one. Saturday when it climbs to 17 it will feel like tee-shirt weather. I still think the local TV talking heads are being conservative in their predictions.

We have two Alberta Clippers hitting us, one today and one Wednesday (3 inches today, 4 or 5 Wednesday) and the prospect of shoveling snow in -25 wind chill is something to look forward too. I'm t still thinking the locals are 5 degrees NOT cold enough.

Thursday we should not get above -5F and I'll have to finally shut the bedroom windows when it his -20F Thursday night! If you are wondering what the COLDEST day of the year is on average, it's next Monday. So after NEXT Monday it's all good to go for Spring.

It was nice to hear "Public Enemies" mentioned on TV last night. When introducing Johnny Depp at the Golden Globes they said blah blah Public Enemies. I was starting to think it was all a dream.

And one last TV thing. Being someone that knows about "All My Children" (I played online poker in the living room and DJ had AMC on and it SUCKED ME IN. Damn soaps, whatch out for them.

One of the actors (are all actors called actors now? even woman? when did that happen), Chrishell Stause was born in a gas station. The gas station attendant was named Chris and it was a shell station . . . .thus Chrishell.

Riding on that naming thing the Brewers had a player on their team by the name of Marquis Grissom. Story of that name is that his dad was working at an auto plant in Atlanta and got a phone call saying his wife just had a son (not sure why he was working) and what should we name him.

Well - he was working on Grand Marquis thus, Marquis Grissom.

On other side note about All My Children. Adam Chandler played by David Canary was in Bonanza and was Candy Canaday. Also he was on the A-LIST to replace Mr.Spock in Star Trek when there was a contract dispute. He is also descendant of Calamity Jane.

WOW - how is that for gossip worthless information.

OH - one last thing - COFFEE! Pic-N-Save (perhaps all Roundys) have a 8 O'Clock Coffee sale. $3.33 per "pound". I believe a pound is now 12 ounces in coffee-speak.

I think everything should be like coffee. Instead of always changing the price of things we should just change the size. A gallon of gas would ALWAYS be $2, the size of a gallon would fluctuate. What could possibly go wrong.

Bundle up and have a great week.


  1. Thanks for the AMC info- how fun! Jeez- it's going to be so cold and snowy I should just close the Gallery/Visitor Center all week! Who the heck is going to be out in that shit? Retail challenges!

  2. You fixed your said when Johnny was introduced at the Grammys. :)

    Have you all seen this article?
    It's about PE and the great nephew of Dillinger.

    put out by a newspaper in Indiana.

    hope you all stay warm this week! brrrr!!

  3. Those invisible goldfish remind me of those invisible dog leashes they used to sell and pet rocks. :P

  4. In the spirit of all the water inhabitants, I just heard on the news that PITA wants to rename fish "sea kittens" because the term "fish" is just too harsh! Good Grief what will they come up with is better for you than milk??? LOL


  5. Rod,,
    My friend has your computer for the weather station...she is planning to find you I think tonight or tomorrow to drop it off..there might be 1 or 2 word doucs on it that you can just my address...and birthdays of my's all my father ever managed to type in...



  6. NOT WORD doucs!!!! I hate those LOL

    Will I be forced to send birthday presents???

    I'll look forward to it - tell her to watch out for slippery yellow snow. I don't know WHAT it is!! Blake found it.

    BUT - the house is the only yellow house in the area - it's suppose to be that way.


  7. Yes...conveniently our address is the other bit of can send all gifts to it...I love gifts that have JD or public enemies stuff on them...LOL.

    Enjoy the computer...I feel good knowing it's going to a good home :)


  8. Invisible creatures?
    I wanted sea monkeys and never saw them.
    Then My brother gave me a pet rock.
    His version...LOL!!!

    Yay!! You may get your weather station back up...

    Hope all are ready for it..
    Get your cars gassed! heehee!
    Blankets and extras in the car..
    and stay home if you can...

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  9. Grea tblog today Rod! Although I am not a fan of AMC (I'm a DAYS girl myself) I did enjoy the tid bits of info!

    Was fu to hear PE on the tv last night. First time I think I have heard someone other than us utter it LOL

    Bundle up and keep warm everyone!

    BTW - I LOVE Sea Monkeys! Oh, and Jumping Beans!

    How about the history of Jumping beans on an upcoming blog Rod? I don't even know what they are, but I LOVE EM! (Heard they were little ants or something. Hope that's not true LOL)

  10. More Monkey Adventures,,,,,,........



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