ludi - I'm trying to get some photos of Marion - I know they are out there, I've seen them.
There is a thread over at IMDB about WHY people were being forced to be so far away in Oshkosh.
Simple. The reason is that any closer and they would have been on the set. There were extras that were in shots that were running around less then 1 block from where people were allowed to watch.
There was one mammoth scene where they had extras over a two block area. Another thing is that seriously, people watching were a problem. Flash kills scenes and even though they are told repeatably DO NOT USE FLASH, there were a number of times when I heard over the radio "FLASHES ARE KILLING US".
PLUS - there are just some scenes they do not want you to see. It's a screenplay and not the book. Just because you read the book does not mean you know how the movie goes.
Little Bohemia.
Don't even try to go up there. My little woods elves are being shut down along with local news that were told NO videotaping of ANYTHING and they are sent packing.
So I did take a few photos in our down time. We were stuck in a hotel room (on set) for a while so I was able to take some photos. I was aimlessly wandering around and found a safe. I decided that I would recreate a bank robbery with some extras but alas, there was not enough room in the hall way.
So instead I got two coppers and a "stunt" passenger to pose for a photo.

There were literally hundreds of photos I wanted to take of Extras that would have been fantastic. Some will be in my minds eye for many years. I suppose if I did not have this blog I would have said screw the rules (like newspapers) but, I don't know what came over me. I'm a photographer and am always shooting and asking questions later.
But why was it that at this moment I wanted to follow rules. I think it was because I have so much respect for this entire movie making process that if there was inappropriate photo it was not going to be ME that took the shot. Now if I was going to make money sure, I might sneak a shot or two but this blog is not about making money. It's about spreading movie magic.

Another memory I have is sitting there in wardrobe looking at the scene and thinking "This is really Hollywood, this is what it looks like on location." It was surreal. Not just a small film but a multi-hundred million dollar movie.
This is makeup where the Extras were a primped up to look good.

For instance - Andy.
They took Andy and made some dude look just like him but in a different wardrobe. They named the alternate dude "Tony".
Then they were able to transform ME into a completely different wardrobe. Except for the fact that I had to put on shoes that made me look taller. I can not tell WHICH was the original photo. CREEPY!! WHICH ONE IS ME!!!! I CAN NOT TELL!! It is blowing my mind!

And thanks to Scott the Driver of a 1933 Graham, (only three in existence, one is in Brussels . . or Belgium and the other is in Utah . . . . . did you know that his was special ordered to be black? and don't get me started on the color of his wheels) for letting the other Rod wear his coat in the photo.
HEY - how did this photo get taken. Must have been by accident.

it's a cross between "Early Sunrise" and "Zamfir" brilliant golden yellow flowers with fluted petals. Since its petals are more consistently fluted and the plants are super floriferous, providing unbeatable color impact in the garden in early and midsummer.
Now I have to find some purple blooming perennials to go next to it.
OK - Maybe I'll see you at the Meet and Greet. Going golfing today and maybe a bike ride.
Have a great day
Rod M.
Those guys were twins right?
ReplyDeletedoes anyone know when callbacks are for:
Beaver Damn
please and thank you!
Hi Rod, as always thanks for your great blog! I wake up everymorning looking forward to reading it!
ReplyDeleteGreat pics of the extras... so of the unsung heros of the film industry! :)
And some suggestions for you for the purple in your garden:
Asters and Campanulas. The compliment the coreopis well. I have seen some purple coreopis as well.... happy gardening!
ReplyDeletethanks again for the nice reporting!
Some links with a few photos of Marion on the set:
Best Regards
Rod - you are sooo funny. I really ache for you and for all those missed shots though. I'm hoping there is a payoff for you in the long run.
ReplyDeletekeep up the gardening stories! I miss my garden...
ps: I liked your lasagna garden post!
ReplyDeleteFor such a dry sense of humor, you sure do quench my thirst for funny! ;)
ReplyDeleteI bet it was just soooo cool to be on set and watch it all happen. It was fun to see it from the sidelines here, so I can imagine the coolness factor (CF-5) being there up close.
I'm glad you got to watch it all and give us all an inside scoop to just how fabulous it's all going to be. Thanks again. Love all the wisdom.
I was replanting a couple of indoor plants (that happen to be flowering) by my garage yesterday. A little bee came over, then a butterfly. They are going to loooove your garden. :)
I really wanted to go see any of the filming in Littl Bo, very upsetting it will be shut down to public. I may drive by anyway since it's such a short distance. Any news or meet and greets?
ReplyDeleteHi Rod, you are doing a fantastic job with your blog - Universal should be paying you:)
ReplyDeleteI agree with previous posters that some onsite fans need to show more respect for the actors' privacy. I've seen some Christian Bale fan blogs saying to the effect that "I have to see him one way or another." Almost sounds like stalking. We should all show our respect for the actors we admire by giving them some space and privacy.
I have a couple of questions:
1. Could we (i.e., you) get more information about Marion Cotillard's role and the roles of the other women characters in the film?
2. Over at IMDb there has been a heated "discussion" about whether the onsite fans of Public Enemies are "ruining the film experience". Do you have any knowledge about whether the quality of the film (i.e., the final product) has already been compromised as a result of camera flashes, fan shouting or other misbehaving? I realize that most fans have been model citizens, but I am still concerned about the degree of this problem. It would be a terrible shame if the quality of this film has been degraded because of inappropriate fan behavior by a few "bad apples". I want this film to be the best possible film that equals our high expectations.
To Anon. 11:56 am:
ReplyDeleteGo to Manitowish Waters. You can't get into Little Bohemia, but there is no point in staying away because the set is closed. It's a free country (still) and there are plenty of things to take pictures of. If you're not interfearing with filming or breaking any laws, you shouldn't have a problem. It was still very dead there this morning, but I'm hoping more and more people show up so I can HIDE OUT IN THE OPEN. :) One base camp is set up at a church parking lot close to Little Bo.
Wonderful story about behind the scenes movie magic. The extras are the unsung heros of the movie industry! Looks like you had a blast!!!
ReplyDeleteI am also interested in photos of other actors! The Northwestern did a great job getting some unique photos but stunk at giving credit to those in them.... "Johnny Depp and his costars". How much more time would it have taken to identify and name all main actors in a photo. It would have been nice to see them get some credit for their hard work, too!!!
Happy gardening, golfing and chatting tonight!
Little Bo's filming is monday tuedday wednesday right? I was going to go for a little drive today, but Maybe my freeday on tuesday sounds like a little better shot at actually seeing something.
ReplyDeleteRemember that the shoot out w/FBI at Little Bo was during the night. Imagine a good portion of the outside filming would be the same. Drive around town & go to restaurants & stores to meet the people behind the movie; stage hands, grips, truckers, etc. From what others say who have met the movie people, the people behind the scenes have been very nice and social.
Rod--another great day of info. from behind the scenes---thanks for your insights on the filming. I love your pics and first hand accounts! I'm glad that LBohemia will be isolated and not allow spectators. If you know about this event, it would be impossible to control spectators and shoot this scene due to all the action.
ReplyDeletegaryandyvonne-I think Marion's part will be played up in the film. I have a feeling the love story between her and Dillinger will be an important part of the film. It definitely will make the ending more tragic right? I think everyone needs to remember that the movie probably won't follow the book PE exactly. This isn't a documentary, it's a Hollywood movie. However, I think that a lot of the film will come from the book and other historical sources.
Don't worry about the camera flashes, etc. As you can see from the last day of filming, the crowds were pushed farther back and that will continue if people insist on not following the program. I also believe in post production some unwanted noises, sights can be edited out if necessary. IMDB tends to get overworked about some things, so take some of their posts with a grain of salt.
As for following actors, etc. you're correct, people should respect their privacy especially away from the set and their "public" appearances. However, some people don't have common sense which is why Johnny pays a lot for his security. I applaud those that knew where Johnny & cast were staying and didn't post the info. until after he had left.
Thank you for your help Rod !
ReplyDeleteTo Calgal, Thanks for your response. It greatly reduces my concerns. I agree with you that some of the threads over at IMDb are really over-heated (and sometimes even nasty).
ReplyDeleteAlso, I really hope you are right about Marion's role being a significant part of the storyline. If done right, the Dillinger-Frechette relationship has the potential to help make this film a really great film.
I have never been so psyched about an upcoming film before and it is going to be hard for me to wait the next 14 months before seeing it:(
Rod - Why purple? Because it looks good with the yellow, or because you're a Vikings fan? :P (We're Vikings in our house.)
ReplyDeleteI watched the History Channel show last night and learned so much. I haven't read the Public Enemies book yet. I might have to frequent my local library and read anything they have about Dillinger and the others.
I was surprised by the Dillinger-Frechette relationship though. I had thought (don't know why) that it was some long-time thing with love of Jack/Rose proportions. The show last night left me thinking when she was locked up, he moved right on...?
ReplyDeleteVery well said!! Thank you so much for your insight and putting everything in perspective.
garyandyvonne: The Dillinger-Frechette relationship definitely will be played up and even embellished upon a bit in the movie. Don't ask me how I know such information. I'm not supposed to know it. :P
ReplyDeleteThanks for continuing with the stories and pictures Rod. I totally agree that people need to be respectful towards the production. It stinks that there are people who either just don't get it or are too caught up in themselves to respect the rules. Keep up the good work, man!
debsmad-the History Channel's show was excellent, but I don't think it wanted to concentrate on the love angle too much-lol. There are some sites out there about Billie and from what I've read, Dillinger was considering trying to break her out of prison, but she begged him not to try anything since she didn't want to put him in anymore danger. Yes, Dillinger did meet up with someone else, but I think that was part of his personality. He liked companionship and going out. Of course I don't know what was going on in his mind, but I think that his last relationship was not quite the same as it was with Billie. I also thought that Dillinger "saw the writing on the wall" and might have known his time escaping from the FBI was running out---I think he just wanted to make the best out of the time he had left?? Just pure speculation on my part...
ReplyDeleteCalgal - you are a wonderful peacemaker, I appreciate you!
ReplyDeleteDebsmad - i love you too = )
That's the thing I appreciate most about this place, it's not all snarky like over at IMDb. Folks can differ here w/o getting all nasty.
PBHgirl and Kris!! So nice meeting you today = )
About the History Channel show... I think that Dillinger did really love Billie because he introduced her to his family as 'his wife'. I like how Calgal put it... after Billie went to prison, he was making the best of what time he had left! It isn't a secret that he loved women!!!! ;o) Do you think he could have waited to be with a woman for 2 full years!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteshakenbsis - glad you could come up today and we were able to leave the chains at home (this time) :)
ReplyDeletePBHgirl, shakenbsis, Rod and Diane - very nice to meet all of you and thank you for taking the unofficial tour. Can't wait to see the pics!
For anyone with info on Little Bohemia, does anyone know if there will be any meet & greets and what day of monday, tuesday or Wednesday would be the best to get a chance to do this? Anyone have any suggestions? I live up north & would love to take off an afternoon & head up there (I still have about 1 1/2 hrs to get there) Thanks for any info!
Kris - when is IS time for the chains, you know who to call = ) LOL
ReplyDeleteSo much fun hanging with all ya'all today. Special memory "Trying to keep our butts out of camera range!"
dj - you crack me up!
Only about 14 more months to go!
ReplyDeleteRe: Marion's/Billie's role in the film.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, Billie is a near third lead in the film (the others being Depp as Dillinger and Bale as Purvis). The relationship between John and Billie is without a doubt the emotional core of the film. To answer a question that was raised in another entry's talkback section, the role of Billie Frechette definitely warrants the talents of an Oscar-winning actress of Cotillard's level. She has many great scenes with Depp, but she more than holds her own apart from Dillinger while going head to head with the FBI, in what, in my opinion, could be the best part of the film.
Debsmad - i love you too = )
ReplyDeleteAwww. I feel the warmfuzzies!
History Channel show - yeah, I guess focussing on the sappy love bits would be out of place...lol And I'd forgotten about the 'wife' part. For some reason I'm glad to know he considered breaking her out of prison.
Another thing from that show, they mentioned singing a couple times... like with the hostages and out partying, I think. I had read somewhere recently that Johnny would sing in PE and had wondered what on earth would call for a singing Dillinger scene. Now I guess I know! lol
Oh, kinda unrelated but I was at my brother's today and his wife said that her niece (in Oshkosh)shook Johnny's hand and talked to him and he called her "luv." Heeeeee! I'm waiting to hear if she has pics uploaded.
My brother was more impressed with Christian Bale playing Purvis. Ha, men.
"Columbus 4-28-5/1 does not matter closed set and in the country?"
ReplyDeleteI was afraid of this....guess I got my chance on 3/18 and didn't really appreciate how special and unique an opportunity it was.....
oh well...guess I see what happens
thanks all for your info, pics, gracious sharing of your experiences and opinions
Any idea where base camp is in Little Bo?
Oh, I forgot about the meet & greet at Julie's! I could have met you all! I'm going to blame it on Rod, we had nice weather today and I had to stay outside.
ReplyDeleteDebsmad...Singing you say?! That would definitely be the icing on the cake. Johnny sings like an angel. After seeing Johnny at the meet 'n greet Wednesday in Oshkosh, I listened to the soundtrack from Sweeney Todd on my 2 hour drive home...I'm still smiling! Singing would be sweet.
ReplyDeleteKris, Shakenbsis and Michelle: hey it was a fun afternoon--you guys are SO AWESOME!!! It was really great meeting you Kris and thank you so much for the tour!
ReplyDeleteTill we meet again!
dj :)
Suz: Hey I was hoping you would be around at Julie's!!
"Billie is a near third lead in the film"
ReplyDeleteI say she is . . #3
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of tough to determine who's a lead and who isn't because the quality of this cast is so astounding. I was thinking of Crudup's Hoover as a possibility for #3 as well.
ReplyDeleteI know this is from yesterday's post, but thanks for answering my question about the pictures in the Postcresent (the ones that look like action shots). I admire your journalistic integrity and respect for the movie making process for NOT taking pictures. It probably took a lot not to take the pictures, I can imagine.
To everyone else--
I have to agree about this blog verus IMDB..it's a lot nicer over here..some of the people there are downright mean. There was some one over there making fun of people who were excited about seeing Johnny and I posted back that no one asked them to look at the thread or even read the board. I don't know why I did it, but I just felt the need to.
I got my "Public Enemies" book this week (!) but I still have another two weeks or so until school is over for the semester, so I'm waiting to read it then..
Ohhhh, dj, in the jumble that is my mind, I completely missed the invite to the gala. Ugh. I do remember (now!) there being a post about some gathering, but I'm such a social hermit lately that someone would have had to specifically named me and said, "Suz, come on over." LOL I'm sooo sorry I missed this. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that everyone had a wonderful time. I will soothe myself with the fact that I had to leave pretty early for work today anyway.
What's this late breaking Columbus news about closed set? I might have missed in hanging out with PBHgirl and Vickie the last few days :) I was looking forward to one last hurrah .......
ReplyDeleteAny info would be greatly appreciated.
Kris & Shakenbsis, it was awesome to meet you today... and thank you so much for the tour! I am working on all my photos from today, but am leaving out of town so it might be a bit before I have them done. I will start an auditorium album on Flickr and post the link here.
ReplyDeleteRod & Diane, wonderful to see you again! Sorry I will be missing this week's Kurth excursion, but I'll be back for the next one!
I'm sad to miss the April 29 shoot, though it's sounding like there might not be a lot to see. Good luck to those who are coming though. Even if you don't see anything, you never know if you'll be meeting some new friends. Honestly, that's been the best part of this whole crazy adventure.
Oh, one last funny story. After going on the tour today, Kris drove me home. As we pulled up to my house, she asked me how long I lived there. I told her seven years. Well, it turns out that she was the person who bid on the house at the same time we did, and we were the ones who got the house. I, um... asked her if she still liked me. ;) Luckily, she said yes. Ha.
So I missed meet and greets in Oshkosh...wondering if anyone knows if there will be any coming up in Columbus, WI?
ReplyDeleteOshkosh is a closed set like Little Bo. So, probably no meet and greets.
ReplyDeleteOops... I mean Columbus is a closed set.
ReplyDeleteOk, I got motivated tonight. Here is my set of Columbus Auditorium photos. We only had a half hour or so to visit, but I can't wait to come back for a longer time to capture more! So much beauty and history all in one place. Enjoy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pbhgirl/sets/72157604651625088/
ReplyDeleteMany thanks to Kris for allowing me the privilege to photograph this gem.
Sorry I missed the get together at
ReplyDeleteJulie's yesterday; spent Saturday and Sunday in bed with a sinus infection! Is it really going to be a closed set on the 29th??? I was planning on coming back to Columbus that day. Any news on seeing anything here in Beaver Dam on the 30th?? Thanks for any news you can give me!
Michelle, as usual, your photos are FANTASTIC!! You have such a good eye for detail!
Michelle - I am in absolute awe (and teary eyed too) -- your photos are amazing. Beautiful - you've captured the feeling completely!!!
ReplyDeleteOf course I still like you guys! I didn't get that house but I ended up with a cute house on Harrison Street (and that was closer in my price range!).
Sorry I missed you all yesterday. I was going to go with Michelle but my dad was missing me so I had to do some bonding with him.
ReplyDeleteBut I hope to meet you all soon. Michelle, Vickie, and I have been having a blast !!
Wow Michelle!
ReplyDeleteI started viewing your auditorium photos and got booted off twice. I'll have to finish later. I've never had that kind of trouble on Flickr before maybe everyone in PE world is trying to see your stuff at the same time!
It seems you really captured the aura of the place = ) how beautiful...
Michelle just rocks as a photographer. She's amazing.
ReplyDeleteHell, Michelle just plain rocks everything.
Kris - email me sometime (can't find your address from here).
ReplyDeleteI've talked to Michelle and I'm thinking of putting a little Auditorium website together with our photos.
If I EVER get a chance I'll post some of my shots today. Not as grand as out local pro though.
Wow, thanks guys. In my bleary-eyed stupor (I worked overnight last night) I am smiling and nodding my thanks to you. I wasn't sure if anyone but me would like the starkness of the photos, but it's my biggest desire to take this auditorium out of secrecy and into the consciousness of the public. The ony way I know how to do that is to try to create an emotional image. Rod, you are once again brilliant for suggesting the website devoted solely to the auditorium. This is why you are the guy in charge. ;)
ReplyDeleteMIchelle, your photos are wonderful! I'm so glad that you've shared them with us!