Saturday, May 17, 2008

How Mary Poser Saved Columbus

In this edition
Who's That Actor
Chicago's Union Station
Mary Poser
A photo at Julie's Java House
Tanya from Connecticut

It's another addition of


We all know the infamous actor on the left is the human that calls himself John Michael Bolger. It has been rumored that Nancy Osterhaus, the esteemed Mayor of Columbus (insert echo effect) wants to give JMB the key to Jenny's House. (It is also rumored that Mr. Bolger is not allowed to have any keys, and most electronic devices, as he is a danger to himself and others).


Who is this actor next to him. He is a Polish actor name Andrew. Anyone Anyone???

I don't know the answer - thus the question

Universal is setting up at Union Station, Chicago's only intercity rail terminal. Including approach and storage tracks it is about nine and a half city blocks in size and almost entirely beneath streets and skyscrapers.

Since the station is underground, exhaust from the trains is a problem which is demonstrated by its dark ceilings.

I am thinking they are going to use The Great Hall for some scenes but I can not be sure.

Any of you Chicagoans are free to keep us informed on what is happening down there.
Mary Poser

A lot of people have been hearing the word Poser on this blog a lot lately. The Poser House, a Craftsman-era mansion on Charles Street.

The Poser House has been owned by Mary Poser since 1952 where she raised 6 children and it is she who is the driving force in preserving Columbus’s historic buildings which paved the way for Columbus becoming a Main Street Community which in turn paved the way for Universal coming to Columbus which in turn started this blog.

So in effect - Mary Poser started this blog. Thanks Mary.

In an article by Mike Ivey in the Cap Times

After World War II, growth in the suburbs and bigger cities began drawing people away from Wisconsin's smaller communities. By the 1960s, shopping centers dominated retail trade and downtowns floundered. Wal-Marts and Kmarts put a new kind of pressure on local business.

Many communities tried to respond by launching programs to revive their lagging downtowns. These plans, unfortunately, tended to ignore the historic aspects of the downtown areas.

Instead, they focused on dressing up the Main Street to make it look more "modern." Fake fronts were added to some older buildings. Other buildings were simply demolished.

Columbus has a 140-year-old hotel, a bank designed by Louis Sullivan and an 1892 City Hall have forms the centerpiece of a downtown. In fact Columbus has over 200 buildings over 100 years old.

An effort to save the Whitney Hotel spurred Columbus into joining the Main Street program in 1992.

The original hotel was built in 1847, destroyed by fire in 1857 and then replaced by a cream city brick building. Though it is rather plain looking, it has a long history as the most prominent hotel and social center in Columbus.

But over time the building had fallen into despair. Nobody wanted it, they were going to tear it down to make room for six more parking spaces.

Mary Poser started a fund-raiser to save the hotel. She enlisted business and civic leaders, who formed the Columbus Downtown Development Commission.

By 1992, the upper floors of the Whitney were converted into apartments. The lower floors were renovated into offices for the Columbus Journal and a coffee shop. Total cost: $700,000.

The Whitney project has sparked a renewed interest in historic Columbus.
Like domino's I feel if the building had been converted into six parking spaces this would have lead the way for more historical destruction killing the downtown area.

But with this building saved it paved the way for the Farmers & Merchants Union Bank, a 1919 Prairie School-style bank to be renovated. It's elaborately decorated terra cotta ornamentation was renovated in 1997. But since then it seems getting some things done has been a little harder to achieve. Please correct me if I am wrong.

This is why I was surprised that there was not a more urgent plea to get things fixed up. A downtown is the heart of any town and Columbus is a diamond just waiting to be polished off.

Hopefully the movie has had an eye opening effect on the citizens of Columbus at just what a wonderful town this can be.

There is a Question and Answer blog about Columbus Wisconsin which states "Universal was generous with their spending and in addition made a contribution to our Auditorium restoration project".

I wonder how much that was and I'm surprised this is the first I have heard about it - perhaps I just missed it.
ANYWAY - changing subjects in a smooth manner - I donated a 20x30 framed poster of the below photo to Julie's Java House. Feel free to go in, buy a latte' and gaze at it. My intention was NOT to sell it a I'm not "into" that whole salesmen thing but she has said there is interest. I resisted for weeks but . . . . here I go sheepishly . . . . .

20% of all process for the 8x12 ($10) and 20x30s ($50) are going towards the Auditorium.

Don't go running down for a few more hours.

AND one last thing - another blog has turned up - Michelle Martin Photography

AND 2nd last thing - Tanya from Connecticut has a full 1/2 page article about her in the Columbus Journal.

click to enlarge

WAY TO GO Tanya!!

NOW I'm done.



  1. Good day y'all!!! Looks beautiful this morning-rain coming this afternoon/evening? OOPS not meaning to hijack your weather reporting, Rod LOL

    So, after PE has finished filming you are going after the Coen Bros. HUH? Sounds interesting :) I love their movies too-Fargo is hilarious.

    Thanks for all the laughs everyone.. Do ya think JD travel stories/rumors are being leaked to cover their clandistine location filming? just an idea.....

    Is the union station filming the "Kansas City Massacre" shootout?

  2. Congrats on finally meeting JD Tracy and getting an article printed on it. How cool!

  3. Universal have done an excellent job of supporting the local community. The impact of filming is going to last - Columbus will never be the same again!

    Wonderful smile from Tanya! Johnny has that effect on people, even after many, many hours of waiting. Congrats on finally meeting him, Tanya.

  4. Hi all!

    I'm in the library alternately laughing and crying (very softly though) Puter won't be fixed for some time, power problem. Thought it was the adapter but turns out probably a broken run/connection on bottome of mother board. Took it (laptop) apart yesterday (4 hours) and found I can't get there from here kinda thing. gotta take it to the doc afterall and they are backed up! ARGH!!! really cramping my style.

    Can't see no video (jp!) or my own pics so no uplioading any hugs or seeing any for that matter.

    Did enjoy all the jokes on yesterday's post. Thanks all, I needed the laugh...

  5. Yeah Tanya - it was a pleasure meeting you!

    PS: Kitties are doing fine. Went to vet yesterday to get eye goop for infection for mom and one kitty. Surprise they are LETTING me put it in no problems! Kittens all ate some hard food today and all used the litter box after being placed inside = )

    Probably ready to go to good homes next week (took one to vet to get the ok, and it's a yes!) Need 5 more days to finish eye meds. Come Friday YOU could have your own adorable ball of fur crawling all over you!

    Sorry for the hijack Rod!!!!
    Lucky for you I am unable to upload all the adorable pics I took of them yesterday = )

    JP and Osh! send me a treasure map to 'the island' = )

  6. PPS: ended up going to Kurth's last night afterall. Friend Shannon was still up for it even though she knew she wouldn't be meeting you all. I showed her my house (HA!) and all the relevant locations (she thinks I should move there too)

    We went to Kurth's anyhow and got to hang with Krisx and her MOM =) (who is hysterical) also Nancy O and hubby popped in and hoisted one with us... lovely conversation! = )

  7. Rod, how can those living far away from Cbus purchase one of your fine street portraits and have it mailed? Can't drop everything to drive to Cbus today.

  8. I just had to share this with others that might appreciate it... My husband didn't quite get it. Yesterday we were driving to Tomah, WI to take our son to his hockey tournament. We turned onto Hwy 21 in Oshkosh and my thoughts turned to the fun I had meeting JD there several weeks earlier. All of a sudden, a black SUV with tan on the bottom passed us on the left. My heart skipped a beat....but then I noticed it was an Explorer and not an Expedition. I thought, the only thing cooler would be if it was followed by another Black SUV. No sooner had that thought crossed my mind and a black Expedition with tan on the bottom passed immediately following. Talk about my heart skipping again. You betcha I was checking out the vehicles passengers. Obviously...No luck tho. :-)

  9. Hoorah about the kitties! Hoorah for you, SBSIS, you are so kind.

    Rod, I am so "proud" of the kindness you have corralled together from people all over. The proceeds from the photos, that's all so cool!

    Thanks for the historical info - which I LOVE, and Mary Poser info. I would never have known.

    Hope ALL YA'LL have a great day!

  10. Thanks kathy!

    See you all Tuesday sometime unless a computer miracle happens in the mean time! = )

  11. Great blog today Ros! Columbus is in deed a wonderful city. Is there anyway to help with preserving some of these amazing buildings? History is something that should be saved...not destroyed. I would love to purchase a photograpgh, but would also need to have it mailed....or picked up at a later date. I would love to meet you guys at the Kurth...maybe pick it up then.

    Today is my 28th bday!! YAY! What a wonderful bday present it was to see Johnny, and spend some time in Columbus this past week. I couldn't have asked for a better present.

    Shakenbis- I did not know that your kitties were sick. If you need any help with them please let me know. I am a veterinary technician, and would be happy to try and help you. You can email me at

    Tanya - WOW! An arcticle in the paper and everything.....way to go! That's something you'll never forget! Thanks Rod for putting up that clip...really enjoyed it.


  12. Rod, is that actore Matt Craven? Not an Adam though...

    Betty, I am in mourning for your computer...I will ask have JP ask JD to fund you a new one.


  13. I can't even go on vacation with a computer Shakenb :) I feel your pain :)

  14. Oops! I meant Tanya - sorry about that.

    Congrats on finally meeting JD Tracy and getting an article printed on it. How cool!

  15. After rading all the comments of JD and the info about him and his personal life etc. He makes the deicisions to come out or not. There seems to be something that people seem to not be getting and/or not acknowledging.

    That Johnny Depp is truly a kind,caring,generous human being and that with all his graciousness that he is also setting an example for all of us and how we should be possibly be treating every also. That possibly he sees things diferently than others. It's like the karma thing: you get back what you put out. I feel that he has touched so many people with his kindness. Maybe it's just a wink, a nod, a handshake, a hug, a hello, an autograph, picture, a drive by, and whatever etc. those things will probably have lasting memories for the rest of our lives. Hopefully it will bring fond memories in years later "I met Johnny Depp once" and spark warm stories on the kindnass of others. Some are just happy with the little that they got and some got more. But those experiences might impact us with others later in life with how we treat others with our kindnesses.
    It's a seed planted, the trickle down affect. New friends made etc.

    Plus who knows how we have impacted JD and the others in the way our kindness and respect we have shown them on the movie while they're filming here.

  16. Hi All,
    I have really enjoyed reading this blog for the past month or so, and am glad to have had the chance to meet some of you...Shakenbsis is one who revealed her status late Tuesday evening in C-bus and was just as friendly in person!

    I had the pleasure of being "gate girl" that night with my sister Sue, Tanya from Conn. and Raquel from Madison. What a great night. Memories were made for sure. This was the 2nd time to "meet & greet" with Johnny, and I am now hooked. I first met him in Winchester during the Oshkosh week.

    I teach Mass Media at a high school in the suburbs of Milwaukee, and recently took my students on a field trip to Madison for the PE filming. We got some great pics of Bale filming on the Capitol steps. While checking things out, we were invited on one of the special effects trucks to see how they made blood packets which are detonated by remote control. How cool! Now I have a class full of seniors who are also following PE, your blog, and info about any other "JD Sightings"!

    I really appreciate being able to keep up with what's going on, and like many of you here, can't wait for next summer!! I recently heard on the news in Milwaukee on Friday that "Engine 261" which is a coal operated train was heading to Chicago from Minnesota for the filming of PE. Maybe that's what will be used at Union Station????

    Anyhow, thanks to all for the wonderful conversations and interesting facts. Keep it up, Rod and the rest!

  17. Hey Peg....did you stop at Lucky's Mens Clothing store in Oshkosh the day you saw JD in Winchester? I think I remember talking to you there....maybe you bought a Tshirt from us?
    Maybe way...sounds like you and your class have had a fun PE experience. You sound like a great teacher. :)

  18. Oh yeah...and seeing as no one else has started yet....
    Let me start the singing....

    "Happy Birthday to you......
    Happy Birthday to you......
    Happy Birthday Blaznfire...
    Happy Birthday to you!"

    Don't party too hard tonight...or you'll end up sick like that old man Rod...oh're only 1/3 his age...nevermind..carry on. :P

  19. Ha ha ha!! Thanks JP!

    I'll try not to stay out too late tonight!


  20. Oh and JP---

    Did you say that you were selling t-shirts in OShkosh? Did you happen to come to Columbus tues/wed to sell them too?


  21. Hey J^P!
    Yep, that was me! You headed us in the right direction and 8 hours later I met JD!
    I did buy a tee shirt from you and have since worn it to school. The kids thought it was a cool shirt! Are you still selling them?

    When I was looking at the blogs, I checked out who you were and saw the link to your store..Streets of Fire...and I thought maybe you were the same person! I remember you telling me about your wife being a teacher as well...

    I was very lucky that my principal was so supportive about going. I took a day in April, and then the field trip in May. It really was worthwhile for the kids...and for ME!

    Thanks again for the info and all the great pics. I'm sure you guys had fun during the filming even tho the store was closed...

    Gotta go....

  22. Wow! My Wisconsin adventure continues! Thanks for posting the article, Rod. Very cool. It was amazing to have this whole experience. Trust me, I am reliving it over and over again! Thanks to everyone who has been so kind and supportive!

    Peg, I am eagerly awaiting a copy of your video and my arm going around Johnny! PLEASE SEND!

    - Tanya

  23. What a great article about Good Ole'Columbus....
    Rod you always have a great story to tell.
    Keep up the great work...

    It just goes to show haw we need to rally to keep history alive..

    Tanya! Way to go ..Nice article, what a great keepsake.
    Michelle Nice web!

    Happy Birthday Vicky!!!
    Eat Lot's of Cake!!!

    Shakenbsis~ you should of called I would have meet you at Kurths....
    Cableman was fishing all day...
    Hope you get your puter back soon.

  24. JP, do you remember, or one of your Streets of Fire cronies stopping a young lad outside the shop several yeasrs ago wearing a "Where the Wild Things Are" tshirt and taking a picture of it cause you were going to make a shirt from it?

    Well that was my boy Evan.

    We never came back to see if y'all made the shirt because I thought y'all were a front for a drug trade. LOL

  25. And I have a little rant that has noithing to do with Columbus. I bought 2 JD dvds today...Blow and Benny & Joon. Both are not Closed Captioned. Being a deaf JD fanwoman this makes me all sorts of crabby.

  26. Peg-

    Were you the lady standing on the other side of shakenbsis in the meet and greet line? If so, I was on Shakenbsis' right side, in the white hat....did you happen to get any goo pics of hugs..and if so...did you post them on the JD hug photobucket site?


  27. rodalekids..i find myself doing the exact same thing all the time! same thing with white vans and now even with trailers and buses!!

    j^ were the one selling the t-shirts?? that means i met you!!
    and does anyone know if you can still find the "johnny get your gun" t-shirts anywhere??

    osh..i didn't know you were deaf, my brother is deaf! i wish i could've met all of you guys!

  28. I don't think JP was the same guy selling shirts in Columbus...

  29. Kendra-
    I went deaf after I had seems to be some sort of auto-immune thing related to a bunch of other things nerve related.

    I don't know sign language though, I dropped out of the class.

  30. Maegan,

    I'm the big blonde who was two over from shakebsis. I only have video and will be uploading it soon...haven't had the time to do so yet...but I know I kept taping down the line and may have gotten you in it. That light was kinda bright, but I'm pretty sure there's some footage that you might want to see...

    Give me a few days...I'm graduating tomorrow so life's a bit busy!

    Rod, any chance you would consider selling some more of those T's?

    Tanya, I'll get that video to you asap...I feel so bad that I only got your arm! I got soooo nervous. I'm so glad you got a pic taken with JD tho~


  31. ROD--
    Thank you so much for giving Mrs.Poser the recognition she truly deserves!!! She is a wonderful person and worked very hard to get the start on the downtown resoration We got a tour of the house before filming the first time and she was a great tour guide!

  32. Vicky, thanks for your comments on my blog.

  33. Blow and Benny & Joon. Both are not Closed Captioned????

    I guarantee that if JD knew that something would change. . . . .well maybe not actually GUARENTEE it but he would not be happy.

    I will have a way to buy that photo. I'm not really "into" selling photos but I do have that one that people seem to really like.

    Also - Today was an Auditorium day and I'll be talking about how impressed I was with Dale the Audi King.

    And Happy B Day blaz

  34. And what sucks the most Rod is that on Amazon they are both advertised as being Closed Captioned.

    The Blow copy I bought was a should be!

    I guess I will be swimming back to the island and having some words with Johnny now.

  35. Can you post links to the t-shirts you all are talking about?


  36. Hi guys! Absolutely no activity outside of Union Station today. The only new development is the appearance of two large white tents next to Union Station. I have a feeling this is "the calm before the storm."

    Have a great evening!

  37. The Libertine and Donnie Brasco are both Closed Captioned. Let me tell you how thrilled my husband is.

    And every other JD movie at Blockbuster was out...except for's like he was in Oshkosh a while ago or something and people want to watch all his movies...go figure.

  38. Peg-
    you have me all antsy now!! :) im so excited to see your video...when you get it uploaded can you email it to me? mkhufton at or else if you put it on a flickr or something just let me know! :)
    yeah! congrats on graduating!! what kind of degree?

  39. i was 1 person over from hopefully you got me in it!
    i eagerly await your video!

  40. Hey Hey Hey.....
    Just got back from a night out with wifey....dinner and a movie.

    I was only in Columbus once and it wasn't a day when JD was in town..which i could easily verify via one of the many website i own ( So that wasn't me selling tshirts but I do know THAT guy. We are selling some still...a few Columbus ones left..a few "Team Dillinger" ones...and a few Oshkosh PE ones. I'll figure something out as far as a link goes and send it to Rod..seeing as he is our leader and moral compass.

    I can honestly say that I don't remember meeting your son Osh..(sucks for me)...tho if it involved a camera..and skateboards/skateshops...i usually have some sort of involvement. As for us being a drug shop..i think you might have us confused with our neighbors two doors We're wholesome man...super wholesome in fact!!! Does Evan skateboard? If not ...he should! :)

  41. I don't know about no T Shirts!

    Only that one photo.

    Osh - I would contact Amazon and get your $$ back OR I WILL BRING THEM DOWN!

    If anybody wants that photo it's $11 ($1 shipping/handling and additional overcharge). I suppose you can just click that donate button and in return you will get a free 8x12 photo.

    In the paypal comments just say it's for the 8x12.

  42. I got a pink t-shirt from the Guest Room today!

  43. Actually it's called "My Guest Room", The owner Katherine Huber? knew me from the blog it was funny.

  44. Any ideas on where base camp will be in Chicago?

  45. UPDATE...supposedly it is closed captioned, it just doesn't have the options on the menu and doesn't work in my DVD player.

    Evan is working on this for me.

    JP...Evan is graceful like his mother, which means he needs a helmet and shin guards just to walk, so skate boarding is out of the question...ask your HOH dudes if the remember taking his picture.

    talk to y'all later~!

  46. Thanks for the bday wishes everyone!!!!!!!

    Rod- Thanks for letting us know where we can get that photo. As soon as I figure out paypal...or something...I will get one asap!

    Jenny- You are quite welcome. By the way....that elephant is amazing!


  47. Let's see. All work and no play makes me bitchy and forgetful, but I'll try....

    Happy (belated) Birthday, Vicky!

    WAY TO GO! Tanya. Tooooo cool!

    Osh-that sucks that you ended up with 'unclosed' caption dvds. Take me to the island with you next time!

    Picture stuff is cooool....

    Mary Poser rocks! Long live the bordello!

    Shakenb, I feel your pain. It was only November when I, too, was sans computer.

    Peg-how cool that you got to work a trip in and get paid for it! ;)

    Maegan, breathe in, breathe out. If a picture is out there, it will surface.

    Kathy, you are a saint and a savior. THANK YOU for helping today! I am so sorry it was such a fiasco. I promise to laugh about it tomorrow. ;)

    Gotta go to bed, kids. Due back to the grindstone in 10 hours.


    Blog on!

  48. Any dates and locations for Chicago yet?

  49. Hey all,
    one last post here...
    I posted 6 videos from May 13th (actually early a.m. on the 14th) on DeppHugs in photobucket. As many of us do, we continue to go down the line and continue to take pics. I just kept videotaping...

    So if any of you were down at the end of the line, across from Jenny's house, I may have you in the video as well...
    The last one is Johnny waving goodbye...(rushing off to Nassau, LaCrosse, or wherever!)

    Hope this helps add to someone else's memories!!!
    Maegan, I hope you're for the degree, I'm graduating today with a Master's in Education for Instructional Technology..incorporating more tech into teaching...Can't's been a long haul.

    Gotta go..Have a great day, all!!

  50. Peg's first video has our group! Thanks, Peg!

    (Toldja to breathe, Maegan)! :)

  51. Hey all - still missin you like crazy! Thanks for remembering me in my pain = )

    On my aunties computer to upload some kitty pics but couldn't resist chekcing comments!

    Vicky thanks, I'm jotting down your address I will write for advice!! Giving all the babies the eye meds nwo cuz of course they are passing it around.

    Thanks Osh - let me know what JD says! he he

    Peg! thanks for revealing yourself and for being so kind. Oh and CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation!! woo hoo! I can't wait o see the video whenever I am finally able to log onto photobucket!

    Sorry Robbi - didn't know it would happen till the last moment, I wasn't driving = (

    If I missed anyone please forgive me!!!!

  52. thank you SO much peg for the videos of johnny that night [early morning] in the first video i'm in it and i get a hug from johnny! thank you so much once again! if anyone has any more videos or pictures to see please e-mail me the links at

    -p.s. congrats tanya, i was standing behind you the entire time!


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