Monday, May 12, 2008

An Unplanned Sick Day

Well ladies and germs I am not at work but actually at home with a head the size of a beach ball (not ego this time) and a sore throat.

I woke up Friday with that little "hmmmm, my throat feels weird" feeling and all weekend it was nagging me. Then this morning 2:00 it decided to make it self known that it was not waiting any longer.

So once I get this out of the way I'm back to the couch.

Having a head the size of a beach ball is obstructing normal brain waves so I'm just going to post some photos from Lost Lake Greenhouse where dj and I went visited yesterday. One of the best places for flowers I have ever seen.

I discovered these people last year when we were looking for hanging baskets at the farmers market in Madison. Week in and week out they had the best.

After buying a bunch of stuff we drove around for three hours yelling MARY MARY and honking our horn hoping she would come out of her house but then we realized she was at the Brewer game. OOPS!

Mary - is that your little house with all the wood piled up? :-)

So here are some Lost Lake photos and then back to bed.

Hopefully the comment section will keep people updated on PE happenings!

OK - back to the couch!



  1. Anybody know the Chicago filming schedule? Dates and locations?

  2. On set today:

    Johnny Depp, Stephen Dorff, David Wenham, Jason Clarke, Christian Stolte (these are just the ones I've seen. Supposedly Marion will be on set for a make-up test, but that's all.

    Johnny Depp left for the Poser Mansion about 10 minutes ago. They will be filming there today.

    Tomorrow morning's shoot will be in Beaver Dam then a night shoot on James St. in Columbus.

    That's all I have for now.

  3. Night shoot? Not an afternoon shoot? Is this from a reliable source?

  4. awww I'm sorry you're sick today! :(
    thanks jenny for the update!
    Ya'll still planning on tomorrow at that pharmacy? What time? And what is the address of the pharm?

  5. Ohhhh nooooo. Rod got the same thing Suz has. :( It's reeeally going around. Who knew? So sorry, Rod.

    Thanks for the update, Jenny! Johnny's up the street from me. Wow. :)

    Get better, Rod. If you do have what I have, prepare for awhile of icky.

  6. So we won't be seeing Rod around town at all today?

    At least all the action is at Jenny's doorstep :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks Jenny for the update :)

    I just talked to a friend that is in Columbus today and she just saw Johnny leaving for the Poser House too!

    Best of luck to everyone in Columbus today on seeing Johnny! Wished I was there!

  9. Oooooo.....I feel an illness coming on too. I think I need to leave work and head down to Beaver Dam so my mommy can take care of me. I could always miss my turn and end up in Columbus. : )

    I was sick yesterday and still had quite a headache this morning before I took some ibuprophen. I'm not sure if I was struck by a bug or it was just the cabbage I ate at lunch talking back to me since I just had the flu 2 weeks ago. : )

    Knowing all those people are there and I'm here is making me ill too. :(

  10. To those giving us the play by play of today's events, please give us (out of state visitors) a weather update once in awhile.

    This is kind of funny. It's like the old days of radio (long before my time) when baseball announcers were sometimes not at the stadium. They got play by play accounts of the action by wire and then used their imagination to "create the scene" that they announced the game as though they were actually seeing it in person.

  11. Weather is gorgeous today garyandyvonne. 60's

  12. rachel, thanks for the weather update. And to all you reporters in the streets, thanks for your updates - it is going to be an interesting two days!!

  13. Aww, sorry to hear you are sick, Rod. Feel better in time for tomorrow! I haven't been downtown yet today, but I went last night and posted some photos to my Flickr. and click on Public Enemies set.

  14. I wasn't watching the blog this weekend, so I didn't see until now that my little red bud princess is world-famous! Don't you think she should be the one to present Johnny and Michael Mann with a key to the city (or at least a red bud tree)? And of course, her mother would have to present as well...

  15. OH beauty, Rod - thanks for the flower shots, I feel filled up now!
    sorry you're illin'...

    Jenny - It's making me CRAZY!!!! woo hooo...

  16. Get Well Soon!!!

    Those Flowers are gorgeous!!!!
    Must make a stop at Lost Lake green house..I need more flowers...

    The weather is perfect today 60's and sunshine!
    Looking forward to tomorrow...
    Excitement is upon us.

  17. No afternoon shoot tomorrow? Only a night shoot?

  18. Hope you're feeling better soon, Rod. You all sound like you're passing this thing around, prob. while taking the Kurth cure. Do we have to wear face masks in Cbus on Tuesday, so keep from catching IT?

  19. base camp is looking pretty dull... I shall give any updates as soon as they happen. Jenny was that a list of people you saw today?!


  20. Chelsea - Yeah those are the people I've seen today so far. John Michael Bolger is also on set now. He remembered me from last time and came over and gave me a hug. It is kind of a funny story. I'll have to post later. The night shoot tomorrow came from a reliable source on set.

  21. Also from a reliable source heard that they will probably be here(Columbus) tommorrow mid to late afternoon but the majority of shooting will be around dark and could run to the wee hours of the morning.

  22. How do you get such good info!
    jeez you are like part of the crew. :)


  23. Thanks! I am flying in from Connecticut for this, and the time line is so important to determine my return flight.

  24. Why am I not at Jenny's house right now?

    Oh, that's right. I'm not a stalker. Silly me.

  25. Is that a dig?
    - Connecticut Girl

  26. Oh, gosh; a night shoot will really mess with my head!! I have to be up at 4 A.M. on Wednesday!!
    Guess I could just stay up?!!!!! I was really hoping to get to "meet"
    Johnny after this last day of filming in Columbus. Thinking he'd do a meet & greet or autograph signing at the end of the day (which will now be early morning)!!
    Rod; hope you aren't down with whatever it is that's going around for too long!! What a terrible time to get sick!

  27. Well being that it's going to be a night shoot takes away any ideas I had about coming down tomorrow. I can't afford (vacation wise) to take 2 days off of work.

  28. no, I had made a joke earlier about bringing my tent to jenny's house.

  29. Where is Poser House?

    What street is it on?


  30. Charles Street. Or just find the house with mobs of people around it :)

  31. Thanks for the clarification, Osh.
    I am afraid everyone will think I'm nutty for traveling so far! You all seem to have such a close knit community here. It's fun to be a part of the blog! Hey, Rod, it's Tanya. I'm baaack!
    - Connecticut girl

  32. Iis base camp in that same spot as last time? That parking lot?

    Thanks Jenny for all your great info!

  33. I am super excited! my husband took the day off tomorrow to come with me! :) cant wait!!

  34. are we still meeting at the pharm with our rod on a stick thingys?!? :)

  35. hey all hubby saw lights and movie equiptment being set up and taken in the the rogers today..I also had the afternoon off and am going downtown today to get some pics b4 the action starts--
    Rod feel better if it what I had you will need some good cough syrup for bed later(robitussin) peppermint tea helps too
    push fluids -GET WELL!!
    see you all tommorrow..I will try to post pictures also

  36. Oh yeah, Rod, feel better soon! Sorry I forgot to add that first!

    Conn Anon, my mother thinks I am crazy driving from Oshkosh to Columbus with the gas prices the way they are...I'm not going to judge. LOL.

  37. Osh, imagine what my husband thinks about my travels! Hee hee. He is actually a sweetheart to support my Johnny mayhem. I hope I get to meet him! I will sit out to the wee hours as need be.

    Rod, I am a doctor. I prefer Delsym to Robitussin any day. It tastes better and works longer. I also agree with the hot fluids. Good advice, Laura.

    - Conn Anon

  38. Good luck to all of us making the trek!


    - Conn Anon

  40. yes! everyone drive safely tomorrow!
    ok, one last question..and then ive gotta go, what is the name of the pharmacy that we are supposed to meet at?

  41. nevermind, sharrow pharmacy..i remember..

  42. Love (!!) the last pic, the white flower. It looks great when set as background. hehe

    Looking forward to pics and tales!

  43. Conn Anon said "You all seem to have such a close knit community here"

    No no - community? yes but close knit I would have top argue with.

    Actually I finding this entire thing that is happening pretty amazing.

    For instance - two people in a far off city have been reading the blog and commenting back and forth. Then they find out they live three blocks from each other.

    This phenomenon that Michael Mann has created is so much more then a movie when it comes to human relationships.
    BTW - I'm feeling better but am just so tired.

  44. And I'm surprised jenny has not told her new John Michael Bolger story that happened today.

    I love that guy - maybe she can write up something for tomorrow.

  45. Me and the girlfriend are coming down tomarrow. Making a day of it just cause she is moving soon so want to spend as much time as I can with her. Anymore info is helpful...bout a 2 hours drive for us...but we have to go to madison anyway!

  46. The excitement keeps on building !!!!
    Travel safe tomorrow and hopes to bump into everyone...
    The story from Jenny must be good!
    Rod, Feel better!

  47. I agree Rod, this is so much more than a movie...

  48. How long are they filming tonight? till dark?

  49. Hey anybody...

    does anyone know if they are planning any meet and greets with JD. I was planing on going from SP but am not sure. And what is the for sure filmimg schedule?? If anybody knows any of that i would appericate it!!

    On a side note! All of you bloggers are sooo awesome!! First off Shakenbsis you are soo awesome. Jenny, you know.. ALOT!!! also michelle nice pics!! I can't wait to see PE the movie just knowing that i know where they were filming!!! That is sooo awesome LOL!!!

    P.S. Rod get better A.S.A.P!! We need you!! How will we live without the blog????

    Thanks again,


  50. Hey anybody...

    does anyone know if they are planning any meet and greets with JD. I was planing on going from SP but am not sure. And what is the for sure filmimg schedule?? If anybody knows any of that i would appericate it!!

    On a side note! All of you bloggers are sooo awesome!! First off Shakenbsis you are soo awesome. Jenny, you know.. ALOT!!! also michelle nice pics!! I can't wait to see PE the movie just knowing that i know where they were filming!!! That is sooo awesome LOL!!!

    P.S. Rod get better A.S.A.P!! We need you!! How will we live without the blog????

    Thanks again,


  51. Char, I hope you got my email now. The last 2 times I sent it, it kicked it back. Check your junk mail also.

    Rod I hope you feel better tomorrow. Being sick is no fun at all.

  52. I got the funniest telephone message when I got home. It was my "movie star" whispering "Hi it's me. Don't call. Please don't call. I will call you." Apparently he is "on-set". (When he called me from night shoots he whispered to me, too.) He must be right in the thick of the action. Today he is Stephen Dorff's stand-in. The only time I spoke to him today was at 3:30 when he was just about to go into the Poser house. I am dying to hear what's happening in there. Don't worry I won't call him! I am bringing my kids tomorrow to Columbus, after school. Who know's maybe I will see one of you with your "Rod on a stick". Where could I get one of those? Hee Hee

  53. Hi guys back from the poser house..I met shakenbsis, suz and a few other of the bloggers here sooo nice to put names with faces. and to the woman who hepled me with my lens THANK YOU!!
    we missed Johnny by a few seconds saw him get into one of the cars and drove off. But we did see Jerry he told us (in his beautiful accent)
    If we were good he's have Johnny stop and say Hi-- Well 2 small children were gettin' antsy and we sadly had to leave.(they come first)
    Hope the rest of you had better luck! I have a feeling I am not destined to see johnny...lots of misses here
    I will see some of you tomorrow I will try to get some pics posted.
    Again it was a pleasure to meet you guys!!!

  54. For Cranky and the other anonymous one who are under the impression that I'm a stalker:
    I merely reported what I saw because it was my job to be where I was at the time when I saw it. Honestly, it isn't even that interesting to me. I just posted here because I know a lot of fans of the film and of Johnny's read this blog and the comments. And no, I'm not paparazzi either. Since the harmless information I have shared has been met with egotistical, half-witted criticism, I will no longer share any information that some might find interesting.

    -Your anonymous inside source

  55. HI all!

    Is anyone planning on being around tomorrow night? Would love to meet you guys! It's been so much fun reading all the posts. I'm sad that I dont have a "rod on a stick". I am planning on coming up tomorrow night about 8 ish. (if stuff is still going on)


  56. (Whoah - what's that all about?)
    I've been reading this blog since March and will now bite the bullet and jump in.
    Thanks for the update this evening - I was just going to drive to Columbus from Madison. You saved me a lot of gas. Tomorrow it is, then.
    Laura, perhaps your luck will change!

    And you know, Anon, life's too short to put anger out there.

  57. Rod, sorry you are sick hope you are better soon.

    Shakenbsis-thanks I just printed our my copy of Rod Bobblehead!! Now I have to find a stick. hehe

    I have to work tomorrow, but hope to make the trek there from Sun Prairie @ about 2pm. Hoping to catch some afternoon filming, can't make the night shoot either since I have to work on Wednesday.

    "supposed" to rain Tues nite so maybe we will get lucky for a dusk shoot??? oh well, I have had my Johnny sighting purely almost by accident the first time so I am happy. Now more interested in seeing the filming of a shootout, but maybe we will be far far away from the action.....sorry I am getting excited too.....

  58. Anon inside source:
    There are some of the readers of this blog that DO appreciate your posts.... PLEASE dont let the thoughts of some speak for the rest of us.
    Just ignore the comments that dont address people kindly.... I agree with Koobadog... life is too short to be angry .....
    Smile... it makes people wonder what you have been up to!

  59. anon @7:28 aka inside source

    don't be offended...nothing posted here now that should be taken offense at.....

    we give and take here and share what we know-there's alot of joking but nobody here is mean or puts people down intentionally

  60. Rod... wishing you a speedy recovery!!!!!

    Thanks EVERYONE for the updates!!! Those of us who live WAAAAY too far from the excitement appreciate ALL the information/pics etc that shared here!!!!!!

    *smiles* Hoping that no one knows what I have been up to! =0P
    ~Minxie in Cali~

  61. Does anyone have any more info about the timeframe in Columbus. Is the shot out on James street supposed to be at night? I'm planning to come from Wausau but wonder if i should wait until afternoon and plan to make it an "all nighter" to get a chance to see JD. Any suggestions?? Thanks!


  62. The "gang" is down at base camp while I revive myself here a minute. Johnny came back, then left so I said I was taking a break. Going back shortly, hoping for a meet and greet moment.

    It was a fun day!! They let us up close to the Poser mansion and we got to see some action. Other stuff was inside the house, but shakenbsis was busy riling Jerry and the crowd with her 'big knife.' Tsk. Tsk.

    Also, Jenny and shakenbsis can tell you about their fun and heartwarming time with Mr. Bolger. :)

    Really a lovely day!

    Sick, but not deterred...


    PS-Rod got an AWESOME shot of JD. He da man!! (I *think* you'll all see it tomorrow)! ;)

  63. fanfromwi......I just sent you an e mail. Hope it gets thru to you.


  64. Can someone help me with directions in Columbus. I'm driving from Madison and have no idea where anything is in Columbus. What street is the filming expected to be on? Is there a good place to park? Thanks for the help!

  65. here we go guys I'll try to post these pics

  66. Char, I got it and sent another back to you. Hope you get it soon lol.

  67. Suz.... thanks for the update! Keep em coming!!!! :)

    Laura... thanks for the pics!!!!!

  68. I just knew...:( it what time did johnny come out suz?
    oh well there is tomorrow and I have hubby convinced to come and watch for a while :)

  69. Can't wait to see Rod's picture! And I'm hoping Michelle is shooting away, too. I am not a patient person, so please do spill the story about Mr. Bolger!

    I met a person from this blog, too. Suz happens to live right next to me! This is indeed, more than a movie.

    Drive safely everyone!

  70. I will be wearing a green rain coat and a big camera bag on my back if anyone sees me just say hi! I would like to meet some of ya! Is the capri open still during all this?

  71. ty- I think Capri will be open,(they are closed one day a week -?Monday? and do have a linch menu. Otherwise my grandma and aunt just ate at the "bakery" place downtown across from Sharrow drug on James St. She said the food was good and reasonably priced- if that's what you're lookin' for.

  72. fanfromwi....I'm sorry but I haven't gotten your e mail yet. Not sure waht is going on...I have no idea what is going on that I am having so much trouble getting my emails these last couple of days. There hasn't been much for info on the blog cause i think everyone is away from their computer & out watching the action in Columbus!! I think I will probably work in the morning & leave to go down to Columbus about 12:30 or 1. I guess I am going to wait & see if we can hear more of some updates from everyone down there. I am really frustrated!!! Ykkks!!!


  73. lunch not linch- yikes off to bed for me -lol see you all tommorrow

  74. Just got back from Poser's, I was there from 5:30 to 9:00. Saw Michael Mann up close. John Michael Bolger (I think) was signing autographs, but not really much of a glimpse of Johnny. Not sure if its worth going down to Water St. later this evening for a possible meet and greet or not, its hard to tell if they'll be done at 10pm or 2am, and I doubt Johnny would be in the mood for that by then, haha.

  75. Char,

    if you want to do you want to send me an email and at least give me your phone number so I would be able to call you seeing that you can't recieve mine right away. Then maybe we can touch base better. I was thinking of going into work early tomorrow so I could get done early.

  76. Glad some of you got to go tonight...

    Suz: Thanks for the update...

    Laura: Great Photo's for the day..

    Hope to see some of you tomorrow..

  77. Well, my illness is your gain. I'm back from the waiting again. Newsflash!!! Marion Cotillard and Johnny went up to the Poser mansion with no other major actors left in the area! Ooooh-la-la!

    It could be a long night, and I'm just not well enough to hang out in 45 degree weather with the brisk wind.

    Things are confusing for tomorrow. They are shooting in Beaver Dam first, but someone 'in the know' says it will run later in the day. :( That sounds like the James Street stuff will be late or overnighter type stuff.

    The one thing you can count on is that you can't count on anything!

    I'll keep you updated as I know. The only thing you can see at the Poser house now is that there are lights on in the house and there's a few vehicles around outside. Darn!

  78. Suz:
    Cute Ooooh la-la , Filming could be long..
    and like you said, you can't count on anything when it comes to film...

    You just take care of yourself so you get better....That way you can hang out tomorrow in 70' weather...
    let's hope the rain stays away.

  79. Beaver Dam is definately in the PM tomorrow. Closed set. Grrr.

    I'll give the Brewery crew (aka the "Rod Squad") a debriefing when I'm through.

    -Left-Hand Louie

    (my first ever blog post, please be gentle)

  80. Suz.... YOU ROCK!!!! Thanks for the updates and braving it all even not feeling well!!! WE APPRECIATE YOU!!!!!
    Sounds like it will be a long couple of days for the crew and the actors.... late night tonight and then morning in one location... afternoon-night in another...... GEEZ!!!!!
    Everyone get some rest!!!!

  81. Too Insider Anonymous - I think you might have misinterpreted a little humor or something from Cranky.

    But do what you feel you have to do.

    I'm having a hard time believing you think this board is full of hard people LOL.

  82. My feet hurt!!!!! Owwww, but I am so glad my mom and my friend Melissa finally got to meet Johnny :) G'nite, I'm pooped!

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Had a great time at the Base Camp festivities last night, it just never gets old meeting Johnny and hanging out with friends. I got a ton of pictues, but this Mama is off to bed!

  85. Hi All,

    WOW! Tons of great comments... I read through them sooo quickly. I've been here in Columbus all day, and what a day it has been!

    I did get to spend some time talking with John Michael Bolger (what a peach!) he truly is a very nice person. I think though that my in was Jenny or I might not have had a chance! HA

    JMB loves Jenny! = )

    He did pull my machette out of it's sheath, pick his teeth with it and test the blade with his thumb. After he gave it back to me and said, "It probably wasn't such a good idea to put my DNA all over your knife now was it?" Heeee HEEEEE!!! He did sign an autopraph for me. It said, "Betty, I didn't do it! John Michael Bolger" Guy has a great sense of humor and a big heart.

    That alone would have made the day jsut super but we did get a few encounters with the wonderfully gracious Mr. Depp. I did get one lucky shot of him driving by (it looked just like he was blowing me a kiss!) and those who waited around till midnight were rewarded with a very nice though CHILLY meet and greet with Johnny.

    It's a bit of a blur as we are just in and still freezing. This much I do remember, I extended my hand to shake his and he hugged me instead, I'm not sure if I said anything to him at all. His leather jacket was soooo soft, like my pillow...

    OK, fangirl coming out, "HE HUGGED ME!"

    I'll post pics later when I get back to my own computer, now we're going to have HOT soup!!!

    nite all...*sigh*

  86. Hey kids!! Aweseome night. It was great to meet Shakenb and her big stick. John Michael Bolger is amazing!!!!

    Jenny, I did give you the address right? Also, we have video of his talk with us coming too. Let me know if your interested :)

    Nite nite... 4:30am wake up call is going to come super early.

  87. Shaken-

    JD made the comment by the "Bopp gang" that tonight was going to be a hug night. I noticed after that he hugged almost everyone down the line :)

    Nice to meet you today for a brieft moment and you cracked me up that you knew my "shades" :)

  88. Thanks Michelle, Shakenbsis, and everyone for the updates..... soooo looking forward to the pics/videos and stories.....
    Glad you all had a great night and got to meet JD and JMB..... what a thrill!!!!
    Sweetest dreams all!

  89. Here's my BEST picture ever! :) I could say a ton about the amazing night meeting Johnny, but let this picture tell you how I'm feeling. (How 'bout that pic, Mary???)

  90. Congrats everyone who got to see Johnny tonight. I was planning on going tomorrow, now I wished I would have gone tonight and gotten a hug!! Hope to see some of you tomorrow! I have been following the blog since March and will probably recognize many of you.

  91. Suz! WOW!!!!! Great pic!!!!
    Thanks for sharing that one!!!!

  92. Thanks to everyone who has reported on the day's events. I am happy for those of you who got to meet JD.

    To "your anonymous inside source", thank you for your post.I thought it was interesting that movie stars flit around the country for a day. Since it was after the event, I don't see it as harmful. I hope you don't stop posting, although if I had similiar responses to a post, I would consider not posting again.

    Rod, I hope you get well soon.


  93. Wow!!!!
    How nice to wake up and read all the great stuff that went on last night...
    So glad you all got to see JD and some get Hug's! Now I wished I would have come out last night...

    Suz: Awesome picture!!!

    Shakenbsis: Bet that hug made you all warm on a chilly night, how super!!
    Are there any certain times you all are going today? like a meeting area?

  94. Whoa...hugs for all? How many people were there? Small crowd I'm assuming.

    It's been asked a million times already but...Tuesday after 4pm, where would a person go to hopefully see some filming? Any info appreciated!

  95. Lefty, thanks for the update. I now will not bother going to the hotel until late morning/early afternoon.
    Suz, GREAT picture!!
    I was thinking Johnny would do another autograph signing or meet & greet in Columbus and was thinking of staying as late as necessary tonight. Now I'm disappointed I didn't drive to Columbus after work yesterday!! I probably missed the only chance I'll have to get THAT close to him! Oh, well; hope to see many of you this afternoon/tonight!

  96. I'm new to this...but I've so enjoyed reading about everything going on. Thanks so much Rod for letting people like me feel a part of the action. You're awesome! I'm hoping to venture down today...about 2 hours from GBay... with the hope of catching some filming and with the ultimate hope of having a meet and greet like you did "shakenbsis". Oh, how cool is that! Is there a consensus as to a good time to see some action?

  97. Rod, I hope you're feeling better!

    Congrats to everyone who hung out and got to see some fun filming activity at the Poser house and got pictures and a hug from Johnny last night!!! What a sweetheart he is [and I can add that shakenbsis is right, that jacket is soft like butter!:)] Thanks for sharing any and all info for those of us living vicariously right now. This whole PE experience has been great fun. Looking forward to reading what happens today.

  98. Hi,

    Any updates for May 13 (today)? I was told by my friend that the bodyguard (JD's??) said, "Be here at 7AM." (We were standing near JoDee O's/Base Camp in Columbus.) We woke up and walked to where Base Camp was set up, but a lot of the trailers are gone and no one was there. :/ There are a few trailers closed up in the corner of the lot, but that's it. I was wondering if the bodyguard meant 7AM in Beaver Dam. If anyone knows anything, I'd appreciate hearing the info. Thanks!! ^_^

  99. Glad your feeling better, Rod. I think I'm getting that nasty bug too. My head feels like a 16 lbs. bowling ball on my shoulders and I can't quit coughing! (sigh)

    A big 'way to go' to everyone who got to meet the stars and each other. I couldn't wait to get to work today to read all the updates. Now I'm trying to patiently wait for pics and stories....tap ,tap, tap....Wish I could have been there. If I had my car repaired (something in the front end it making noise) I would have driven the 7 hours to be able to meet some of you and see JD again. It truly is more than a movie!!
    Ok, off to get some work done so I can have time to thoroughly enjoy todays blog post later.

  100. Last night was incredible! I got some great shots at the poser house as well as at the meet and greet! He even signed my picture! He is so sweet! I'm working on getting the pictures posted and will put in a link when I do!

    Did anyone get a good shot of Johnny and Jerry walking out to the line? Mine is blurry! Distance, low light, crowded area...:( but my close ups are decent!

  101. Congrats to all that waited the wait last night. I am kicking myself for not coming down. I knew I should. I guess I will be down later today this afternoon and wil lroam the streets until claimed. LOL

  102. Woo hoo!
    Sounds like everyone had an awesome time!!!!

  103. Osh; I'm kicking myself for not going to Columbus after work yesterday too!!! Who knew?!!!! Hope to see you in Columbus today; I've got my red rose!

  104. Hi,

    Where is Base Camp in Beaver Dam??


  105. Did anyone take pics of marion!?!

  106. Basecamp in Beaver Dam was SUPPOSED to be either in the Family Video parking lot or the parking lot behind the middle school (which is third street). But no white trucks were around
    either yet last night!!

  107. Congrats to everyone who got to meet JD and JMB, how exciting! I so wish I could have been there. DH is working overnights this week so there's just no way I can swing it since noone would be home with the kids. RATS!

    Slightly off topic, but I heard on the radio this morning that Steven Spielburg is planning on making a movie on the life of Abraham Lincoln and Johnny Depp wants the role of John Wilkes Booth. He'd be great in that role!

  108. beaver dam -- what time ?
    thanks laura
    Hey guys SO glad you got to meet Johnny last night !!

  109. Where are they filming in Beaver Dam?

  110. Hi Laura! Nice meeting you yesterday = )

    Tami - that sounds like something I'd love to see. = )

  111. Hi Robbi - just saw your post = )

    I haven't really heard what times folks are gathering here today (been a little detached from the blog, not being at home and all) but if you know when you're getting to town, I'd love to meet you.

    I'm thinking to have a walk around town today and maybe look at some 'real estate', see if anything beckons strongly... = )


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