Friday, June 27, 2008

The End is Nigh


In your honor I submit this - John is the guy sitting down for the uninformed.

John - you have an open invitation to come to The Kurth (well, only Wednesdays and Fridays). We will hoist a beer to you and sing songs of your village.
say it ain't so - what started is ending? We will always have memories of the Spring of 2008. Friendships made, the beginnings of the rejuvenation of Columbus, whether the business owners want it or not (don't get me started . . . . I have a "Letter to the Editor" just itching to get published). OH . . . I HAVE THOUGHTS!!

It was a great way to get out of the ROTTEN Winter of '07/08.
This was in the Beaver Dam Newspaper Tuesday. I hope there is a bigger piece in the Columbus Journal tomorrow!

What I'm real curious about is how many of YOU guys will stick around. I'm still surprised I have 1000 unique readers a day. WHAT UP!! I was looking at where people are coming from, 81% are from the U.S but a few people from Swindon England (birthplace of the original band XTC), Santiago Chili, Taipei Taiwan, São Paulo Brazil, Tehran Iran . . . (well - I can thank Mary for that one, in a comment on March 31st she was talking about the "Say It With Me" dude and shortened it to SIWM - some guy from Tehran Googled "siwm women film" - this blog is #1 for siwm women film on Google.

BUT - I Digress.

Marcella will have (I think) the last big blurb from Standing The Line in ILL.

WELL - I guess this is actually about Tuesday and NOT from Marcella . . . and probably a different movie.

Good afternoon:

I've posted this statement before, but here again, Johnny and I just weren't meant to meet:(

Drove to Chicago Tuesday (from Madison), heading to Jefferson Park. Had never been to that neighborhood, but was easy to find. Sign for base camp was right on the main drag, along with a sign for the PE Shuttle. No one was around base camp, so drove around for awhile until I found Gale St., which is where the post on Hollywoodchicago pointed me.

Strange shoot, as Gale St. was an extremely busy short street - bus route. No barricades, either. VERY noisy, what with constant traffic and jets directly overhead. Spoke with a resident who said this building being used for shoot had been the old police station, and had a jail that hadn't been used for years. Truck with huge pipes pumping air conditioning inside. No other PE "fans" hanging around, that I noted. Lots of locals, asking ME what was going on! Told 'em what I knew.

Spent most of my time jawing with a couple of crew members from Chicago, who handed out a bit of info. This was to be an interior shoot with Marion. Ladies prison (or jail). Mann was there, but didn't see either the actress or director. Quite a few female extras, which I assume were other inmates.

The crew members weren't exactly enamored with Mann. In fact, were a bit brutal! Won't state exactly what was said, but let's just say it has to do with his perfectionist nature. One of the guys was with a special effects crew and felt that Mann took too many chances with the gun shots. Like, blasts going off too close to actors!

(I can attest to that from Oshkosh)

Also mentioned the night shoot downtown was a closed set. Johnny and Marion in the bathroom. Hmmmmm. Said they didn't know where the shoot was (they're actually with the 2nd unit, but since Mann was directing they'd taken base camp to Jefferson Park). I'd read a post earlier in the day that it would be around Lincoln and Wells.

Found Lincoln and Wells FINALLY around 8:00 pm. 3 Universal trucks were unloading furniture. No one else around, so I decided to head out. Being night blind, the drive back home would be a challenge.

Wish I'd known that some of you guys were there and I'd have stayed. I'd even brought my Jack Sparrow doll along for Mr. Depp to sign. Ah well.

Jack Sparrow is a nice addition to my doll collection. Don't go for out of the ordinary dolls, and he isn't! If you want to see photos, email me @ There are also Elizabeth Swann and Will Turner dolls, and the details are amazing. Were created by Robert Tonner, a well known fashion doll sculptor in the doll world. Demi Moore is a big fan of his.

Will keep checking in on this Friday shoot deal. Only way I'm driving anywhere else is if they show up in Columbus.

Thanks Marcella
Today's weather could get dicey - I'm looking at a total rain event of up to 4 inches in the next 24 hours! Could be hail and high winds tonight just before sundown. I have to assume at some point we will be in a tornado watch. Oddly we could use some rain with only 0.08 inches falling in the last 2 weeks. Remember a garden needs an inch of water every week and most new trees need 15 gallons of water every week.

Speaking of trees - did you know that studies have shown that patients with views of trees out their windows heal faster and with less complications and that children with ADHD show fewer symptoms. Exposure to trees and nature aids concentration by reducing mental fatigue.

Also studies show that the more trees and landscaping a business district has, the more business will flow in. A tree-lined street will also slow traffic – enough to allow the drivers to look at the store fronts instead of whizzing by . . . . IF THEY ARE OPEN!!!!

I have heard that Columbus is going to plant a lot of Ginkos and Linden trees in the near future.

I contacted the City of Madison about what kind of tree they were planing on East Wash. A few days later I received the entire plans all the way down to perennials!! I love their choices.
Dogs see beauty - there was some study about dogs and scenic views (in Scientific America in think) and somehow they determined that a dog does appreciate his view.
OH - I went to the DR yesterday and all is well. You guys must think I'm falling apart . . . . and I was starting to think that also. But all is well.

HOWEVER - I almost had to bust one nurse that was scheduling a follow up appointment in the chops. She was treating me like her pet dog. I though at one point she was going to start scratching behind my ears.

She has this sing songy kind of voice. "Hi Rodney, I hear you had a little tummy ache" F U. "OH, Mr. Computer is being very slow today, good thing we have Handy Dandy Papers to fill out!" MY GOD WOMAN!!!!

And it went on and on, I felt a hair ball starting to pile up with gag reflex. AND, she did not give me a sucker OR treat of any kind!!! I wanted to take my blood pressure again, it was 98 over 75 when I went in, probably in the 150s leaving.
No blog tomorrow - I golf early


  1. Graham - No white trucks in Columbus that I saw... I think it's a wrap! But I guess ya never know.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jenny - no - but thanks for reminding me to turn it on LOL

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like the painting crew photo.

    By the way it looks like you guys did a great job getting the station fixed up!!

  6. The photo doesn't say this but home expressions donated the paint for the wall and Kris and Left Hand Louie donated the paint for the trim. The paint the Caldwell lunmber donated was for the ceiling. Kris should get the most credit because she chose the colors! :)

  7. Hey Rod... what you posted on the blog was what Jane wrote yesterday (about tuesday's filming I think. Just thought I'd let you know ;)

  8. Rod is confused today. They must have cutoff too much hair...

  9. I agree, beauty may be almost esential to living... ;)

    I'll try to get a little video up today.

  10. Happy Birthday to JMB!!!!! WOOT!

    No blog tomorrow? Note to self: Sleep in, nothing to read in the am. ;)

  11. Talking about last night m&g about half way down.

  12. I hope JMB got our birthday card from the bloggers :)

  13. Happy birthday JMB!
    I wonder if he's done filming... I havn't seen him around at all.

  14. Did I hear that we know who HNT is now?

  15. I heard something about HNT but could not track it down!

  16. We NEED to know! =)

  17. Not sure whether that's up for public consumption yet... Need further confirmation I think before exposure... hmmm = )

  18. Happy Birthday JMB!

  19. Ok.. so if you told me you'd have to kill me? =) I probably don't even know this person anyway. Interested to know who it is though.

  20. Happy Birthday to you...
    Happy Birthday to you...

    Happy BIRTHDAY John Michael Bolger.....who is awesome in everyway...and has a cool Brooklyn accent.....

    Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!!!


  21. I'm UP!!! LOL

    Well I had great fun in St anne Ill. yesterday!

    Nice to see you again Becky and Mecella. Yes we'd have to kill you if we told you JK LOL

    Thanks Osh for driving, and betty for finding my shoes!

    Was great fun! Hope MSW had a great time meeting JD last night!

    I will put up a blog tomorrow I think. I am way too tired!



  22. any sources telling them a shoot today???? :)

  23. Anyone know if and where they are filming today.

  24. Shelly.. did you get my pics and emails??? I hope Elizabeth didn't give me the wrong email.

  25. Rachel judge,
    I did get the pics thanks!

  26. Excellent! I never knew because I didn't hear back... I once sent a bunch of pics of me as a kid to the wrong email address and they wrote back saying how much they enjoyed them, but wrong person. Weird :)

    Anyway, glad you got them.

  27. If columbus gets ginko trees try to research which ones grow the berries. There is a 100 year old Ginko tree in Oak Park, IL by Frank Lloyd Wrights first house and it stinks in the summer. I believe the female tree is the one that grows the berries but I am not sure. You might want to check that if you are trying to get people to come to columbus because it really stinks and they said if you step on the berries that fall from the tree it is similiar to getting sprayed by a skunk you have a hard time washing it off.

  28. Ginko trees are great! We have one in our backyard, but yes, definitely stay away from the female ones.

  29. ok.... im lost....we know who HNT is now?!

  30. Johnny must be done filming in Chicago. His plane is on its way from California to Chicago to pick him up.

  31. =[ Why wouldn't he stick around? Doesn't he want to go to the wrap party?

  32. ahhh, i see what they're doing! trying to throw us off! it's a decoy!
    hehehehehe ;)

  33. Honestly though, don't people hope that fans don't try to crash the party? Its not a fans party.. it is the cast and crews party.

    I just hope they have a great time!!

  34. Dear Rod, My name is Maria and I live in Rhode Island. I just want to thank you for your wonderful blog! It has been so informative and entertaining. I have been a rabid Johnny Depp fan for about three years and all I can say is your town must have had a wonderful winter. I have always wanted to post but was to lazy to sign up! Thanks again and keep blogging! by the way, your flowers look great!!

  35. I heard Lockport for today. No idea about when or who's involved though.

  36. hey--my comment didn't show up.
    Take Two!

    I had a blast road-tripping with Osh, Evan, Blazen, and Shaken. You guys rock!!!

    I finally met Mr. Depp. I will blog tonight. I've been awake for 31 hours already and still work until 5:00pm

    I'm completely psyched!

  37. lockport eh? aw man, why can't they come just a little closer!!

  38. Thanks Callie (or Maria - I'm so confused) - I was going to post something about my garden today. 15% has bloomed but the rest is just getting ready.

    I have some Thread Leaf Coreopsis that is going to BURST. Each of the seven plants has over 100 flowers about to open. To bad the top part of THAT garden was washed out before THE CANAL!!!

    All the rest of the flowers are within a week I think of flowering.

    I planted some fennel for the young caterpillars to eat. I hope they like it because it's HUGE!!

    I've been deadheading the Salvia hoping to get another bloom in front. Not MUCH damage from the new driveway.

    THE CANAL is blog worthy.

    Maybe I'll have action photos later today of boats going down the canal saving the flowers!! I was like kid in a sand box when I made it STILL AM!!!

    If I can't beat mother nature I can divert it!

    PHOTOS AT 11!

  39. The comment about busting Herenotthere was pretty much made in jest. There was a gentleman that I thought looked like he could be HNT(he just seemed the type that I visualized), so I said Herenothere, and he looked over, and immediately looked away. We do not know if it really was him, and we don't know his name.

    I really didn't think too many people would read a comment posted at 4 a.m., when Rod posts a new blog early every day. Was I wrong!

  40. lawgirl - people read the comments at all hours - they are a sick lot.


    Does the Apple Tree Restaurant have a spinning pie tray when you enter?

    Odd question but . . . . someone here at works wants to know if it is owned by Greeks (not a bad thing just curious).

  42. There isn't a "spinning" by tray, but there is a big glass fridge to your left when you enter full of pies. The owners kind of look greekish, but I dunno.

  43. I just know that I like Apple Tree. The food is cheap and very nummy!

  44. cheap in a good way... Decently priced!


    This is a link to a news repot that has a pic of the farm house where filming was done yesterday at St. Annes's.

  46. John Michael Bolger's birthday is the same as mine! Thanks for the info. gift! I didn't know that!

  47. Jenny! OH NO, not haunted!! lol

    Happy Birthday Dino : )

  48. Apple Tree is great food!!!!!! A friend is taking his family there tonight. His wife was just wondering if it was one of the MANY Greek "American Family" Restaurants opening up.

    They all have big pie selections, big menus and good food.

    All have American or Family in the name.

    Apple Tree Family Restaurant.

    No Kurth for me tonight. Does not mean others can't not go though (of course).

  49. I thought Johnny used a private jet charter service. So, if he does not own his own plane, how do you know who the plane is for? I'm sure it takes other charter jobs when he does not have it booked.

  50. He normally flies Econ class in FunJets!

    Jerry takes a big bus - afraid of flying!

  51. Jenny - Krisx and I will be at the Kurth tonight.


  52. Darn - I have to talk to Krisx.


  53. hehe! just had to keep it going!

  54. whoa, scratch that. something weird is happening to the comments here!!

  55. OH - I will have a photo of

    THUNDER DOG tonight!!!!!

    yea - guess I'm coming FOR A WHILE!!

  56. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nelson Mandela


  57. Happy Birthday today to Captain Anne Bonney

  58. Okay see you tonight LHL. I have some questions for you about your dumpster!

  59. It didn't post one of my comments, and then it showed 4 comments in a row of "this comment has been removed by the author". :\ But now that disappeared... mysterious!

  60. The comment section is possessed!

  61. Alas, JD is headed back to LA today. Race track scenes to be filmed in LA Sunday/Monday.

  62. HAHA! I'm posting as anonymous, you don't know who I am!!!

  63. C-Bus is about to get POUNDED!!!!

    Marble size hail - VERY heavy rain 30mph winds about 4:30

    Hang on!!

  64. Anon 3:45pm JD is currently filming. IF he does fly home to LA, it will not be until tonight. After all, it is the weekend. FYI, they do not film on Sundays (Union Rules).

  65. What's will all the Anons? Why don't you tell us your names and be friends? :)

  66. Why must you hide behind a cloud of suspicion?

  67. Report of Lockport filming from HeraldNews

  68. Started this post at IMDb.....

  69. Darn.... the hot link didnt show up.... Jenny, the comments ARE haunted today!!!!!

    Heres the post I started for JMB @ IMDb.... lets show him some loving!!!

  70. WEATHER BUBBLE!!! Please - not 4 more inches!

    I believe the Appletree is Albanian owned. Most of the restaurants with "Family" in them, green viney plants, flowered booths, menus with sandwiches that come with soup and fries are actually Abanian - and they would probably be insulted to be referred to as Greek... (hehe... never quite know what kind of past lives people have do you? (or how well they can swear in Albanian) :)

  71. Jenny said. "Rod, r u serious?"

    No. Johnny flies on a private jet. Those who have flown with him and given interviews say they serve gum on silver platters. :o)

  72. Does anyone know what was said about JMB on the news last night?

  73. All you fans of Apple Tree, the Columbus Family Restaurant on the other side of town (across from Culvers) also has vey good and reasonably priced food. The owner will make Huevos Rancheros for you if you ask. We love Mexican food and they are a Mexican family with some pretty authentic dishes.
    The tree thing downtown is just in the talking stage right now. The Main Street group has a Design Committee that hs worked hard to raise money from local businesses (Richards Insurance and Sharrow Drugs) to sponsor the two sets of benches, planters and trash recepticles. The planters just were planted with Arbo Vidae and flowers. They are working on getting more of the these put arount the downtown. Main Street would LOVE to have more of you involved on committees and/or we'll take $$$ as we are totally funded through donations We welcome new people with fresh ideas!! Call me anytime- 920-623-5325.
    Kim Bates

  74. I'm gullable... So Jerry isn't afraid of flying???

    Kris - Good to know, I wouldn't want to offend anyone. How come they all make their restaurants that way? Is that how they are in albania? I like the restaurants!... Now I'm hungry!

  75. There is a restaurant on Main Street in Oshkosh that is called American Table...I ate there once...they had too many typos on the menu.

    And correct me if I am wrong, but when I first moved to Wisconsin, somebody said to me that when a restaurant has "family: in the name it means no booze is that true?

  76. OK- I don't think I can spell very well. Arbor Vitae???Sometimes it's my bad typing...
    and Rod- I'm still open...until 6 on Fridays and very rarely get anyone in- unless they have time to kill while waiting for drugs from Sharrows...maybe that's not late enough???? If I were only next door to Kurth's..ha ha

  77. Heres the link to the JMB video clip from CBS.....He mentions Columbus!!!

  78. osh- the Columbus Family Restaurant does have beer and wine but they didn't for a long time aand they have a case near the check out with really ymmy pies and cakes, too.

  79. Osh:

    American Table serves booze. And has great food.

    Their gyros are excellent (and yep, they're Albanian)!

  80. Of course JD is OK with flying. I thought that joke was so obvious - sorry!

    We will have to try the other Family Restaurant - thanks!!

  81. Thanks Minxie for posting the JMB video! I'm going over to IMBD to check out your post! An add to it (if I can!)

  82. I said "JERRY" Rod :P

    Minxie, Thanks for the link to the JMB interview!

  83. I like Pilora's when I am on that side of town, Cranky.

  84. I'm home from work. I'm going on 36 hours with no sleep. The strange thing is, I'm not tired. My friend said that it's adrenaline!

    Trying to eat, blog, go to bed.

    Very Depp Effected, MSW

  85. MSW...I slept for 4 hours...from about 11-3...
    it took me an hour to get out of Madison. I kept losing 151...I was so tired and just driving in circles

  86. Jenny.....Jerry might be afraid of flying, but I am pretty sure he doesn't drive back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean in a bus..... :o)

  87. I know I know, I was just being my normal innocent gullable self :P

  88. Loved the JMB video! Rod, you are so resourceful!

    We love the Apple Tree, also, but would love it more if we could have a drink with dinner. I'm starting to sound as if I have a drinking problem, hmmmmm.

    To throw you off, so you don't think I'm a lush, I'm staying home and watching Charlie & the Chocolate Factory with my kids. No Kurth tonight for me. Say hi to everyone!

  89. Happy Birthday to JMB and everyone else who is celebrating theirs today!
    Dh and I ate at the Apple Tree every time we visited Columbus to see how the sets were coming before filming started and the first day of filming! Great food and lots of it at reasonable prices!

  90. Class stinks tonight!
    helppppp meeeeee!

  91. Minxie, Thanks for the link to watch JMB.
    And heading over to IMDB to see your post...

    No Kurth for me..
    Cableman cooked up his fish he caught upnorth and we had our neighbors over..
    They just left...
    It was really good fish!


  92. Jenny - they've got a good business model that works for them, so they tend to keep it. What happens is more family comes from Albania (or Macedonia) and works the restaurant for a while -when they're comfortable, they'll branch out on their own and take what is familiar to them. I don't think they have restaurants like that in Albania (from what I heard, it wasn't a nice place for a long time).

  93. Hi all!

    Just talked to Doc!
    She Peg, Tiffany (aka: Lawgirl), and The Becky/Marcella duo are in Lockport, IL on 13th and main.
    They saw some filming today, street scenes,driving cars, etc. This AM they shot some scenes in Mama Onessey's Restaurant (no idea on spelling)
    Said there were probably around 300 folks there now waiting for a meet and greet.
    Johnny is in his trailer and will be out... They were told no autographs already!

    PS: I'm told Jerry is lookin' fine tonight... sigh...

    Hi Kris!

  94. Kris, thanks for the info, I was wondering how that all worked.

    Just got back from Kurths. Small crowd tonight. It was just me Rod, DJ, LHL, Krisx, and Rianna. But we had some good conversation. :)

  95. Props to Cranky for finding the video!!

  96. omgaw
    I couldn't do it again. Yesterday was too much for me. When we got home this morning Evan went right to bed and I broke down again in tears to Scott...he really had nothing to do with any of this since April, had nothing to do with Evan during these 3 months that Evan was PE obsessed (or a rabid fanatical stalker as IMDB people like to call it)

    My reaction when Jerry at first refused to take the book (crying)
    Then when he did (more crying)
    Then when JD walked by (more crying)
    Then when he didn't sign J^Ps picture (even more crying cause I knew I had to buy the damn shirt now)...and then I went and sat on the curb and just sobbed and felt to freaking stupid because that was after somebody yelled out HERENOTTHERE and all I could think of was now HNT saw me sobbing and I looked like the stupidest idiotic stalker fangirl crying on the curb because of Johnny Depp and it wasn't even about Johnny Depp.

    I still can't really explain it...but having my friends with me, Vicky, Dawn and Betty sure helped me a lot.

    Being a mom is just so damn emotional. When Evan was obsessed with the Titaanic and I took him to 3 different exhibits across the country, it wasn't this emotional.

  97. and now Evan is in tears because I didn't take him with Vicky and Tiffany.

  98. kathy - only resourceful about finding things in the comments.

  99. Osh,

    Gott'a love the 'Who'ses" whom ever they are.


  100. Doc, Tiffany and Peg just said goodbye to Johnny (and Jerry) I added Jerry...

    They had another enjoyable experience, sounding a bit bubbly, on the phone. ;)

    Tiffany said Johnny said to her, "Nice to see you again." as he held her hands. sigh...
    She was embarrassed, I'd have been in heaven!

    As they left, Johnny and Jerry stood on the running boards! There is arumor that Peg has video of that!! I pray it's TRUE!

    Apparently once they've left the area for good, security is a little lax... I hear there may be some inside pics of Johnny's trailer...???

    Hurry home! We can't wait to share in this final meet and greet experience vicariously through you!!!

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. gah!!
    you people make me miss johnny so much! thankful for my m&g, but still wanting another!! so many missed opportunities... any word on more filming?!

    -still hopeful

  103. Chelsea, it is over...

    you can come live in my basement and cry with Evan.

  104. uuuuuuuuuuggggghhhh.
    it can't be over! it's been going on for so long! *sob* no more random film locations and depp effects and spur of the moment adventures to find johnny?! how can there not be! i can't remember a time when there wasn't!

    sigh, i'm gonna need to recover for a while...

  105. meh... i am gonna go sleepy and mourn my loss.

    night all!

  106. It's officially a wrap in the midwest. Can't believe this will be my last update! First off I want to say what a wonderful experience the entire world of PE had brought us. The number of new friends and acquaintances I have made is innumerable. From fans throughout WI and IL to crew who we can now call friends, I cannot imagine not knowing these people!

    Despite the crowds, yesterday had been a greet Meet and Greet for me. Maybe it was that all of you were there ;) I wasn't sure I wanted to come today after what could have been a happy ending to my PE experience, but after all it was only a 30 minute drive...

    Got into Lockport close to 6. We drove by where they were filming, and then basecamp just to get a feel for where everything was. After parking we decided to head over to the set. Along the train tracks a series of three or four cars would drive past. The actual filming could be seen on the back roof top balcony of a nearby building. None of the actual action could be seen however.

    Up front Jerry and much of the crew all seemed to be in very high spirits. Already celebrating and joking around.

    The filming then moved to a street/park a few blocks away. Extras walking along the sidewalk and the old cars driving along. I headed back to basecamp at this point along with Becky, Vicky, and some other friends whom had come along.

    My mom however had stayed behind, and certainly lucked out. She watched a scene in which Johnny walked over to his car and drove off. Apparently on the first take the keys weren't in the car. He didn't get very far on that get away... When the scene was completed, Johnny and Michael Mann high fived and hugged. Crew pulled up, and there was a celebratory aura to the air.

    We saw Johnny drive back in, and had fun chatting with the crew and whoever was around. Nathan, a PA, showed us the memento that Johnny had given the crew. A little wooden gun, signed along with a thank you message. It came along with a little pouch (also signed and messaged).

    It appeared that behind the trailers tents and candles were set up in a mini party. A precursor to the wrap party?

    The crowd may have been even larger then last night, but Johnny graciously took his time coming around. Although no autographs, he did shake hands and hugged everyone as he made his way down the line. After walking back towards the car, and saying a quick hello to those across the street, he gave his farewell from his car. In a similar fashion to last night, he stood on the edge, hanging off the door, and gave his wave. It lasted longer than yesterday's, and Johnny headed off into the night.

    And then the filming of Public Enemies, which has brought all of us together, was concluded.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. did you give another kiss Marcella?
    and the wooden gun gift sounds cool.
    thanks for the report.

  109. No... I decided to control my inner fan girl, once was enough. I actually regretted that a little. It could so easily come off the wrong way and I wouldn't have wanted to do something disrespectful either. I did get a hug, and thanked him "for everything he's done".

    The wooden gun said "Much thanks and respect -JD" and the bag said "Nathan- good luck in jail!!! Thanks"

  110. Really neat gift...
    Do you have pics?

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. same security as last night!
    I can't make it clickable either

  114. Thanks for the tiny link- I completely forgot about that!

  115. great pics! I love that JD took the time to personalize the gift bags.

    And thanks for your help trying to make sure Evan's book got where it needed to go!

  116. Rumor's true...I have great video of Johnny riding off into the sunset...
    Ok, it was dark, but it was gallant none the less. I just watched the video again and noticed that I caught someone asking JD where his golfing shoes were...(He was wearing one of those type of hats...) pretty funny.

    I'll get some pics up tomorrow (or later today I should say...) gotta go to sleep!


    PS Shakes, we got more pics of Jerry oogling over a couple of babies..soooo cute! You'll need those for your scrapbook as well!

  117. Hi Marcella, I would love to see the
    pics that you have on your facebook. I just submitted to be a friend.

  118. Hi all! Back from filming, and WHat a night we have had!!!

    JOhnny was so nice to everyone, and the crew was celebrating in a great way! We even got to talk to Bale and Depp's stand ins. very nice guys! they gave a little girl something very special to keep!

    I have tons of photos which I will put up on my blog shortly!

    Thanks Becky for dealing with my driving, and inability to follow directions!

    Nice to see Becky, Marcella, Tiffany, Sarah, Peg, and Missy. I know I am forgetting someone...sorry!

    It was a crazy night, and we had the best time! I am sad it is all over, but I will NEVER forget it!


  119. FYI

    the wrap party was at the the BON V 1110 w. Randolph Chicago.

  120. PFFT. Far from tears. I just said "Well I can't be happy we didn't go, but we've done enough." No tears from me! :P


  121. Evan, what are you doing up so late? Just kidding. We missed you tonight!

  122. Evan go to bed. You are grounded, remember.

    And sure, lots of tears...just like I was crawling around the streets of Chicago picking up PE trash.

  123. Hi Evan! Hi Osh! Hi Tiffany! I can't sleep either.

    I will be putting up my blog tomorrow around lunch time since it is not working right now.

    Talk to you guys tomorrow!


  124. well, I have been staying awake waiting for yur blog Vicky! I guess I will try to sleep! I'm glad you had the last night! You should email me pictures! Or check your email!.

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Hi everyone, Know that I have learned how to post, could someone tell me how to keep from getting all the comments on my email. I must have clicked on something. Not that I don't want to read all the comments (which I can read on the blogs), but it is filling up my email box. If anyone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated!

  127. callie
    underneath the comment box where you type your eomments look for:

    email follow-up comments to" there's a box next to it uncheck it (sign in to your account first)

  128. marcella and WI fangirl crew
    Thanks for the stories and pics....I will have major withdrawl from living vicariously thru y'all doing all the meet & greets........maybe we will have to track johnny (not stalk) via blogmail/computers on his next project to get more meet/greet info :)) maybe JDR will get alot more new members......

  129. Thanks for your help!!! Callie Great posts today.

  130. Marcella, I couldn't get your link to work (is it just me?) I'd love to see any pictures that were snapped last night. Could they be emailed to me at: Thanks!!

  131. After 38+ hours awake I finally slept for 10. Now off to Wisconsin Dells. I will miss my internet and all my friends. . .maybe I can socialize tomorrow!

  132. Marcella,

    Love your pictures. Anyone who wants to get together and do scrapbooking I am up for that. It is really sad that I have to go back to my old boring life. I hope rod keeps this blog going even if Public enemies is over. It would be too heart breaking to lose this connection with all of you.

  133. Rod & the gang made the FRONT PAGE of the Columbus paper, AND, got a separate article written on the inside, too. Great job, you guys!

    Marcella - your pics are so great! Wow, I love JD in that hat! And the look he gave Becky?
    Mmmmmm, such a cutie pie.

    So that's it? They're done? What about the farmhouse scene?

  134. Sadly kathy,
    I think that was the farmhouse scene...

  135. Where are the pics of Jerry and the kids ? Awww I want to see, Jerry is a big softy really I don't think he and Johnny Depp would work together as often as they do if he wasn't.
    Please could someone point me in the direction of the Jerry pics.

  136. Anon- Just posted some on my blog!

  137. Thanks shakenbsis
    I always love it when little kids get singled out and shown kindness. I remember Johnny saying something like the biggest thrill for him is not winning or being nominated for awards but it's when a kid comes up to him and get's excited at meeting Captain Jack Sparrow or something like that.

  138. Jerry Judge must have collected as many fans as Johnny Depp on this film. LOL
    They make a great double act.!

  139. Marcella, thanks for the link to your pics. They are great! A storm is coming through right now and it matches the dark, sad feelings I am having knowing that the filming is done in the midwest. And I never got to see it. SHIT! (pardon my French)

  140. The farmhouse scene was shot on Thursday at St. Anne (someone mentioned that)

    I would love a scrapbooking party, acutally I was going to start mine today.

  141. Who would be interested in getting together to scrapbook their public enemy pictures? If I know who all is interested we can start making plans. Unless someone else has ideas and wants to plan a get together. I am open to any suggestions.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Hi all! Just posted my blog for the past couple of days!

    I will be putting more pictures up there next week to try and "ween" myself off of public enemies LOL

    So keep tuned in!


  144. Osh- When you get a chance could you delete the link to my facebook? I'm making a "Best of" Album on Photobucket and I would appreciate if people were directed there instead.


  145. Tiffany- were you the one with the pic of JD and I on thurs? If so, I would love if you could email it to me!

  146. marcella, I can't delete your post, only you can.

  147. No I mean the one where you reposted the link using the tiny link. I did delete mine. Thanks!

  148. oh, that wasn't a picture of yours...that was a pic I found on the internet

  149. Wooops... nevermind. Your right, I must have been confused, no idea what I was talking about. Haha


    Here's the video from last night when Johnny waves goodbye...I haven't had a chance to post pics yet but will get to it later tonight.

    Sorry shakes, you'll have to wait a bit longer....


  151. I would LOVE to get together to scrap Public Enemies pictures! I've had to set my album aside for a couple of weeks now and that would be a good incentive to get back at it! Don't know how much scrapping we'd get done though; something tells me we'd do more talking and looking at pictures!! LOL My email is: so you can
    contact me off blog.

  152. THe Stories of last night are great..
    Thank's Girls for posting...

    We now all can look forward to the Movie..
    Well almost,they is still some filming left.
    Maybe we can read about it...

    Did anyone post pictures on our Photobucket?
    So all can share and see?????

    Just thought I would ask...

    Fema was here yesterday...
    He said our area needs cleanup and pump something~
    So there maybe some money for all of us.
    We may luck out!
    and get something..will hopefully know next week...
    keeping fingers crossed...


  153. This is a test for my blog account.
    Now I need to find out how to get a photo...\

    Yay!! For me!!!

  154. Thanks Osh!!!!
    I am trying to get with the times!!
    Hope you are doing well.

  155. actually I am still recovering from the road trip...


    I haven't left my bed except to use the litterbox and eat...this vacation stuff is great!

  156. Peg! That was wonderful!!!
    Bless you doll...

    sorry Jenny... a little... ;)

  157. anon 11:43 am - you are soo very welcome! Yes Jerry is jsut as sweet as Johnny, he just has to put on a tough face to do his job!
    (I might be biased though...)

  158. Marcella, I saw your pics on Facebook. But how do you know he drank a 'Pomerol' wine bottle ? and how did you take a pic of the bottle ?

  159. Because someone went a little bit too far and over the line.

  160. Anyone going to the Mumbai meet and greet?

  161. Sweet! I love Mumbai this time of year!!

  162. Thanks Peg for the link to the video JD riding off into the night.
    That is just precious. Thanks to all of you for posting your experiences and pictures...what an adventure and we all got to share.

  163. Peg,
    Awesome video of JD Riding off into the night!!!

    Thank's for posting.....

  164. Cybermom,

    That video was Awesome! I was crying just watching him drive away. It was like I was there even though I was in Wisconsin. Thank you for capturing that moment.

  165. You're welcome!
    I know it's not great quality, but at least it showed how appreciative he is to his fans. Vicky has a great picture of him waving on his blog!
    I couldn't get both cameras rockin' at the same time! I was too caught up in it all!!!


  166. Rachel,

    If you still want to get together and scrapbook email me at .

  167. I would like to say I did not take a picture of the wine bottle, nor the pictures of the trailer. They were forwarded to me from someone else and got posted.

  168. you still posted them though despite not being yours

  169. You might want to check that if you are trying to get people to come to Columbus.......


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