Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas to All

With Christmas only a few days away and who knows when you will be at work (where most of you read this blog) I will say it right now - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. It's been an outstanding year for the Melotte family. I can't tell you how much we appreciate living in Columbus.
OK - the weather, let's get it out of the way.
Tonight a couple inches.
Tomorrow, maybe three more.
Tomorrow night, another inch.
Wednesday 4 to 7.

so a total of 10-14 inches between now and Christmas! YEE HAA!!
I had to go to the store yesterday so Blake and I took off with a camera and I snapped a few snapshots - nothing award winning. Just Columbus, small town America in the winter.

I would say "ENJOY" but to me that always sounds condescending. Like, I KNOW you will ENJOY the photos (or food or whatever) but what if you DON'T enjoy them. What then? Don't tell ME to ENJOY, I will decide for myself! Better to say "I hope you Enjoy". (my pet peeve for the day).

All of these are taken through the car window - I'm not going out there!! I figured in case someone found my frozen body they could trace the photos to find my home. Except I did drive around a little. hmmmmm!


For all of you parents still looking for gifts check out Princess Unicorn. I bet every girl and effeminate boy would love one. But remember - Do not play with Princess Unicorn if you are allergic to lead based paint.

ON this day in history - 2005 - Scientists discover two more rings around your anus! THAT is SO WEIRD!

Have a great day!



  1. "Scientists discover two more rings around your anus! THAT is SO WEIRD!"

    Reminds me of the old joke...

    What does Star Trek and Toilet Paper have in common?

    They both go around your anus wiping out clingons

    I will remian anonymous with that joke.

  2. LOL - As you should. OH - that is so sweet!!

  3. Downtown Columbus is quite charming at Christmas....I was very impressed with the old time feel of it. :)

    I am finally on a day off (my fourth one this month)!! Whew. Let the Christmas chores begin!


    Nice photos. I ENJOYED them. :p

  4. LMAO!!! - Good one Anon-anus!

    Merry Christmas Rod & all!

  5. Great Blog!!!!

    Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year!!!!

    Love the joke Anony.LOL!!!

    Columbus does look really cool in Winter...
    Wish our little town look so cute.

    Try and stay warm everyone!!

  6. Stay warm everyone!

    I am super bummed about Wed forecast...hope we don't get any snow :(

    Great pics! Columbus is such a beautiful town!!

    Happy Holidays all!!

  7. It sure looks beautiful in WI... we will be celebrating 80 degrees for Christmas in Florida this year. Just doesn't seem like Christmas when Santa wears flip flops...

    Thanks for all you do, Rod. Happy Holidays. Please stay warm!


  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Thanks for this great blog Rod! Columbus is fortunate to have you and DJ! The pictures are great! I love the one on the bridge over the train tracks...
    Even tho the traffic is slower at the Gallery this year I still have many coming in to look at the movie pictures, buy post cards and talk about those exciting times! Too fun!

  9. Merry Christmas to alll.



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