Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I have a brilliant idea!!

www.FrontPorchColumbus Dot Com
optimism running rampant (at some point)

I should not even post this because any good photographer is not THAT good - he/she just only shows you the good photos and not the bad ones. For every good shot there are 10 bad ones, at least for me.

But for many years I have wondered HOW a certain photographic look is achieved. Then Monday I went to the Madison Post Office on the Isthmus (did you know Madison is one of only two cities in the world built on an Isthmus . . .what does THAT tell ya?) and there was a display and my mouth dropped open.

So for the last two days I have spent 99% of my waking non-working hours obsessing over HDR with Tone Mapping. The PROBLEM is that I only have one set of photographs to work with. You see for this technique you need a LOT of contrast and if you remember yesterday and the heavy fog . . . . not a lot of contrast for photos.

With that said here is the one and only photo I could use, Shot late Monday just before the Public Enemies meeting and I used my free (now purchased) new software.

Rather amateurish but give me time. You can see where I had to delete advertising off the photo and I really did a poor job but - it's just a practice photo.

We had Invisible Fence people come out and they gave us an estimate ($1,500) for putting in a fence and training Blake (should take 5 minutes) and Milo (weeks). After the woman left we figured we should TRY to put a collar on Milo. So we picked a nice blue cheap one up and attached it to Milo next.

That is Milo on the right - he looks totally evil doesn't he.

Not one single problem. It's like he didn't care at all. We had tried a harness and he FREAKED out with that but a collar was a non-problem.

The PROBLEM was going to be when Invisible Fence attached a large cell phone to it. Milo would not be able to raise his head off the ground.

As luck would have it adubya said he had a friend that had a Pet Guard business. I was looking around their site and in the testimonials I noticed a last name I recognized, reading further this couple recently moved to Sun Prairie with a Beagle. WAIT A MINUTE!!!

I contacted Strangebrew, my home brew buddy - "is that you?" I asked - "yes it is". Small freaking world and the power of the Innernets.

So we're having an estimate from him. Seems THEIR cat collars come in many different sizes.

Now for my brilliant idea.

Why not have an Invisible Fence at the border between Mexico and America!!!! We could sell pretty necklaces to the Mexicans and when they get close - BAM ZAP- Stunned!!! Not that I'm against Mexicans as they do all the jobs lazy Americans don't want to do but I'm always pro taz-ing anybody. I was disappointed that my friend here at work was not tazed at a Hockey game he went to.

So there ya go. Mr. Obama, build that Invisible Fence.
Speaking of the new website. A few of you have given articles to me and I'm sort of sitting on them. Reason is I'm planning a media blitz, full page ad's in the USA Today and New York Times (if I can work a deal at under $50) and if I could figure out how to contact the Columbus Journal (they have no email????) I would have something there.

So just hang tight - I know what I'm doing. Remember - I'm the guy that purposely picked a fight over at Imdb to get attention for this place. Yea - you heard that right! Worked didn't it. 360,000 hits can't all be my accident.

As I have always said - life is a big game - ya just gotta figure out how to win it without somebody grabbing your thumb and bending it the totally wrong way backwards and then going to the hospital and waiting for an hour and then having med flight come in at the last second and putting you back on hold as your endorphins start to go away and the pain is kicking in and the Doctor finally comes in after two hours and he is all "How are you with pain" and I'm like "I'm about to find out aren't I" and then finding out what REAL blood curdling wrath of God pain really is all about but only for 15 seconds until relief kicks in and now I can not throw darts but I can bowl better with a thumb that looks more like a Manatee.

So - just hang tight. I have a plan.

Speaking of bad timing - I contacted (or tried to contact) the Principal of the High School asking about writers and I THINK I mentioned this blog. Of course she probably looked at it for the first time Monday.

Probably not the best blog for impressing school Principals.

Have a great humping day.



  1. Email address to use for Columbus Journal as stated in the paper after various articles written by the editor is
    Looking forward to your emails.

  2. Ahhh - thanks - I was looking at the little square that had phone numbers and so forth - thanks.

  3. Great Blog!

    Like the photo that you are doing. I can't see where the advertising was.

    Milo look's so sweet sitting by his window.
    hope you get a better price and a collar for the fence.

    Thumb like a Manatee ? Ewwwww! LOL!

    Hope everyone stayed dry today! and that the wind didn't blow your hat off your head!

  4. Looks good! Did you end up going with Photomatix? It's a good program. I have a couple wacky HDR shots tucked away in the archives. It's fun to play around with... good luck perfecting the technique!

  5. wow rod lots of information for such a short blog.... well I hope you have good luck with the fence.... it will take some time to get used to but it'll happen in no time..... well yeah good luck! and don't forget amazing race sunday!


  6. I love your new photographic technique. I think your first attempt looks pretty damn good!!!

    Wild Willie (he was an extra in the Oshkosh shoot) and his wife Angelina Smurfette are interested in the July 11 function. Haven't heard one word on anything that may be going on in Oshkosh.

  7. Invisible fence- too funny! Great picture, too! I love that effect...

  8. you want some good HDR images. This is a friend of mines site for a gallery project he did here in stevens point. I listened to him tell how he did alot of the images and its amazing.

  9. I have a brilliant idea!!....


  10. I have a brilliant idea!!....



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