Monday, May 4, 2009

Vaguely familiar

www.FrontPorchColumbus Dot Com

Good news and bad news about H1N1.

First of all it's a mild flu so people getting it are not really getting EXTREMELY ill. The bad news is that still, if 100 million people get it and are off for a week it's going to hurt the economy. But the good news is that it seems if you are over 60 you have a good chance of being immune but the bad news is I'm not over 60.

It seems my home town where I grew (Fort Atkinson) has a school that is closed. The GOOD news is that I went to Purdy Elementary and the school that is closed is Berrie which used to be Elementary. Yes - I was a Purdy Boy. We had a pretty big rivalry back then in 2nd grade. You really did not want to get Purdy Boys mixed with Berrie Boys! Toy trucks would be flying.

Actually I started my troubling ways in Purdy when I brought a mighty fine National Geographic to school. Can you believe I can STILL see those natives in my minds eye? I was expelled until my dad stormed into school and reamed some principle a new arse hole. And it was all down hill from there.

Back to H1N1, the bad news is that if millions of people go down with the flu and are needing to go on respirators, the United States does not have enough so you will have to wait in line.

The good news is that while you are waiting in line for a respirator there are a lot of great movies coming out this summer. (ok - not the best transition there but . . it's Monday)

On the Today Show they were talking about summer movies and Public Enemies was the one the reviewers were REALLY waiting for as being the big one of the summer.

One that is not on everyone's radars is "Julie & Julia". In August 2002, Julie Powell started documenting online her daily experiences cooking each of the 524 recipes in "Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in a blog.

Then she wrote a book called "Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen" and it was picked up and was made into a movie - the very first movie based on a blog.

Here is the trailer which it seems IMDB people HATE because the movie is SO much better.



So I was looking into Julia Child and saw that during WWII she worked for the Secret Intelligence division of OSS (Office of Strategic Services) working directly for General William J. Donovan, the leader of OSS. She typed ten thousand names on white note cards that were used to keep track of officers.

Then she worked for the OSS Emergency Sea Rescue Equipment Section where she helped develop a shark repellent that made sure sharks would not explode ordnance targeting German U-boats.

Anyway - movie looks good. In fact a LOT of movies are looking good this summer.

Ever watch a TV show and a character keeps reminding you of someone you know?

Every time we watch Parks & Recreation (which is pretty good - never mind the 1st show - remember - The Office sucked it's 1st year) and we see Ron Swanson the image of Who's always pops into our head.

Just seems to fit.

Here is a little clip of Who's at about the 15 second mark - you tell me!!

OK - I believe this is just a Caricature of Who's actually. :-)

sigh - I'm looking at my calendar that has all the important things in my life. Like Plants being delivered Friday, Hazel's Nut Brown Ale's 6 month birthday, Meeting at Kims on Tuesday, Golf on Wednesday and FRKNES on Monday . . . . . . I wish I knew what that meant. Is it a meeting? Some appointment? A clever reminder? I guess I'll find out at some point.
Saturday morning I was taking photos of Nancy O's house and left a 6-pack of beer off on the porch - I hope she got it before any neighbor found it.

I took this shot after walking next door to take a photo of a woodpecker on a power pole. I hope it looks better on a real monitor - this one is dieing.

Have a Monday


  1. I was sad to see Jesse go on The Apprentice last night. I knew the fact that he 'was holding out' would be his downfall but I still give him a lot of credit to sticking to his beliefs and not getting his wife involved in it. I'm sure the Annie vs. Joan face-off will be interesting but I don't really care which one of them wins.

  2. I liked Jesse for a while but he seemed "dead". There was no lust for winning at all. I was unimpressed by him in the last 3 weeks.

    Annie vs. Joan will be interesting but only for entertainment. I hope Annie wins but it will prove nothing.

    What would be funny is if Melissa is on Annie's team LOL

    If Joan loses she will say "big deal you beat a 17 year old".

    I believe Joan has zero self esteem and as DJ says - might WISH she was a woman like Annie - thus - she hates her.

  3. Nancy did find the beer, the meeting tomorrow is about the website, I am so excited to see the new Star Trek! And that guy does resemble JP!!!!

  4. Great Blog!

    Purdy Boy? Yikes!
    That had to be a fun time~

    It does look like Who's!
    maybe he is a secret celebrity and we did not know it! LOL!

    Hey! That looks like my cousin on the porch...She is looking alittle ruffled. Haha!!!

    Have a great day everyone!

  5. Rod-
    Lovin the photos lately. Are you using the HDR stuff? If so, are you suing Photomatix or Photoshop?

  6. Oh, not suing! Using! Pardon my dyslexia.

  7. OK...yous guys have found me out...a year ago last November I met this guy named James...he had something to do with the "Big Screen" but when I told him I saw things happening in the economy that didn't look good, he thought that perhaps he had some friends on the small screen that could keep me employed...there could be no fault in that...right?

  8. thanks for sharing..



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