Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Miricle of Johnny Depp

Just a few things this morning - groggy and the words are not happening.
As some of you may have noticed I was pre occupied yesterday as I was becoming a Grampa.

Last year Josh and Jenny went through something nobody should have to go through, yet many do. Losing a child is something nobody really talks about but once it happens you find out just how common it is.

Last year Josh and Jenny lost their little girl with 2 months to go, it was in February and Columbus was a very cold and dark place.

A few weeks later it was announced that a Major Motion Picture was going to be filmed in Columbus and this took Josh and Jenny's minds off dark things, just a little. Then we found out that not only was Johnny Depp going to be in the movie but Jenny's house was actually going to be IN Base Camp. She could look out her window and see Johnny Depp's trailer maybe 30 yards away.

Nothing can ease the grief of a lost child but if there is anything that can draw your attention away, just a tiny tiny bit, it's not a bad thing.

Having time off from work Jenny was downtown when Michael Mann and company came to the Farmers & Merchants Bank for their first look see and she happened to be right there and followed them into the bank.

Then, the first night of filming Jenny was actually the first (I believe) to touch Mr. Depp as he drove past in his Escalade, it was sort of a high 5.

I have been saying this for a long long time that it was a miracle that Public Enemies came to Columbus at that very time. The timing could not have been more perfect. It was our own version of a Miracle on Ice

SO - Jenny had a baby yesterday and once things start happening it want FAST. They arrived at St. Marys at 5:00. By 6:30 Jenny was at 5 centimeters and they said it's the real deal. By 7:00 she was at 8.5 centimeters and they said, won't be long now.

At 7:15 Jenny says "My water broke and things were getting hectic. Shifts were changing and the nurse said "hold off don't push I'll find a Doctor" and Jenny says "I'M PUSHING" and at 7:30 a resident delivered a 4lb 9 oz 17 inch long baby girl named Cadence (SP????????).

She was rushed to the ICU which is normil (17 babies already there) and is doing great. Cries, hates baths and is strong.


In other news - ALL BUS tickets for the Columbus Premier have been sold (well, most - contact me if you are a blog reader - I have A FEW). But the NON-Bus tickets are still available for $20.


I'm now an official Weather Geek. Data from my weather stating is now uploaded to the National Weather Service Daily Hydrometeorological Section.

OK - I need more coffee now!

See - words are just not happening.

Rod Out


  1. Great Blog!!

    Congratulations again to Josh & Jenny and Baby Caydence!!!!

    What a great story and Yes, I think that was there Miracle on Ice!

    Congrat's Grandpa and Grandma!!!!!

    Yay! For selling the Bus tickets! How awesome...

    Congratulations for becoming a Official Weather Geek!

    Have a great day all!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry I posted twice.
    that is why there is a deleted one.

  4. I too think that PE was a blessing in disguise to alot of people, especially Jenny and Josh. I couldn't be happier for the two of them. They will be great parents!!

    Can't wait to meet Caydence!!

  5. BTW - I'll mention this tomorrow but I SHOULD have the very first REAL review of the finished Public Enemies - next Friday - none of this test movie stuff - the real finish product.

  6. How do I go about getting tickets for July 1st?

  7. Please save me a movie pass ticket, I can drive myself to the theater. :)

    I'm so glad that this year brought so much happiness in the little bundle they call Caydence.

    And the Hollywood crew did soothe many a soul last year.


  8. Grinder,

    Do you have some Bus tickets for me???

    If not, we can work with it, but if you had 5 it would work better.

  9. Yes, I was on maternity leave with no baby when Hollywood first came to Columbus. It was definitely a welcome distraction!

    And now that the movie is coming out we have our baby Caydence <3 Thanks for all the congrats! Josh and I are soo happy!

  10. Did you get my monies Grampa?

  11. I have about 30 movie tickets at the West James Gallery (116 W James - Columbus) this gets you into the special reserved theater for the movie and the party afterwards at the Columbus Senior, beverages and FUN!!!

  12. The Miracle of Johnny De pp



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