Monday, March 29, 2010

Brain Clicks

So lets see here.  I had a F-Day on Friday and didn't blog.  However in the afternoon I did go to see Avatar in 3D and was disappointed that it no longer is in 3D so I guess I'll never see a 3D movie.  I was in the over 50 crowd on a Friday afternoon. There were maybe 8 of us in the theater.

I tell ya - Avatar is outstanding. What an amazing piece of eye candy.  Saying it is a cross between movies cheapens the movie so I won't say it's a cross between Dances With Wolves, Rendezvous With Rama, Lord of the Rings and The Blue Man Group.  Not gonna do it.

I don't buy DVDs, never have. OK maybe I did purchased Public Enemies (which we have not watched the DVD yet LOL) but I'll buy Avatar Blu-Ray on April 22, (Earth Day and my moms Birthday).  There will be ZERO extras on the DVD, nuttin but movie.  Extras will be out in November I guess.

BTW - I did not know Uhura in the newest Star Trek is also the scantily clad Neytiri in Avatar.  

Also - there are two sequels "in the works".  Plus - in case you do not know it the love scene is shown in it's entirety in the DVD and insiders say it is outstandingly erotic in a non-human sexual way (if that makes sense - you know what I'm talking about of you have seen the movie). It's the tails baby!!

After seeing the movie my fractal flower reminds me of some of the fauna on Pandora.


I picked up my  140% below poverty level buddy on Saturday and he talked about his latest experience with dealing with humans.  I guess he called to set up an appointment for a primary care giver. After being on hold for a while they said "Your caregiver is just about across the street, why not just go over there". He thought that was a great idea because he would be put on hold again.

SO - he goes across the street to get an appointment. 

The person at the front desk says "you can't just walk in for an appointment, you must call, however - we do have a courtesy phone down stairs".  sigh.  So he goes down stairs to get an appointment IN THAT BUILDING and is put on hold.  As he is on hold, I'm sure he is complaining and a nurse asked what he is waiting for and he explains. "Well, that is just 4 doors down the hall, I'll take your papers and get you an appointment".   sigh!  

So we are driving to Columbus and I take the back roads and my minds eye keeps clicking off images of the farmland.  Being a photographer the trick is to get lucky and be in the right place at the right time and there is a lot of luck.  BUT, you can to make your own luck just by seeing images and knowing that the right light will make a great image. So when that happens you know where to go.

The 5th image that my tiny brain that clicked I felt I had to pull over and stop being lazy and take a shot.
So now we're in Columbus and after getting beered-up we started on some yard work. Brian worked around one of my rock walls and while he was obsessing over tiny bits of dirt and twigs I was working on the rest of the lawn raking and clearing dead stuff out of the two gardens.

As his tiny bits of dirt and twigs were consuming his time I started taking photos of yard waste so who am I to talk about not getting things done.

and that is my weekend up to Sunday.

Heinie ride answers - pretty flat - some rolling hills - the wind is the biggest worry I would assume. Go to this address to see the elivation changes - pretty pretty small. Notice the biggest hill is 60 feet in like 5 miles!  LOL 

As for cars.  the MOA is to drive a car to the ending, leave it and drive another car back since it's not a circular route.   Questions can go to Sharon and Doug . . somehow!

I'm not going to get all political on you and I'm not going to say whether I like or dislike the Health Care Bill but I think it's great (oops).   While it seems the Foxpublicans (not the real Republicans who still think for themselves but the ones that listen and are swayed by the FOX faux-news channel) are all angry because the Devil they know seems to be better then the Devil they don't know.  I feel the devil we DON'T know can't be worse the the devil we DO know.  Again - like most things I say DO IT - STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT AND DO SOMETHING.

The main thing I here normal people worried about is the MANDATE to get health insurance. Well, there is also a mandate in most states so you HAVE to have car insurance but I hear no complaining about THAT. It's all based on income level and there is ZERO provisions in the Bill for policing this.  So if you don't get it that is fine, don't get it.  HOWEVER - don't go to the emergency room and try to get free care like you can do now!   

Now people with insurance pay for all the free visits! Also for the people that say it's against the law to MAKE people pay for health insurance.  You already ARE being forced to pay for health insurance.  Every check you get the Fed's tale out medicare so this is not new.  Perhaps instead of complaining about THIS bill you should try to get rid of Medicare. 

I say relax, try it, learn the REAL facts and if you don't like it, vote for you favorite Republican who is putting all his efforts into killing this Bill (as opposed to working on crime or education or anything else).

nuff said.


  1. what is everyone but me on spring break? dang......

    if anyone wants a great site for info on the healthcare reform bill see:
    (a nonpartisan site and has lots of great information on what's what)
    hint: I was for it YIPPEE!

  2. I'm for it too! it's about time!
    Historical Society meeting tonight- 6PM- Senior Center- come help Columbus start a museum!


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