So we get into our driveway and I go to get the mail and OH MY GOD!!! Are we under attack?
OH YUCK - I just drank yesterdays cold coffee - excuse me
So of course what is the first thing you do? Log on to Facebook and complain or comment actually about the joys of country living. I believe it had to be National manure spreading day.
hmmmmm thinking out loud here . . .it was suggested I get more action farm machinery photos, I bet a manure spreading operation would look AWESOME!! shit flying through the air!!!
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My question is - is the symbol for a heart a word? Does it count? I'm thinking there could be some loopholes I might be able to exploit.
I also have mixed feelings about their elephant! It seems that on most of the images the elephant is like a normal elephant holding a sign. But then on one photo the elephant is wearing a shirt and tie. Can I assume that the other elephants are naked and he is holding a sign just to cover himself? Is this exploitation?
(James is now regretting his comment)
Wait - I hear the word donuts floating around - I must investigate.
mmmmmmmmm - old fashion sugar donuts the kind my mom used to make, Donuts from an unknown hero. I love you man!
SO - if you are in need of anything office (I'm actually looking for 12x16 inch manila envelopes and 24x34 inch boxes for my framed prints) check out the worlds largest office supply place RIGHT HERE I COLUMBUS!
And - James - I'll take you up on that tour and I'll see if I can get some trendy photos of the International Headquarters.
now I must eat my donut.
oh my - this is so good!!
ANYWAY - for all of you Big Brother fans - could last nights finale be ANY LONGER? SNOOZE And for Survivor fans. Jimmy Johnson ROCKS!!! I won't say anything because I know people record it (in fact if anyone has a tape can I borrow it? I cannot record a VHS tape and my mom does not get CH 3 in Fort Atkinson - she was bummed. Ever since the digital revolution happened CH 3 is a no show for her.
The new shows for the most part start next week.
Here is my list of new shows I'll check out,
Hawaii Five-O - Monday
Detroit 1-8-7 Tuesday
Undercovers Wednesday (Hulu it)
The Defenders Wednesday
The Shit my Dad Says (horrible reviews from EVERYBODY but - I gotta see the Shat) Thursdays
Nikita Thursday
Blue Blood - Tom Selleck and I'll have a beer in me - Friday
OH - I see Undercovers will encore Saturdays
I like TV
Seriously - cut me some slack Google.
I wonder if there are any more donuts left - you know what the problem is with this blog. I sold a framed print at Starbucks this morning and I am WIRED on coffee!
Happy birthday Amy Poehler- when is her show on?? If you live in Columbus you MUST watch Parks and Recreation - it's like watching Columbus!
This is the most amazing video I have seen in a while - if you are a dog over you will be astounded.
Dog Saves Dog.
Many people have called authorities to adopt the hero dog but he/she was a stray and no know knows where he is now.
AND FINALLY - the big silver water tower on Dix Street will be getting some TLC. My buddy Elweed has become an expert in boulder gardens which are actually very hard to garden. He ask me if I could contact someone about having him sort of gorilla garden that big boulder wall. He has tried to adopt a few walls in Madison but maintenance seems to rather have weeds.
We got the OK to beautify the wall. Probably be a 4 year project but if you look now it's rather weedy and ugly. This weekend we'll take a good look and start making plans for next spring. In the mean time we will start adding and amending the soil.
It's weird - the image everyone seems to be gravitating too at Starbucks is this one which looks MUCH better live! In fact a few odd things have been mentioned to me lately. The first is that my images look BETTER live rather on a computer which is weird. Also one guy last Saturday kept moving close, then backing up, then moving close.
He said "most of the time a photo looks great from a distance but as you get near it gets fuzzy, but yours seem to actually get clearer the closer you get" then he walked out without buying anything.
Have a great day
"And why do I get a photo of a naked Richard Hatch when I Google images of Edwin Newman."
ReplyDeleteThe statement would have done the trick. We didn't need the photo too. Thanks.
I wanted to make sure I was being on the up and up! I don't make this crap up you know!
ReplyDeleteThe tower is on Tower Drive- not Dix St. and I can't wait to see what Elwood does! Can he take care of the planters Downtown, too? He could be an official Main Street Volunteer! There are only 2 of them right now- it would be a piece of cake! He can come and get water at the Visitor Center.
ReplyDeleteooops- I meant Elweed....