Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's a Girl

Well - we new it was going to be a girl for months so the BIG surprise was if it was NOT a girl!

Not much time to "talk" (or as some say whine) this morning as we off to the hospital (baby was at 4:15).


First off - FOX News - it's been proven MANY times that they not only slant the news but just make it up. Check this out from last night - they are showing the violent protested in Madison - odd - I had never seen the palm trees on the square.

It's ALMOST like they are trying to make us believe something that is not true!

The Capitol Palm Trees

Anyway - The Budget - a couple nuggets

Recycling - no longer needed - Communities are no longer told to recycle and all funding for helping towns recycle has been eliminated - those funds will go to creating large industries (also called getting rid of the farmland that makes no money).

Arts Board: completely defunded - but this was not a surprise because the Republicans have defunded the national endowment for the arts.  We don't need art - we need big business.

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board: 21.5% cut

 Historical Society: 7.9% cut, loss of 18 job

 Medical College of Wisconsin: 13.1% cut

Public Defender Board: 4.4% increase - these are the people that protect the Governors office from lawsuits

Department of Public Instruction: 8.2% cut ($530 million)

Department of Natural Resources: 15.8% cut, loss of 69 jobs 

 UW Hospitals and Clinics: completely defunded ($153 million) that right - UW Hospitals - GONE to Big Business

Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation: A new entity with a $99 million budget and executives appointed by the governor.

Increase of $15 million to the Dept of Tourism 

Wisconsin Technical College System: 21.3% cut

OH - here is a good thing - it is now impossible for towns like Columbus to ANY town to raise property tax.   So ANYTHING new - new roads, FIXING roads, new school, is now on the chopping block.   This cripples towns from growth.

20,167 UW Hospital employees will be laid off!

$900 million in education - GONE - we don't need education in Wisconsin - we have a Governor with a high school GPA of 2.57 - he didn't need no education.  Teachers are just over paid scabs anyway working 30 hours a week just standing there talking.

BTW - Public Employee Benefits are 100% funded by Public Employees - tax payers don't pay a single dime into the fund, says so right on the ETF website - odd - Walker makes it sound like we are cheating the tax payers doesn't it.

Nuff said.


  1. Hey Rod. Can you please post a link to the video on Youtube or FoxNews? I don't have FB and can't view the video. Thanks!


  2. Rod you write this:

    UW Hospitals and Clinics: completely defunded ($153 million) that right - UW Hospitals - GONE to Big Business

    And then you write this:

    20,167 UW Hospital employees will be laid off!

    First of all, from other sources I don’t believe there are that many UW Hospital employees

    Secondly, are they being laid off? Or because the Hospital will now be private, they will no longer be state employees but have jobs.

    I trust you, Rod but you gotta check your facts too! I need to see the truth amidst the palm trees.

  3. bobs - I WISH I could and was worried that it was a Facebook only link - I'll continue looking.

    Balderdash - that also confused me. At one point in the Budget it says Defunded so I suppose they are not disappearing.

    Then in another area it says (I did misquote) 17,000 positions will be lost. The other 4000 were State employees NOT counting Teachers (yet)

    HOWEVER - it was a LOT of gobbley gook political wording.

  4. I see what you are saying - even though JSOnline is anti-union what they say makes sense - I can not see how the UW Hospital/Clinics employed 17,000 workers!

    Maybe the sentence in question was a total ??

  5. Great Blog!!

    Congratulations Josh & Jenny! and Caydence too~

    Congratulations Gramma & Gramps!

    Balderdash got it already and you commented.
    So were good.

    I am trying to keep up with this crap~

    Hope all are having a great Hump Day!

  6. I think I found it.
    It is the second video with O'riley's face and another reporter.

    It says on the top.
    Fox uses out of town footage.

  7. Congratulations Grandpa Rod!

    In case anybody is interested they tried to balance the budget in 1931 to offset the losses from the crash of 1929 in State and Federal produced the Great Depression that bottomed out in 1933. It took 10 years of spending and eventually WW2 to get us out...I sure hope history will not repeat itself....the price of gold keeps going up...makes a person think, I am not the only one worried. I wonder what political ideology buys gold?

  8. Congratulations on your new grandchild!!!!!


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