Oh Columbia County has more then many counties but compared to Dane County and Dodge County we not even close.
In the last 169 years Columbia County has had 38 tornadoes compared to Dave (75) and Doge (60).
Mark June 7th on your calenders!
Friday Night Out in Downtown Columbus - On June 7, 5:30pm-7:30pm the City’s Economic Development, Library and Recreation Departments are hosting Friday Night Out in Downtown Columbus and the Library lawn. The purpose is encourage Columbus families to help celebrate the end of the school year by coming to downtown Columbus and patronizing downtown businesses.
Friday Night Out will also feature:
· Free ice cream cones for the kids (courtesy of Snak Shack)
· Columbus Popcorn Wagon popcorn
· The New Columbus Hot Dog Cart
· Sign Up for the Library Summer Reading Programs
· Sign Up for Summer Recreation Programs
· Specials and Discounts at Downtown Restaurants and Businesses
The group Stage Hogs will be playing at Hydro Street Brewing Company, starting at 8pm. Please join us in Columbus!
Speaking of Hydro Street - I've been hearing more and more great things about the food and beer. I believe the shake down cruise is over. Like all new restaurant/brewery's there is that transition period (Ale Asylum is going through one right now) with new equipment, new cooks and so forth. Like the Daytona 500, it takes a couple laps to get up to speed!
WELL - I was talking to a Columbus personality (who shall remain nameless) yesterday and he said "I have eaten a lot of white fish in my life and Friday night at Hydro Street I had the best White Fish I have ever had.
DJ LOVES Aaron's Cinnamon Brown Ale and said "This is going to sound weird but that was the BEST Grilled Cheese Sandwich I have ever had". Personally I love their Beef and Beer Sandwich and those chips are GREAT now.
So I've been reading Europe 101 - History and Art for the Traveler by Rick Steves (I'm a Rick-nik) and Gene Openshaw. WONDERFUL book, very entertaining.
I'm up to Rome now and amazed (again). Did you know there were 200 Colosseum's in the Roman Empire? Not just one. There was only ONE called "The Colosseum" which came from the word "colossus" a 100 foot tall bronze gleaming statue of Nero at the front entrance.
I also did not know that there was a canvas awning that stretched over the Colosseum. It was the first domed stadium. All of the daily entertainment and slaughter was free.
I also thought Hannibal,Elephants and the Punic Wars were fascinating. In fact Hannibal and his 50 War Elephants reminded me of the WWII invasion of Europe. Same strategy. Take the long route.
Hannibal took 50 War Elephants and 50,000 men and marched 1,200 miles across the Alps and as Rick Steves says "forcibly penetrated Italy from the rear".
From what I read War Elephants did quite well. Sort of like when tanks were used for the first time in WWI. The Romans had this WTF? OMG! moment. Horses would run away.
Yea - it was cruel to elephants (they came out of the fights much better then the humans) but so was building the transcontinental railroad to horses. Humans are not kind to work animals normally.
Hell - look at the Audubon Society and John James Audubon the founder.
How do you think he was able to draw all of those fantastic birds! HE KILLED THEM FIRST and then stuffed and posed them.
In the late 1890s 5 million birds a year were being killed for the fashion industry. One store in New York had 2,600 Robin carcasses used for the feathers.
Harriet Hemenway, President Theodore Roosevelt started a campaign to stop this butchering and laws were passed.
ANYWAY - I digress.
Where in the world is Dave county?
ReplyDeleteOr Doge coumty