1. Convene to closed session to speak with a lawyer who will give advice about upcoming legal shit which might or might not happen.
2. Convene to close session to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved.
If you picked #2 was written by a lawyer you would be correct. Does the sentence actually end? or did it just stop.
I THINK they are talking about the Dopkins building, also known as the bulging building. I think we should treat this like they would in The Dells. Sell tickets to look inside of it.
I heard something on sports talk radio today - not sure it it is 100% accurate but even if it's not it's pretty awesome.
Only one other rookie in the history of MLB has had a better first half of year then the Brewers Jean Segura, and that was Joe DiMaggio. Although I'm not sure Segura is actually a rookie!
Seriously though - Segura has been amazing .325 average, 8 doubles, 9 triples, 11 homeruns 16 stolen bases and caught only 3 times.
Will Segura and JJ Hardy be the All-Star Shortstops this year?
Then there are rumors of trading Gallardo, maybe for a first baseman? WHAT? We have Gamel for next year, what are they talking about!! LOL - I made myself laugh.
NO NO NO - not that Salt. TABLE SALT.
I commented a few blogs ago that when I purchased an old LIFE magazine there were advertisements for salt which was odd because how many times do you see ad's nowadays for salt.
However - who knew Mortons Salt was so crappy for you. It's basically processed food and you should stay away from it. Reason . . well, besides being SALT, it's not good salt. It's sodium chloride, a highly refined, processed white substance that's devoid of nutrients with iodide added back in which can have trace amounts of sodium solo-co-aluminate, fluoride sodium bicarbonate, toxic amounts of potassium iodide, anti-caking agents and aluminium derivatives.
OK OK - I was doing some research after buying some Himalayan Pink Salt. I've been looking for different salts like Hawaiian Sea Salt, Sicilian Sea Salt, Indian black salt, Smoked sea salt, French sea salt, Fleur de Sel. Seems Mortons salt is all ground with metal and so forth with all minerals taken out and then "iodine" added back in.
Himalayan Pink Salt has a full spectrum of 84 minerals and trace elements "just like Mother Earth intended". It is an unrefined, unprocessed "raw" salt that's hand-mined from salt caves that were formed 250 million years ago. It's the most pure salt in the world. The pink comes from iron oxide. It comes from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan.
ANYWAY - I just thought it was interesting. I picked of a grinder of it at Costco.
What I'm finding is that disc golf is a LOT more exercise then ball golf as disc golf courses are pretty challenging. Also disc golfers are as strict with rules as ball golfers. Basically the same sport which relies on integrity.
I do know my Teres Major muscle is sore a lot these days but I think it's been dormant for 30 years since my Frisbee days
It's an awesome real sport. I saw on Youtube some guy just broke a record with a 950 foot throw! WOW!! I'm in the 200 foot range downhill. BTW - throwing downhill is hard because you need to throw down the hill, not out.
That's all.
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