Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Record City council - 58 minutes!!

I'm so excited today at work.  I got a new phone and no longer have a rotary phone. OK OK, I got rid of that one 10 years ago but now I have one made in the last 10 years.


just a few city news items.

City Council last night was a record.  Less then one hour and Trina and I were pumped until someone mentioned Thursday meeting . . wait . . .what?  Thursday? sigh.  Oh yea - the who do we charge for new roads meeting.

Ottery Trucking broke ground near the Travel Center.

Someone stole Badger Motor Company's signs (some people in Columbus have very small brains - is sad).

The School Board want to use the Chamber for broadcasting their meetings.

And I offer my sincerest condolence to all that knew Larry Skaltzky who passed away yesterday in the tanker truck/tractor accident on The 151.  I'm very sorry.


Prepare to be cold next week as there will be days we do not get above 10. Should not be too cold at night as I see only one day in the negative LOW but still we won't see 15 until the following weekend.  Maybe a few passing snow squalls but that is it.


New Years marked the 2nd anniversary of the legalization of cannabis in Colorado and so far results have been outstanding.  In 2015 the state will bring in $125 million in taxes collected and this does not count 10s of thousand of jobs created and their economic impact. 

That $125 million will be divided into basically 4 groups, public education, law enforcement, behavioral and mental health and youth development programs.  

In Colorado since the law went into effect property crimes have dropped 14% and violet crime is down 2.4%.  The only reason I say this is that sooner or later this will come to Wisconsin because you can not just poo poo the medical wonders of this drug for anxiety, pain, insomnia, fatigue, migraines, depression, cramps with basically zero side effects.

For instance, I'm looking at a medical cannabis site and a strain called Blue Dream treats Stress, Depression, Pain, Insomnia and Headaches, but,  the side effects are Happy, Relaxed, Euphoric, Uplifted and Creative.  Well, THAT sucks if you have cancer or constant migraines doesn't it. Who wants to deal with THOSE side effects!  I would much rather have bleeding from the ears nose and throat and if death occurs contact you physician.

So now some people are saying ROD - what the hell are you talking about this for, aren't you are running for office . . again?  Well, I want people to know where I stand.  I'm not hiding who I am and what I stand for.  It's better to know who you are voting for then be surprised isn't it?

I'm not running to feed my ego, if people don't like my position that is fine.  I KNOW cannabis works for medical reasons.  My first wife had osteogenesis imperfecta and NOTHING eased her pain except cannabis and we tried everything.

Nuff said.


A study in Scotland of 11 year old's was concluded and it showed that a 15% increase in IQ gave you a 21% greater chance to live to 76!

Twitter is considering of upping its 140 character limit to 10,000.  Twitter is desperate for new users as their stock has dropped to all time lows.

Packer fans were excited to play Washington as they think it's an easier win.  Yet guess what QB has the best QB rating in the last 8 games of the year!  Kurt Cousins of Washington.


1 comment:

  1. Fair question: Why just medicinal?

    The reason I ask this is because cannabis is still a Schedule I narcotic. Here's the definition of a Schedule I:

    The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
    1. The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
    2. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
    3. Except as specifically authorized, it is illegal for any person:
    to manufacture, distribute, or dispense, or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense, a controlled substance; or
    to create, distribute, or dispense, or possess with intent to distribute or dispense, a counterfeit substance.[3]

    With that definition, how is cannabis categorized as a Schedule I, and alcohol is NOT? Clearly, there are politics behind this categorization -- not public safety.


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