Wednesday, November 1, 2017

100 Days

The Winter Olympics start in 100 days.  The best Olympics in my book.  Not that interested in the Summer Olympics.  South Korea is 14 hours ahead of us.  Just sayin'


Balderdash questioned my bunting statistics when I said you will score more often NOT bunting.  Actually it's a meaningless stat since there is so much more to factor in, it's not a YES or NO question.  What does the line-up look like, who is batting, is it a pitchers?  Does the batter hit a zillion ground balls?  is the pitcher a ground ball pitcher?

But if you need to narrow it down - according to Retrosheet using all completed innings through the 8th inning (not sure why) since 1950

Man on 1st, zero outs you will score at least ONE run .416 of the time.
Man on 2nd, one out you will score at least ONE run .397 of the time.

What about total runs scored?

Man on 1st, zero outs you will score .859 runs in that inning
Man on 2nd, one out you will score .664 runs in that inning.

But it's all contingent on the situation.  This came up last night as Joe Buck was complaining about the lack of bunting in a situation. He said "play of the tie" and in social media there was an argument going on about bunting and how it was an old school strategy. "We have always done it that way" talk.

ANYWAY - I can't wait for this World Series to get over so I can get more sleep and watch all the shows I have DVRd!


The Cato Institute - 63 percent of Republicans said they believed that journalists today are an enemy of the American people.  I wonder where they got that idea.  Not sure that is an accurate number - seems high.  Are there that many diluted Republicans running around?


I wonder how many bars in Columbus have a cabaret license.  I bet not many.  I'll have to ask our city attorney how many we have available.


Speaking of budgets. We're going through budget season and I gotta say - this is the best budget experience yet. Instead of 100% focus on numbers we are actually talking about visions, problems and so fort as adults.

When I first started on council it was like an ambulance just went through and everyone was trying to get back on the road.  The goal was to survive for a year.  Now - we are talking 10 years down the road with actual plans for the city including FUTURE bonding and things to do 10 years from now.   There is actually a vision for the future and a plan on how to get there.

A stark stark difference (I take zero credit for this).

Since the "new" council (for a lack of a better term) took over 5 years ago the city's assessed value is up 16%. Manufacturing is up 51% , Commercial is up 19%  and Residential is up 12%.  Much much higher then Wisconsin as a whole.


We drove through Rosendale yesterday. Both times there was someone pulled over in that anal speed trap of a town that I will never spend one penny in.  But what I saw last evening was outstanding and maybe Columbus should do this.

It was Trick or Treat and they had fire trucks and squad cars with lights on slowing traffic at the dangerous intersections.  We could REALLY use this on Avalon as it looks more like a 4th of July Parade then Halloween.  It's crazy busy with cars parked on both sides of the NON-SIDEWALK super busy street.  So you have cars parked on both sides of the road AND kids on the road at the same time.

Avalon is a catastrophic accident just waiting to happen.  Mark my words. So many times I have seen a kid on a bike or joggers come very close to getting hit ESPECIALLY when the sun is in your eyes on that street.  I have almost hit and I have almost been hit on that street. 

Is it trespassing to walk on peoples lawns? 


Gov Chris Christie has an approval rating of 14%, The Gallop tracking poll (rated as a B-) has Trumps rating at 33%. The combined poll is 37.3%

126 million people have seen Russian troll threads spreading misinformation about Clinton and causing havoc spreading discourse among Americans on Facebook.  Or is that one right there.


Madison as a new Alt-rock station ( well, there are zero now so . . .) 106.7 The Resistance.  Real alternative rock.  I remember listening to Radio Free Madison (WIBA-FM) when it was only on like 6 hours a day!

I  remember playing Strat-o-matic on the floor listening to 101.5 and using my SR-50 FOUR function calculator figuring out batting averages which was SO MUCH better then using a slide ruler (which I still have).


oops - gotta run - some curtain people are coming over to talk about finally getting curtains. (no more confederate war flags for OUR windows). 

You know - there are times when I tell myself I need to pull it in and not be so controversial and then someone contacts me and asked why I have become so bland. And then someone else comments that my face book ramblings are what they WANT to say but are afraid they will make enemies.

I'm stuck.  On one hand I need to be more politically correct but then people ask me what is wrong.  sigh!

Cheers - OH - maybe some snow this afternoon??