Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Winter is coming - and TWA Flight 800

A lot of people complain about the weather and particularly forecasting but forecasting has gotten a lot better in the last few years.

For instance - "we" have known about the coming storm that will hit Thursday for more then a week now.  It was not even a storm but fluid dynamics 2000 miles away gave NOAA a clue something would hit the Midwest somewhere Thursday.   

This is a complicated one.  Right now the unnamed storm is traveling south east and just about the time Columbus/Madison gets the snow, it changes direction and moves north east bringing more rain.  But with this one we are JUST in the dividing line.

A forecast for Madison and a forecast for Columbus could be a difference of 6 inches of snow.  That is why nobody knows nuttin' at the moment except WINTER IS COMING!

The high temp next Tuesday won't hit 0 (ZERO).  But back to the storm.  This will be a 36 hour two pronged event with some sort of precipitation all day Thursday into Friday morning. A break during the day Friday and then the 2nd part of the double hitter Friday night.

 We are looking at  0.3 to 0.4 inches of water which could be 5 inches of snow or wet cold rain. Once this passes it will get REALLY cold with lows 0 or colder and highs near 10 for a week.


The coming tax breaks for corporations will really help small breweries.  Currently they are charged $7 a barrel in taxes.  The tax break for the first 60,000 barrels will go down to $3.5.  So if you have money in the stock market,  401K OR are a craft brewer - it will be grand. Otherwise, you are screwed.


TWA Flight 800 - any conspiracy theorists out there?

Remember a long time ago TWA Flight 800 took off and 5 miles off the coast it exploded?  1996.  There were over 200 witnesses that said a missile rose from the water striking the plane.  There were 50 boats in the area and 49 of them confirmed they saw a missile, one boat never answered and was last tracked heading out to sea and never found.

All 230 passengers died.

Investigators conducted interviews with 200 eye witnesses and not one interview was recorded and only the investigators notes were used.  Those notes were never ever shown to the witness to make sure all was correct.  Not one witnesses was ever allowed to testify in court.

ANYWAY - I finished reading a Nelson DeMille book called "Nightflight" which looked into this and the very end DeMille is being interviewed about this.

At the time of the incident he was writing "Plum Island" my favorite DeMille book and it got him thinking.  He started looking at all the weirdness and was amazed at  . . .all the weirdness.  Especially how so many witnesses had drawings of what they saw but every one was called an optical illusion and dismissed.        

At the time of the explosion the internet almost broke as web traffic quadrupled and a Former NTSB investigator Henry Hughes has been quoted that he believes a bomb or a missile caused the crash but, it was ruled a fuel air disaster and case closed.

We shall never know what REALLY happened.

The book?  Weird ending.  It ends with the bombing of the World Trade Centers just as our hero was about to confront the the people hiding the truth.  Everybody dies (except our hero and his wife) along with the tape of the missile that was made by 2 lovers who were making a video of themselves (explained in vivid detail) on the beach.


Did I mention that 52% of the human race are 100% against the tax bill and 33% are for it? Our democracy at work.


Of the 3000 largest companies in America.  624 do not have one woman on the board of directors. Woman occupy 16% of all seats on board of directors.


I've been doing some deep research into 4k or UHD TVs (not the same) and I see 8K TVs are on the horizon.  The 2020 Olympics will be broadcast in Japan on 8K.

I'm not sure my eyes are even 3K.  It's hard to find any TV over 55 inches NOT UHD.   Don't go to Best Buy for BIG TV's  as they have the cheaper models but outstanding <55 inch="" nbsp="" p="" sets.="">
When you see 55 inch UHD going for $1000 but 65 inchers going for $700?? . . . . .there has to be a trade off somewhere.   

SPEAKING OF TVs - we have a 65 inch DLP, rear projection TV that is great - FOR FREE! (no really - FREE).  Come and get it.  It needs a new bulb every 2 years ($40 - super easy to install) but otherwise - a great TV.


Nuff said