Friday, October 26, 2018

NBA - Survivor / lithium / and political garbage

Being the only NBA fan in Wisconsin I feel I need to say this - Giannis Antetokounmpo is the first NBA player since Wilt Chamberlain to score at least 25 points and 15 rebounds in the first 4 games of the season.    A bona fide Hall of Famer.  Geez the guy is 23 years old and is in his 6th NBA season!

OH - nobody seems to mind there are now advertisements on players uniforms and how the NBA is thinking about changing the 3 point line to NOT be in the corners.  Getting too easy it seems.

Heck even Milwaukee is throwing up 45 attempts now - AGAIN - analytics are killing sports. All that sciencey stuff.   I KID! 


Survivor - of COURSE I am watching Season 37 of Survivor. It's outstanding.  First there was a typhoon during the 1st three days where everyone was freezing and wet. No fire and poor shelter no food.  Three Days.

Then one contestant, because of the weather had to be airlifted out with a REALLY bad back injury, another one quit a few days later with a knee injury. Then 2 weeks later the entire operation had to be evacuated to safety as a Cat 2 typhoon decimated the islands.

And this is not even going into the outstanding cast of characters.  One is a totally nerdie geek who should be on The Big Bang Theory that is literally a puzzle genius. He writes computer programs on how to solve puzzles which is a key to many of the competitions.


I finished season two of "The Man in the High Castle" which is a slow moving alternate reality thriller.   I purchased Amazon Prime JUST for that show. Watched 3 episodes and thought it was slow moving but then when I saw the Season 2 trailer, AHH HAAA - THAT is what it's about and the last 5 episodes were outstanding . . . in a slow moving thriller kind of thing.  BRAVO!!


Remember to buy STUFF before January 1st when the 25% tariffs go into effect.  Almost EVERYTHING will go up in price.  We got an email from Steinhaufels saying they are buying more warehouses and stocking then to the rafters with furniture because furniture will zoom up in price in 2019.  Luggage, bikes, toys, cars  . . you name it.


How are those bike rakes in downtown Columbus coming along.  I remember the CSS task force actually had plans on where they would go in and we set borrowed money aside for them. Are they in yet?  Along with the trash cans?  Or was all that just talk.


Then there is Brad Schimel who attended the Alliance Defending Freedom get togather AND kept it a secret (not too well I guess).  Alliance Defending Freedom?  Yea - their goal is to "re-criminalize homosexuality"  It's a "Christian" extremist hate group with a long and inglorious track record of spreading the most vile and deceitful lies about the LGBTQ community.  And he is our AG.

After travel records of his Ass't AGs came to light Schimel was confronted about why he hid it from voters that he attended a hate group gathering in secret. Schimel responded to paraphrase him: All I felt was love at their meeting. Maybe the love of hating the LGBTQ community but that is it. He lied about attending a hate group and then spun them as a loving group. People who claim that all LGBTQ people are pedophiles, alcoholics, etc.   

It's always good to have more hate in Wisconsin Government. Right? Hate thy neighbor . . unless he is an old white straight male it seems.

Anybody watch Making a Murder 2?  Pretty much shows Wisconsin only protects their police and not the citizens.

DJ dealt with that family BEFORE the NETFLIX shows and she was NOT a fan of the show. Yet - she has changed her mind when police decide to cover up their cover ups. They know who the REAL killer is but  . . . . .  it would look bad

I mean - a guy spends time in prison on a false, trumped up charge. They let him out with $32 million dollars of tax payer money . . . . and THEN he decides to kill for real?  Seriously?  They KNOW who the real killer is but it would look bad to admit there was a MASSIVE cover-up.

Take your lithium.  It seems there are trace amount of lithium in many communities drinking water. Oddly in the areas with those trace amounts there is a large drop in suicides. In some areas 40-50% less.

When water companies started putting fluoride into our drinking water there was a drop in cavities of 25%.  Maybe we need lithium . ESPECIALLY now with the woman groper who blames CNN for bombs is President.


An interesting thing about CBD oil. The non-psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. Nobody really knows if it works on it's own.  There have been no studies.  OH - it works with THC - that is a for sure thing.  But on it's own, nobody really knows except for anecdotal evidence.

Meanwhile, in Canada, four days after legalizing cannabis for recreational purposes Canada is almost out of pot. The weird thing is in Canada you can only buy beer in grocery stores and only liqueur in SAQs of government run liqueur stores.  You can only buy cannabis in those government stores and they were sold out.

$6.5 BILLION in sales is predicted for year 1.


Weather - pretty much an every other day thing - showers, sun showers, sun showers, sun. Nothing really to get excited about, highs 48 to 55 . . . . EXCEPT, I will be in Las Vegas a week from now with temps in the middle 70s and sun. 


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