Thursday, December 6, 2018

Deadwood and Christmas Lights

WELL - I THOUGHT I had two dentist appointments yesterday . . . NOPE - NEXT Thursday.  I was almost correct as I HAD one Wednesday and another today but they were switched to have both on the same day . . . NEXT Thursday.

Yea - I have progressed in life enough to HAVE a calandar but it seems it dies not automatically change dates just by thinking about it. Technology has not caught up with my advanced brain yet.

Speaking of advanced brains (meaning OLD) I'm about to go on Medicare and I get 5 phone calls a day from people hoping I will pick their insurance plans and they REALLY want to help me make a decision.

If you worked in government most of your life it's pretty dang easy to sign up so 100% of all the phone calls are just spam.

My biggest advice for anybody . . .get a government job.  You will work for low pay, bad working conditions, Salary when you work mor ethen 40 hours but hourly when less then 40, the trailing edge of technology with bosses that have been promoted out of what they do best and are now horrible.

But retiring from a lifetime of ridicule and hate as government employees seem to get . . is great.


Watched GWs funeral yesterday.  A lovely event seeing all of the former Presidents and dignitaries joking and laughing and then Trump comes in.   O  M  G

A FOX "news" analyst said it was like a cold wave came through.  NO - it was more like a polar vortex.

I can not take credit for this.

Donald Trump is getting praised for his behavior at Bush's funeral.  Our President is such an asshole, we have to reward him when he doesn't make a scene at a funeral. 

Trumps trade war has cost Nebraska between $695 million to $1.065 Billion.  Nebraska is tired of all this "winning" Trump brags about.

Trade conflicts have cost Nebraska economy more than $1 billion, Farm Bureau says


The Christmas light issue.  Everybody would LOVE to have Christmas lights that run across the streets like the good ol' days. Well, the good ol' days are over.  Think what would happen with lights above the street when one string droops and is caught in a semi's pipes.

It then pulls the string that topples the light pole which then pulls all the other lights down.

Sounds like something for YouTube. 

Here is an idea that I do not know how it would work yet.  Looking at each light pole, how about making each pole a candy cane.  Same shape.  Each pole has an outlet. 

Here are some other ideas

Just kicking ideas around.


HEY - if you have Amazon Prime - makes sure you watch Jamestown.  About the first American town.  Very good show and now Season 2 is available. I also saw Deadwood, the very VERY best western EVER is now available  (staring Timothy Olyphant and Ian McShane).  MUST SEE TV

Deadwood is what all other westerns since it was broadcast strive to be. It set the bar and nobody has beat it. 

Jamestown uses the same set as Deadwood did.

If you like westerns this is really must see TV but . . . . not for children as the "F" word is once a minute LOL


Talk at ya next time

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