Monday, March 25, 2019


I have been laughing all weekend at this line in a John Candy movie.

The inspector is interrogating Candy.

Inspector  "You are charged with sitting on this woman's head, what do you have to say"

Candy "she was cold and had no hat".


WELL - some sort of report came out over the weekend with no real news at all so far.  Nothing conclusive.  NEVER CONVICTED.

At the moment, If Barr, a Trump appointee, Is Representing Things Fairly” without seeing the real report but only some bullet points from a Trump appointed AG protecting his client I'm fine.

Think of the clusterf*ck we would have if Trump was found to be a Russian agent. Now we know it's just his delusional stupidity running the show and a freakishly AMAZING amount of coincidences.


Now the Trump GOP lovers are taunting saying waste of time and money (Benghazi Benghazi emails what about the emails).  We now know that Trumps presidency will just end as a whimper after 4 years and not a bang. 

However - The Mueller report was NOT a waste of time and money.

34 people indicted along with 3 businesses
6 Trump cronies charged with misleading the FBI (for no reason it seems)
7 guilty pleas
5 people sentenced to prison

Not a waste of time in my book. 

Now the fun will be after Trump is gone (did we really want Pence to run the country?) and his family of racketeers all go to jail. I think I would rather have all of Trumps kids in jail and let him run things all by himself suffering.

So on one side I'm happy there was no collusion but sad that a delusional white supremacist YET very very weak President didn't get a swift kick to his tiny raisin balls.  (did I say that out loud?).


I think we are in the home stretch - next weekend we could be ready to deck party . . . if it was not for the snow storm coming.  They have not started on the other non-covered deck yet.

It seems home builders really make cheap decks.  So many things the original deck did not have structurally. No wonder it was falling apart.


Speaking of Columbus.

I watched a show on PBS last night exploring Madison.  It was like looking at Madison with fresh eyes and what an amazing town. 

People in Columbus need to look at Columbus with fresh eyes.  I remember when I used to say that I looked at Columbus like it was the first time.  I lost that when I became an alderman I think.  I got to see the under belly.  All I saw were problems and I lost my child-like glee of only seeing the skin of the town. 

What is funny is I'm on a couple other "city" facebook pages and they are so freakishly the same. It's kind of creepy.  Whitewater has NO grocery store.  ShopKos are closing and people are freaking out about their downtown's losing business and why does the city government not care and do something yada yada yada.


Speaking of the Electoral Collage. A lot of people are saying get rid of it.

What if you made each state have the same number of people for each   Each elector would cover the same amount of people for each state. So while Wyoming has 1 elector for ever 150,000 people and California has one for each 500,000 people.  Make them the same. 

Instead 538 electors you would have a few thousand. The results . . .would be the same.



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