Friday, April 19, 2019

The Report

Quick and dirty thoughts.

The Mueller Report - I'm happy with it.  Who wouldn't be. First of all I think it is GREAT that our President was NOT colluding with Russia. Think of the clusterf*ck that we would have if it was found he was colluding. Good God.

Second, Obstruction.  Many believe it's sad he was not found to be REALLY obstructing.  WELL - I'm elated that his handlers did not carry out his instructions to lie and obstruct. it's a GOOD thing.  The report pretty much proves Trump is as dishonest, unethical, immoral and unpatriotic as we all thought he was.

Third is we now know that Trumps AG is all for Trump and not for America.  Oddly what The Report said and what the AG said do not REALLY line up. 

And remember - even though Mueller DID find that Trump was doing MANY things illegal, you cannot do much to a sitting President . . . however - there are ZERO rules saying a former President cannot go to jail.   

Now we just have to get through 2 more years of his buffoonery at trying to lead his followers (not the country as a whole).  His Presidency is like watching a bunch of goats work an ATM.  Totally lost and just punching random buttons.


DJ and I watched the last episode of Michael Palin in North Korea. He spent 2 weeks roaming the country side talking to North Koreans.

I tell ya - WHAT A BIZARRE Weird country.   They are building a huge mega resort for tourists with a HUGE International airport  . . .with zero incoming or outgoing flights.  Palin was there for the ONE flight.  It was the only arrival and deport of the day but the airport, the size of O'Hara was completely filled with employees . . for one camera crew.  Not one other human was there. 

Its a fascinating documentary - must see TV (your youtube)


Joey Votto popped out to the first base 2 days ago. Why is this news?  Because it was the very very first time he had EVER popped out to first base in his career.  NO REALLY.  FIRST TIME!   6,829 plate appearances and he had never popped out to first.   WEIRD


Amazing Race this season has 4 teams from Survivor, 4 from Big Brother and 4 from The Amazing Race - GREAT first episode.


I had a thing a few days ago that said - QUESTION AUTHORITY - I think that is my life long mantra.  I got beat up in Junior high because I questioned a bully, I was thrown off an elevator at DOJ because I questioned a detective (LOL).   My parents went against the Fort Atkinson School Board and questioned their authority and won.  (They were going to drop music classes).

You should ALWAYS question authority. I have found that most authorities are there only because NOBODY questioned them.


Between April 19 and May 7 over 1 billion birds will fly over the Gulf of Mexico to their spring breeding grounds in North America, half of the 2.1 billion estimated birds to traverse the journey over the course of the entire spring. Over 100 species of shorebirds form this fleet every year, migrating 2,700 kilometers in a three-week window. At peak, there will be 26,000 birds per kilometer of airspace. They form a mass so intimidating that they show up on weather radars. If you live in the south and are getting tired of all the damn bugs, I kid you not when I say that the single most voracious air force on the planet is incoming.


Have a GREAT weekend - stay cool Sunday - might hit 80 (probably not but very close)

1 comment:

  1. The attempt to obstruct the duty of oversight does not have to be successful in order for a president to be charged with obstruction of justice. Muller listed 10 examples of obstruction, but could not indict a sitting president per DOJ policy. While it might be "a good thing" that his staffers did not carry out his requests, it does not exonerate the president of obstruction.

    Furthermore, Mueller's report did not say there was no collusion. What it did say was that there was not a direct link between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. It ALSO said that there was tacit coordination between individuals that were not Russian government officials. For instance, Natalia Veselnitskaya was not a Russian official, but she definitely had ties to the Kremlin. There was also Joseph Mifsud, Aras Agalarov, Rinat Akhmetshin, Konstantin Kilimnik, and Oleg Deripaska. All of these individuals were in direct conversations with the Trump campaign but were not direct employees of the Russian government.

    So, you need to be careful about what conclusions you arrive at based on the reporting you are hearing. Mueller's report did not exonerate the president one bit -- no matter how often Attorney General Barr claims it does.

    The conclusion one should come to is that while there was evidence that there was misconduct, obstruction of justice and abuse of power, the Department of Justice is unable to bring charges against a sitting president.

    What the country does about a misbehaving president, then, is on Congress, as this is a political process (impeachment). It's the duty of Congress to bring forth Articles of Impeachment.

    The next question becomes: Will Nancy Pelosi and congressional Democrats do their jobs, or will they choose to allow POTUS to be above the law? I don't care if it is politically expedient for them to provide oversight and pull the trigger on impeachment.

    That's what they were hired to do.


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