Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Black Sails / trail cam? / economy

To comment on the comments.  What caught my attention in Black Sails was Tom Hooper.  He is one of the stars in Netflix weirdo but super interesting Umbrella Academy so when I saw his face I felt I had to look into the show.

I watched episode #1 last night just to get a taste for later.  A typical meet and greet episode with  gratuitous sex and over the top characters who looked like they were still trying to figure out their character.  More characacher's then characters but it looked interesting.

The thing with GOT is that people loved ALL the characters.  You can have a great show but if you don't like the cast it won't go.  The new comedy "Bless This Mess" is sort of a Green Acres knock off  but after watching the first few episodes I like the entire cast.  OK OK I sort of spun off in a different direction there . . .

 ANYWAY - I'm glad M had the same reaction and will continue . . once I finish GOT Season 6.

OH we BOTH love Downton Abby - The Downton Abby movie trailer


I think many people understand things easier visually then just using words. People can say Obama created a good economy but then propaganda news will come on and say NO it was horrible as a certain segment suffered and yada yada yada.

Every economy will leave someone left behind and you can always find a black spot.  I mention this as I was talking to  someone who obviously watched Fox propaganda News and she commented Obama's economy was a nightmare.

WELL - Of course I could not let that go and said that she was either joking or just misinformed.

Obama's economy did GREAT and continues to be great. This is a chart of the S&P 500.  The 500 largest companies in America, the ones that drive the macro economy.

Notice that the bottom left is where Obama was elected.  Does that look like a bad economy?  YES - Trump can say his economy is doing great . . and it IS but it's not like he changed the momentum in any way.

Speaking of Trump - he canceled a $929 million project in California for high speed rail because political retribution.  The President for ALL Americans?  I think not. 


USPS is looking into driver less trucks to deliver mail to cities. I'm sure some people will be against this but how about asking the drivers and passengers caught in the nightmare under the Hy73/151 bridge from last week in Columbus. 

The one where the truck drivers failed to see stopped cars and plowed into them at full speed in a construction zone. 

It's been pretty quiet about that accident.


Trumps trade war is really hurting China. They were not allowed to watch the finale' of GOT and they are PISSED!  Otherwise they are just buying all their stuff from other countries. Never to come back to America.


We don't know what is wrong with Gus - he seems REALLY frightened at something, shaking.  No reason why.


Weather station is acting up - wind says NORTH at 2 MPH when it's really 18 from the South  hmmm   Davis Instruments are sending out test cables.    I've felt for the last 4 months that the wind speed just seemed too low.  Now this morning I see winds from the NORTH at 2 mph when in REALITY it's from the south at 18.   


Elweed has now had 4 trellises stolen from his garden by someone that lives in his apartment building - any suggestions in trail cameras (cheap) so he can catch the guy?  Anyone have a trail camera he can borrow? 

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