Thursday, May 9, 2019

eatking pizza with Chicken George

Spanning the globe looking for names to drop

First there was Doug Stanton award winning author of so many books with the longest titles

Horse Soldiers: The Extraordinary Story of a Band of U.S. soldiers Who Rode to Victory in Afghanistan
The Odyssey of Echo Company: The 1968 Tet Offensive and the Epic Battle to Survive the Vietnam War
In Harm's Way: The Sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the Extraordinary Story of Its Survivors

then there was Hunter Scott - the hero of the heroes who as a teenager took the fight to exonerate Captain McVay of the ill fated USS Indianapolis - AND WON.  Then he went on to be a submarine hunter. 

And now -  Chicken George - Contestant in Season #1 of Big Brother and Season 3& Big Brother All-Stars

The Chicken and I sat down for a conversation at #JamesStreetPizza in Columbus last night and I learned a few things about Big Brother.

George Boswell is Amy Boswell's brother. Amy runs James Street Pizza.

I asked George how he even heard about Big Brother (of which I have watched every season except #4 and #5,  Season 21 coming soon) and he said he answered an ad in the news paper.

A few tidbits.  In Season one contestants were given a little over $300 a week to be filmed 24 hours a day for 3 months.  There are cameras everywhere including the bathrooms and showers.  There is no place to hide.

He talked about Mike Malin (Boogie) who won Season #7.  The winner gets $500,000 of which about 40% is taken from taxes.  Boogie had the hottest nightclub in LA. The kind you line up hours ahead of time to enter . . if you are good looking.   He tried to expand to Las Vegas but that went poorly.

In Season #7 the All-Stars were paid $30,000.

What you see is pretty much what actually happens.  There is no coaching and the reality is actually real.   Yea - they do try to sway competitions a little by HOPING certain players will excel in certain competitions but that is about it.

Julie Chan is a WONDERFUL woman and super nice and he sees everybody once a year.  Evil Dick is NOT evil at all and you pretty much forget there are cameras on you 24/7 although it's always in the back of your mind. 

He never sees the contestants from Season 1 - they sort of disappeared.

I believe there have been more ACTUAL marriages between BB contestants then from The Bachelor and Bachelorette.

George is a fantastic guy and I would LOVE to sit down and have a few beers with him not because he was on Big Brother but because he's just a super cool guy!

I asked about the fly overs that happened in the first few seasons.  Planes would fly over the compound trailing banners warning contestants of trouble.  911 stopped that as CA does not allow planes with banners anymore.

ANYWAY - there is more that will percolate into my brain but sitting down with a great pizza AND Chicken George Boswell was the high lite of my week . . . so far.


MEANWHILE - a friend's child was sent how from Middle school last week with hives. 

HOWEVER once the kid got home he started Googling what hives were by typing HIVs and it seems he was getting pretty worried until his mom stepped in and explained it was not HIVs but hives.

Funny . . for us!

Speaking of HIV - PrEP is a drug that reduces the spread of HIV and is made by Gilead. Gilead is going to increase the cost of the drug 4.5%.  The treatment costs about $1,800 a month in America while in other countries it costs $6.50 (Six dollars and fifty cents) a month.


BUCKS WIN BUCKS WIN and they now go to the Eastern Conference Championship.  I bet all the talk on National radio/TV is what happened to Boston and why do they suck.  Milwaukee?  Oh yea.

Good Lord Milwaukee keeps blowing out the competition.  It's a little too easy.  As Dan Patrick said - the problem with Milwaukee is they are SO balanced.  Milwaukee plays as a team while Boston played like 5 players.

The Bucks have been so easy to win money (for entertainment purposes only) as they have covered 8 of the 9 games and 21 of the last 30 and 56 of 90 (62%) this year.  Milwaukee?  Who are they?  They get ZERO respect.   Excellent!!


Chick--fil-A is about to become the 3rd largest restaurant chain behind McDonalds and Starbucks.  All other chicken restaurants are falling by the wayside


So Tony Evers is the 9th best liked Governor in America when taking the States 1% lean to the right into account.  What about Senators?  There are a lot of them.  Mitch McConnel, even coming in a VERY RED state is the bottom of the list as the most disliked Senator in a State.

Tammy Baldwin is the 14th best liked, Ron Johnson  is 32nd.


Magic Mushrooms have been decriminalized in Denver . . WHAT?  yea - this confuses me.

A study found that "patients with [chronic pelvic pain] are self-treating with cannabis and finding this to be an effective intervention.

The commissioner of the XFL football league said he would “prefer not to test for marijuana."

Next week will be a very good week weather wise.  Weekend is looking .. OK


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