Tuesday, May 28, 2019

silent raves / Dubai / Downtown parking lane? ?wettest may ever?

Welcome back to work.  I saw a weather dude Sunday night saying what a great stretch of weather we were having. So a "stretch" is 2 days now?

Just random thoughts as I sit down here.

If you watched The Amazing Race they are really putting teams through some culture shock.
After spending a few days in Vietnam they fly to Dubai which seems to be Las Vegas on MANY MANY steroids. 

I mean geez if you have a beautiful city why not make a 50 story tall picture frame to show it off.  Maybe this is what Columbus needs.

So after spending 3 days in Dubai and all of it's futuristic buildings they fly 3000 miles to Uganda where they are running through mud streets.  Crazy good show.

Silent raves are a thing? How cool is that.!



And then there is the 4 corner intersection.  Seems the police have been giving tickets to people making right turns from the parking lane.   Ed Johnson posted

Wisconsin Statutes Section 346.31(2) "Right turns. Both the approach for a right turn and the right turn shall be made as closely as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway. If, because of the size of the vehicle or the nature of the intersecting roadway, the turn cannot be made from the traffic lane next to the right-hand edge of the roadway, the turn shall be made with due regard for all other traffic."

Which seems REALLY vague with the  "the turn shall be made with due regard"    wording.

It was MY understanding that that lane was a parking lane and thus you could not turn.  There is only 1 lane to make a right turn on red and it was not that parking lane.  People say it's yellow curb THUS no longer a parking lane - I would LOVE to hear what the actual law is.

There is a yellow curb which is Stop only long enough to load or unload passengers—no longer than posted. Drivers are usually required to stay with their vehicle.

to ME that says it's not a turn lane.  Anyone Anyone?

Also - bikes are being stolen from Pic-n-Save. Seems they were not registered OR locked which blows my mind that a bike on the side of a building is not locked while you work inside.  It's just ASKING to be stolen.

Speaking of bikes DJ and I took a leisurely 10 mile ride in the Horicon Marsh Auto Tour that links up with the Wild Goose Trail.  SADLY the Horicon Marsh Auto Tour area will be closed all summer so just when we find a wonderful biking path - it closes. 


RAIN - well so far this COULD be the wettest May on record.  Columbus has received 6.13 inches of rain so far

5/1  0.34
5/2 0.20
5/6 0.38
5/9 1.00
5/10 0.05
5/17 0.43
5/18 0.37
5/19 0.18
5/20 0.08
5/22 0.59
5/24 0.29
5/25 1.98
5/28 0.42

this spring reminds me of 1996 but not AS bad.  I remember that because people were all cranky and on June 9th after 30 days of clouds DJ and I flew to Las Vegas where it was 100 degrees and felt GREAT and we got married. 

In 1996 we were 7 degrees below average with 24 days with highs in the 60s or below and 2.95 inches of rain.   This year only 3 degrees below norm for May.


OK - I digested the Bucks fall and after reading many things - it was not as bad as it seemed.  For one thing Toronto got REALLY lucky and the Bucks shot REALLY poor.

The Raptors shot 33% on guarded catch and shoot jumpers. The Bucks shot 32.9% on unguarded catch and shoot jumpers.

and people forget just how tenuous these games are.  Fred Vanvleet in the last 3 games was 14-17 on 3 point shots. The highest percentage over 3 games in playoff history.  If he would have shot HIS normal percentage that is a 27 point difference in 3 close games.

The Bucks broke all sorts of playoff records scoring. The most dominate scoring team in playoff history since the 16 team era.  They just happened to play the exact team that could stop them when matching player to player.

But what losing did was show the weaknesses that can now be fixed AND Giannis, amazingly, is still learning. This was his first deep run into the playoffs. LeBron had these same struggles in 2011 with a new team.

I'm excited for next year as most players will be back.


May is officially over for my SOM team - check out the games above .500 graph.  -1 for every loss and +1 for every win.  I was HOT!

   Problem though.  Even though I'm on pace to win 102 games - not only am I in 2nd place 1 game back, but I'm 1.5 games out of LAST place.  The LAST place team in my division is on pace to win 98 games  IN LAST PLACE!

tough division.

Who wants to go to Mt Everest - can we form 2 lines to the summit ?   The below shot is the last few 1000 feet to the summit which is about the size of two ping pong tables. Typically there are 20 people taking selfies while people below are running out of O2.  They have to step over a dead woman who ran out of air.  What is the politically correct thing to so.  Step over her? push her body off the cliff?

If you die up there no one brings you down. It's too dangerous.  I really don't think it is worth it.


Gus has a new best friend that lives next door.   His name is Matisse and he is half shih tzu and half chihuahua and is adorable.  They play so well together it's crazy. Just rolling around and chasing each other.

But sadly Matisse was gone this weekend and Gus missed him. He spent time wishing Matisse was home.

Sophie met Matisse and had no problems.  Just another stupid dog.

And Sophie has now climbed the cat friendly screen 4 times now - ZERO holes.  Can't even see where she climbed - not that we LET her.  Gus normally gets her down. He's the enforcer when if comes to cats being bad.

We yelled at Sophie ONCE and now every time Sophie looks at the screens Gus is on alert and will bark at her if she looks to climb.

Nuff said - need food.

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