Monday, July 15, 2019

Busch Light - The Nectar of the Gods - CW&L Water.

A few decades ago Bill James might not have "started" the sabremetrics revolution but was the one that brought it into the mainstream.   

He was one of the first that tried to legitimize bullpenning.  Pitch a starting pitcher for 4 or 5 innings and then go to a fresh bullpen. Do NOT let the starting pitcher face a batter more then twice.

Chacin on the Brewers, in his career the first time he sees a batter that batter has a .667 OPS, 2nd time he sees a batter .728 and the 3rd time he see's that batter .760.  If you look at MOST pitchers that is how it plays out.

THUS - bullpenning takes that away.

SO - when Bill James was hired by the Boston Redsox as a bullpen pitching staff consultant way back in the 80s? he went with math and used bullpenning and ALL other teams thought this was a horrible stupid idea because it was "out of the norm" and used numbers and not common knowledge handed down since the late 1800's  (or at least the 1950s).

It was a spectacular failure and and a laughing stock of the league. 

YET - It REALLY does work.  The problem with the Redsox back then is the problem the Brewers have now -  Bullpenning is great - IF - you have an actual bullpen.  Bullpenning will not fix bad pitchers.  Like any betting system.  If you have negative expectation, no betting system will overcome it. For the Brewers - If you have a bad bullpen, it will not be fixed by pitching them MORE and a capable starting pitcher less.

I really like Council as a manager but . . . . I think we need to get the starters to go a little longer and BURNS and of most of the bullpen  LOT less.

From my 40+ years of managing a virtual team with bullpens I know bullpens are pretty random year to year.  A great bull pen last year does not mean we will have one THIS year.


Went to see YESTERDAY Friday and it is REALLY a fun happy movie with great Beetles music, a fun concept and Lily James  (Downton Abby, Cinderella) is awesome!!!   People clapped at the end.   Feel good movie of the year


WEATHER - the talking heads on TV are trying to scare you into watching THEIR weather.  yea yea hot and moggy but no 90s until Thursday AND - in an odd turn they are downplaying Friday when I believe we COULD hit 100 (more like 97 though).  I expect heat indices Friday to be in the 105 range.  Thursday 100 heat index.  Until then low to mid 90s heat index so yea - sucky hot. Cooling off NEXT week.


I said my piece on what Trump did this weekend which is so distasteful that nobody can defend him NOT being a racist and anybody that still is devoted to him is also classified as a racist.  He can't hide and say he was joking this time. 

I am NOT anti Republican at all. I have friends that lean right and that is fine - I respect their opinions - don't agree but respect.  Trump is not a Republican.  REAL Republicans are smart people that just think differently from my views.

But Trump is just a low life mobster bully with ZERO clue how to run a country and is a 100% racist. There can LITERALLY be no doubt now.



I purchased a six pack of Busch Light this weekend - The Nectar of the Gods

Here is Busch Light Guy comparing Busch Light Nectar of the Gods to Spotted Cow


Last week I took a LOT of shit from the "we gripe about everything Columbus facebook page and one person blocked me because I was just a troll (who tells the truth and corrects people on rumors).

I was defending Columbus Water and Light (Shared Strength through WPPI Energy)  
and FOR FREE they are coming this morning to replace my water meter with a BRAND new one. (call them and you can get one also).

WELL - the argument was a woman came on and said all of her indoor plants were dying because Columbus changed their water.  All of a sudden people are coming out of the woodwork saying their water NOW tastes nasty and is horrible now everybody believes that EVERYTHING CHANGED and "should we be drinking the water?" and yada yada.  I was literally teh public jumping on the anti CW&L bandwagon and fear was running rampant.

Well - I come on and ask them if they had their water tested and of course nobody has but plants are dying what more proof do you need ROD!! STOP TROLLING AND DISAGREEING WITH EVERYBODY!

So I contacted CW&L and asked for a few months of water reports NOT KNOWING I would get the raw data which was sort of meaningless unless you are a spreadsheet junky so I created spreadsheets and looked at the data.

I wrote this

WATER - Lots of talk about water so I felt someone had to get the actual facts - I contacted CW&L and asked them for a few months of raw data to see what has changed in chemicals.
Looking at the reports - and adding the columns and dividing by 30 and comparing and so forth - - - - - nothing has changed. In fact our water has been pretty stable for a few years now.
There is no spike in chlorine or any other chems. If you are watering your plants remember that our water could be lacking minerals needed because it's "soft" water out of the tap. That began in the 1940s for reasons nobody knows.
HOWEVER - to change it back "we" run the risk of Flint Michiganing it. Changing water chem's is NOT something you ever want to do because of unforeseen consequences.
We get MOST of our water from Well #1 which is near the Antique Mall and it's 80 years old and if you can get 90 years out of a well you are doing great.
We have another well as a back up but we will need a new one in the future.
Our water is deep deep down and we are very safe from toxic spills and so forth.
Columbus has basically has The GOLD STAR system when it comes to infrastructure. We have a very VERY good system. MUCH better then most communities. When people wonder why our water costs so much it's because we have a seriously first rate system
Most of the city has redundant lines so if there is a breakage you still get water. We can handle two MAJOR fires AND citizens can still have water.
You get what you pay for. Remember - drinking water is a secondary issue as water companies main focus is on fire prevention. Drinking water is a bonus and if you do not like it there are MUCH worse water conditions everywhere (Milwaukee)
So love the taste or hate the taste the water is good.

While it might not be 100% accurate it got the point across and I was back in good graces with the public whining facebook page.

What REALLY surprised me was how many thanks you I got - it seems MANY MANY more people were concerned then I realized that were silent.  Seriously. 
MEANWHILE - DJ and I went to Art Fair on the Square yesterday and this actually happened. 
DJ is in a fresh porta potty and I'm guarding.  I have a Colorado baseball cap on and sunglasses.  A woman comes up and is picking out the best porta and looks at me . . . "Are you Rod Melotte"? the stranger asks. I say "why yes I am" and she asked my what booth I have.
I explain I no longer do art fairs and while I LOVE doing them and getting compliments for 8 hours a day and a ton of money (I did not say that part) - I was only there looking now.  
We walk and I see another friend and he asked me where I am and I say the same.  A half hour later I see a person that runs art fairs and he asked where I am and yada yada!  it goes on like that.  
I do miss the middle part of art fairs - the selling parts. Not the week running UP to fairs or the setting up and packing up part in 90 degree weather in the rain.  Yea - Art Fair on The Square costs $600 to get into (if you are accepted - if not you lose the $100 application fee) and the set-up and tear down are truly horrific . . . but making $70,000 in a good weekend is never a bad thing is it? (not that I ever made $70,000, a photography friend did make $85,000 a few years ago). 
Plus - everything photography is now on metal and everything I have is canvas.  

I really have to find another gallery - I do really well . . .and then they close.  
I took this image last night from our porch - the storm is actually directly over Rockford 


OH - at the art fair one booth had a while bunch of my images LOL   I won't say I invented it but . . . . . . 

    and one ALMOST exact copy was this one where I stopped and REALLY looked closely to make sure it was not mine. 

Just a unique photo of our train.  I posed this on a train FB page and was surprised I got SO MANY comments - not known of them saying "orange?"

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