Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pampered Pooch makes Gus look like a retriever

There is this one hole at The Oaks that is in my BRAIN.  It's a gimmick hole where you hit over wasteland to the fairway that runs out into more wasteland 200 yards away.  Trees and wasteland on the left and another fairway on the right.  It's a par 4 and I average 6.7  YEA - it's in my brain.

Every freaking time I leak out to the right and am in the other fairway. The issue is that then you are blocked by one very large mostly dead tree and scruff junk to get over right in front of you and the hole 170 yards away.  OR you can hit the tree and bounce into the wasteland and take a drop and penalty stroke near the hole.

HOWEVER - the last 2 times I have played this hole I take a mighty swing with a 7W and I really nail it and my brain is high fiving myself and the ball hits a limb square and bounces STRAIGHT BACK AT ME!!   COME ON MAN!!  I'M IN THE SAME FREAKING PLACE!!

So now I'm STILL blocked and I'm one stroke worse.  Last night - Drive, 7W into the tree, 7W short into the wasteland, penalty, chip shot from the drop of shame area to 4 feet from the hole (great chip) and 1 putt for a 6.   VICTORY!

The next hole is a gimmick SHORT par 5.  Drive goes 170 yards straight up  in the air leaving me a LONG distance to the green.  I take out my 5W and RIP the ball perfectly and everybody is ooing and awing as the ball is tracking towards the hole, hits the fairway rolls to the green past the hole by a few feet up the second tear to the top and I have an impossible putt for an eagle. 10 feet away and 2 feet down which rolls past the pin by 10 feet and I 2 putt back.



SO I raised a pretty good firestorm on a facebook page just before I left for golf.  So big was this firestorm that they shut off the comments with so many insults coming my way.  One woman said I was just baiting people and as Balderdash will say I never bait people . . . .do I?   (insert evil laugh).

I said that I felt that parents that make their child wear a bike helmet WHILE refusing to wear one themselves . . . were being bad parents.

WELL - this did not sit will with the bad parents it seems. 

I was told adults do not need to wear helmets, they had been riding bikes all their lives and never needed one.  Or they could not afford a helmet and I should stay out of their business.

HEY - I have seen personally what not wearing a helmet does to a brain.  Sorry for thinking your child would miss you if YOU had a brain injury  SORRY!!

Cycling is the #1 sport for brain injury and head injury was the commonest cause of death in cyclists  NUMBER 1.

SO EXCUSE ME FOR BEING CONCERNED.  If I can change ONE parents view on wearing a helmet - VICTORY! 

I do love seeing so many kids wearing helmets in Columbus.  Sadly I see parents riding with them with no helmet.  They probably make their kid wear a seat belt but don't wear one themselves.


When we take Gus for a walk cars drive by and people yell HI GUS!   The other day we were walking and a car pulls up to get mail  HI GUS.  Another car drives up to get mail (I guess that is how you do it) HI GUS.  We go to the farmers market  HI GUS!!

So this happens on facebook  LOL

Before and after

Gus is not as controversial it seems.


Slowly getting more humid - HOWEVER the wind will really kick up Friday and Saturday. Heat index near 90 so no big deal.  Sunny and about 80 all next week - nothing abnormal with summer-like conditions.

Have a good Thursday


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