Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Wild Card fiasco

So - what happens if there is a three way tie for the Wild Card?  Teams are randomly given A B or C and A plays B and the winner is in the Wild Card,  then the loser plays C and the winner is in the Wild Card and then of course those two play for THE (not copyrighted) Wild Card.


Funniest headline from Sunday

The Vikings really just did Vikings things to lose that one.

So the Vikings Diggs was robbed of a TD from a bogus call and then he is so pissed off his next TD he takes off his helmet to taunt the fans and because of that the Vikings lose another point from a missed Extra Point!  LOL

Then there is Eli Manning who the longer he plays the less chance he has of getting into the Hall of Fame (which he did not deserve anyway).  Eli is now 2-16 in the first half of the season since 2017.


Canopy Growth dropped in price when Canada did not sell as much weed as first thought but the problem was not the company but the government.  Now it's up 21% in the last couple weeks as calmer heads explained that MAYBE growing companies don't make a profit right away when they are still building farms and warehouses.

People expect to reap huge rewards out of the gate.

It seems the government of Ontario lost $42 million selling pot. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN.  it's like a stable genius buying vibrant casinos and running them into the ground.  HOW DO YOU LOSE MONEY IN A CASINO!

Well - just like a company the front end costs were more the expected. While they sold $62 million in weed the up front start up cost was $106 million. 


While nations are floundering because of cheap oil and gas Madagascar, one of the 10 poorest nations in the world has farmers getting extremely RICH because of vanilla.  In 2015 a kilo of vanilla was $50 and today it's $400 to $600 a kilo.  Storms which destroyed many acres and demand are stupendous and it's driving up prices, much to the delight of farmers.


A friend of mine got a turntable for his birthday which is REALLY cool as albums  are a thing now. Most people know that an album gives you much greater fidelity as analog is better then digital when it comes to music.   In fact vinyl sales are up 12.9% in the first half of 2019. 

I have the very first Beatles albums when they came out - pretty worthless as EVERYBODY has them.

Hard cover books are up 6.9% and ebook sales are down 3.6%.

Speaking of ebooks - I have started book 4 of The Renegade series - most books ever from one series as I normally get bored but so far this space adventure is really a fun read. 

And yea - the female star is always pissed off she has to wear skin tight suits.  A rousing adventure that never gets boring. 


Expect temps near 80 for 4 more days and scattered thunderstorms starting Thursday lasting a week.  turning MUCH cooler late next week. 


I'll be nothing but skin and bones soon as I atrophy my way into fall.  Limping around, having DJ carry me down the stairs . . . . I call her Hodor now.   OK OK - not THAT bad.   In fact I think the swelling is the problem.  Drain my knee and I would be great! 

I was limping around yesterday and thinking "why can I golf and mow the lawn a few days ago (and all summer) but now feel so bad and can literally barely walk.   So I took Gus for a walk around teh block which was first block was tough and all last night there was very little pain  (a 3 as opposed to a 5). 

Nuff whining -  DON'T HELP HIM!!     


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