Thursday, October 24, 2019

WHEW - deleted yesterdays post before I posted it

SO - I erased a good portion of yesterdays blog as I had the foresight to NOT post it and calm down as I went into angry rant stage.

You see I was in the middle of the blog and FINALLY got a call from UW Sports Medicine to schedule an appointment to fix my frozen shoulder. The date?  NOVEMBER 18th!  WTF?  SERIOUSLY?  You do realize I can't move my left arm right?  Can't sleep, can't drink Busch Latte's with my left arm?  can't hold a camera?  can't put on a freaking coat without having my body do some sort of Origami thing?

2 weeks to get an appointment with my Doc to tell me I need an appointment with Sports Medicine and then a week for them to schedule an appointment 3 weeks out. F U.    Will socialized medicine and the very serious lack of doctors and the MORE serious lack of nurses speed things up when parents can send their kids to the doctor because they sneezed once (it happens more then you can believe).

So after the phone call I went into angry rant mode.

OK - not handheld but on a tripod - the common but rarely photographed House Sparrow.  An urban bird well at adopting to ANYTHING - a flock was discovered 2000 feet down in a coal mine living happily?   Very very social and will eat food out of your hand.  

Then last night I had a controversial leaf post about DON'T put leaves in the gutter, put them on the lawn but then I was told DPW wants you to put leaves in the gutter which is environmentally STUPID.  But the post was taken down NOT because of what I said but it seems someone stole my thunder :-)  I missed out on the excitement as somebody said something (maybe my buddy MM?).  I've been so good on facebook not pissing AS MANY people off.

We need to get DPW to stop telling people to clog the gutters with leaves.  Just mulch the dang leaves for gosh sake.

The only time I ever raked was when I lived on Anniversary Lane in Madison.  FORTY MATURE MAPLE TREES on one block.  We would LITERALLY have a foot of leaves on the ground. When I raked the pile would be over my head the entire length of the yard.

MEANWHILE - seems the GOP is all yanked off at the Democrats for doing something the GOP did.  They are yelling NOT FAIR!

Back in the calm Benghazi days the GOP changed a rule saying that if you want to subpoena someone you need BOTH sides to agree.  Well, the GOP voted to change that law. Now you do NOT need both sides to work together and it is REALLY biting the GOP in the butt. They are screaming and demanding a rule change.

It  seems every time the GOP changes a rule to their favor, that has worked for 100 years, they forget that at some point they will not have complete power and it will be used against them.  WHAT? We never thought of that.  Sorry #MoscowMitch. 

MEANWHILE - my prediction is Trump will run as a third party candidate.  I believe the Senate will all flip at once, it's the only way they can do it.  It does not take a rocket scientists to see Trump is guilty as sin on so many levels.  Of course if/when he is forced out of office he will run for Presidency while being investigated for money laundering and racketeering.

If you have been listening to Anthony Scaramucci the last few months he has been right on with everything that has happened so far.  He's the Nostradamus of everything Trump.  He says the reason Trump is acting SO  . . . . . moronic and loose canon-ish is he knows he is doomed and has absolutely zero defense except to make the world more chaotic.  Maybe start a war that Putin asked him to start (with no Americans of course).

and who knew Mad Dog Mattis had such a sense of humor!  I actually like the guy!  Last night he said he would "rather swallow acid" then watch Trumps military parade. 


I was talking to an older guy at the health club about knee replacements and at the end he introduced himself and I introduced myself and he said  "Rod Melohhe? the guy on facebook?"  O'Boy. Anybody that knows me either likes me, hates me or I just irritate the hell out of them. I roll the dice and say  "yes?"

He grabs my hand with both of his and says "THANK YOU"!  I ask  "why?"   "because you stand up for Columbus and tell people how things REALLY work. When someone says downtown is just of empty buildings you tell them the facts." 

That made me feel really good.  I've been A LITTLE stressed and depressed the last few months with my body melting like the evil witch.  Even he mentioned "MM" and called him a dick  LOL

OK - talk at ya later.   OOPS - not yet


speaking of the Bucks (opening night tonight). I was a little disappointed with ESPN. They had a 1/2 hour on every NBA team and I recorded the Bucks.  It seems the Bucks only have one player. The entire show ( at least until I turned it off after 20 minutes) was an interview with Giannis.

This year the Bucks SHOULD win the East with Philly right behind them. Three best teams in teh league are the LA Clippers, LA Lakers and the Bucks. I figure the Bucks will regress a bit with 57 wins.

More predictions - Green Bay will win 12, Sorry eagles  8-8 for you with Dallas 9-7, Vikings 11-5 
Bridgejumper is 8-5   Cleveland +11, Miami +17 and Washington +14 are the big games this week



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