Thursday, November 7, 2019

Stock Market, Scar's, Betsy DeVos going to jail?

Speaking of the markets.  Bonds have a long way to go down (good) for interest rates so that is pretty darn safe and a good choice to put $$. Every time the fed lower rates  ching ching  and there are many times they can lower them.  Meanwhile the DOW is in new high territory and broke some resistance levels but there are a LOT of companies not enjoying the ride so there is lots of icing but the cake is a little weak.

There are plenty of warning signs as the market continues to rise.  It's like riding up a long roller coaster to the top  waiting waiting.


So I GUESS the thing to do if you are in a Knee Replacement Group is to show your scar!   GOOD LORD WOMAN COVER THAT UP! 

So many questions like  "Is this normal?"  I get a gag reflex!   I  mentioned this in my normal politically correct way and get responses like  "OH, it's good to see what you might go through"  NO IT'S NOT!  Do you think if the solders landing on Omaha Beach on D-Day knew what was going to happen . . . it would HELP?

Hey - if it is on ME I'm fine,  DJ?  . . . probably.  I've seen much worse (I had MOHS Chemo remember) but I want to know just enough but with foggy blinders on.  I can already imagine bone saws in my future.  My son-in-law already warned me NOT to watch any videos!  It's very Neanderthal with saws and hammers.  He said it was one of the worst ops he has had to witness.

Plus now they don't even give you anesthesia.  You are in this colonoscopy state of mind.  You do get a CRAP LOAD of Oxy which everybody need to be careful of.   I'm pretty adult when it comes to prescription drugs in my life.  Well. I guess Dr. Quaalude in Madison in the 70s was prescription but . . . . . different blog :-)

And don't get me started on the anti-sidewalk people who believe sidewalks in a town are a waste.  I guess they do not believe in the science of creating a city that is good for families.  I want good sidewalks so when I have to learn to walk again it won't be in the street.

If anybody ever read the book  BOOMTOWN: The 7.5 Keys To Success In A Small Town. sidewalks are mentioned over and over along with broadband and quality of life. It's not about drawing business to a small town, its about making life as good as possible for families. Sidewalks, bike paths, broadband, things for kids to do and so forth.   


OMG - two nights ago I was up late with the Minnesota Wild in Anaheim and last night the Bucks in LA.  Life is good, I no longer fear bedtime.


And then there is Betsy DeVos who a federal judge threatened her with JAIL time for ignoring his direct order  16,000 times.

Seems a group of scam collages cropped up a number of years ago (Trump University was one of them) and when they got done stealing students money the closed.  BAM

Obama made it so their student loans were canceled.   

WELL - Trumps cronies, because Obama did this, reversed the thing and made all these people pay which they did by taking paychecks, income tax, vehicles and so forth.  The Fed Judge said NO!  STOP immediately.  That is against the law, I forbid it BY LAW. 

So what did the Trump administration do? they ignored her.  16,000 times and took the money from the students (most LEGAL immigrants - SURPRISE!) After a letter from the judge threatened DeVos with jail time she was fined $100,000 which will go to the students.

What a bunch of freaking thugs running this country!  The GOP is disgusting. They care absolutely nothing about human rights and it's ALL about money. 

And then there is Roger Stone which basically throws Trump under the bus for lying in his deposition in the Mueller Report - a federal offense.  How many of these guys will lend up in jail for lying under oath.  They will need to build another bigger prison for these mobsters.

And then there is Rudy and his buddy's Tweedledee and Tweedledumb who had 50 bank accounts for money laundering all linked to Russia.

America - the new banana republic run by the spineless GOP. 

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