Monday, March 30, 2020

Kirk Kibson, 1000 steps a day - social distancing is working

It's getting really hard to get my 1000 steps in every day.   KIDDING.  Actually I was looking this morning and was shocked at my lack of steps but then I forgot I hurt my knee last week.  It's all good now, back to normal bone on bone but no pain it seems, remission. 

There is a guy I saw that ran a complete marathon in Italy . . . on his 30 foot balcony.  Back and forth and back and forth.  He said it was his worst time ever but he completed  all 20+ miles.

More good news from the Army Corp of Engineers as they are converting CenturyLink Field where the Seattle Seahawks play into a field hospital.  Every time I hear the General it calms me.  Instead of hearing the President complain that HE is the real victim but at least his press conferences are getting good ratings if not the best ratings ever.  Even though real networks no longer show him because it's just too much misinformation.

There is one site that always posts the misinformation he and Dr. Deborah Birx the head of his team spews daily.  For instance  she claimed that 19 states — “almost 40% of the country” — “have less than 200 cases” of COVID-19"    ummmmm  did you mean 17 states and 7.2% of the country?

Or when the President said Ford Corp is making ventilators at some plant outside of Detroit and Ford comes back saying we sold that plant 2 years ago.  Not happening.

or pretty much  ANYTHING the two say about testing numbers.  Just making up stuff for the gullable.

BUT I digress

The great thing is it seems despite the lack of valid leadership the country is rallying around the flag.

Jenny is producing masks daily that ALL people should wear in stores.  The  Chinese CDC cannot believe Americas are being told by our government that masks are only if you are sick.  SORRY - science and ALL OTHER COUNTRIES says otherwise.  When in enclosed areas these cotton mask reduce giving AND getting Corvid-19 .

I'm ordering material for Jenny with Brewer stuff and some cool designs as they will be the new fashion trend of 2020.  She can make 12 out of a yard of material.

GUS on the other hand seems to be ignoring social distancing EVERY MORNING.  He wakes up. stands on my chest and looks at me to see if I'm dead or something - typically there is a sneeze involved at some point and we all get up.

AGAIN - WASH YOUR MAIL BOXES - do the letter carrier a straight. One has died already.


One persons attempt to make windmill cookies

 MEANWHILE Sydney posted a question - I like option #4.   I guess she wants to be a model now instead of a chemical engineer for NASA.  All of those chemical engineering you tube videos she watched - wasted.

Sadly very few people actually followed her instructions and she got a little miffed - instead of a heart people would write "really good".  NOT THE HEART - COME ON PEOPLE. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS.


I was in Madison Saturday night about 10:00. I LITERALLY saw 4 cars on East Washington.  So dead it was creepy (maybe "dead" was not the correct word to use). 

For the first time in 5 days the US total NEW infections did not eclipse the previous day. Probably a testing anomaly.   Still on pace for 1.4 million infected by Easter but the trend for whatever reported reason is slowing it's upward momentum.  Or it was teh weekend 


My SOM365 league starts tonight - not a clue how I will do and it's a daily thing for 8 weeks.  Not like REAL SOM where I only play 15 games a month.

and the WISCNEWS printed my article - click past all of the embedded junk. 

If you can't read it I'll put it on the blog later this week - There is one more MLB player from Columbus - Next year opening day I'll have something. 
 There have been some outstanding shows on MLB network.  DJ and I LOVED the shows last night. It was the story of the 1988 World Series Game one where Kirk Gibson came out of the dugout with two bad legs and hit a game winning HR. 

SO SO many small stories.  Like how Vin Scully talked him into coming out.  Vinny told his producer to follow his lead and in the 9th inning the camera slowly panned the dugout as Vinny in his amazing way described what he was seeing and kept saying "No Kirk Gibson to be seen"   over and over KNOWING that Kirk was in the clubhouse listening.  "It looks like there is NO WAY Kirk Gibson will play today"  Vin said at the end.  


Kirk turned to the guy who was collecting dirty towels and told him to start teeing up balls!  

Dennis Eckersly who had 40+ saves and was un hittable was telling the story from his point of view. 
and was hilarious.  He had just walked a REALLY bad hitter and Kirk at the played kept fouling balls off and then almost falling down because he could barely stand on one horrific left knee and a horrible bad ankle.  

Then the count got to 3-2.   Eckersly say "the guy could not even stand up, I felt sorry for him".  

LaRussia the Oakland manager said "Kirk was one of the very best 2 strike hitters ever". 

Kirk said - I remembered something in The Book on Eck.   If you have worked the count to two strikes expect a backdoor slider.  

WELL - with 2 strikes Gibson would open his stance very wide and just use his arms to swing.  This took all the pressure off his legs.  

Eckersly threw a backdoor slider and Gibson CRUSHED it.  Conseco who was in right field took two steps and the ball was 40 feet over his head.  He said "Wha the f*ck was that".  

Eckersly said he hurt his neck following the ball  but the funny part is this. 

He said the fans were cheering like mad and here he is in the middle of the field and NOBODY, NOBODY would make eye contact with him. "Help me Help me"  was going through his mind as he stood there all alone in the middle of the field but as much has he tried one of the greatest Closers of all time could not make eye contact with a single human.  Help me  Help me.  and he breaks out laughing in the interview. 

That's it for today.

be safe  Be well carry on 


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