Wednesday, March 25, 2020


OMG - it's been 12 days since NB (no baseball) and I'm going nuts!  WHEN WILL THIS STOP. . . . .  I heard one report that Easter was the date for everything going back to normal!  I believe the health care scientists at Fox and Friends informed the President so I'm pretty certain Easter is the get out of jail date.

The linemakers have the over under as for baseball as July 1st .  Who should I believe?  Fox and Friends seem to be have a handle on this pandemic.   I'm voting OVER July 1

The numbers as of today at 8:46  Confirmed cases and the daily increase percentage according to WHO (NO, that is not a intro to jokes).

3/19/2020 7800
3/20/2020 13700 76%
3/21/2020 19100 39%
3/22/2020 25500 34%
3/23/2020 33300 31%
3/24/2020 46481 40%
3/25/2020 55238 19%


So now that many people are at home perhaps we need some TEXTING instructions


ATD..At The Doctors.
BFF..Best Friend Fell.
BTW..Bring the Wheelchair.
BYOT..Bring Your Own Teeth.
FWIW..Forgot Where I Was.
GGPBL..Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low.
GHA..Got Heartburn Again.
IMHO..Is My Hearing-Aid On.
LMDO..Laughing My Dentures Out.
OMMR..On My Massage Recliner
OMSG ..Oh My! Sorry, Gas.
ROFLACGU....Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can't Get Up.
TTYL..Talk To You Louder

Seems about right


I have started to deal with SOM 365.   this is an online fantasy "game" where you draft players who all have a salary and you have a $80 mil bankroll.  Then once you have a team you do all the things a normal manager has to do, make line ups, assign pitching staffs and anything you can think of.

You can choose how many teams are in your league and then people across the country join the league  12 teans 24 teams  whatever.  Then SOM plays a 3 game series overnight and you get all the results and so forth.

My sticking point was was there a limit you had to deal with as to IPs and ABs and so forth.  But I found out that all the players salaries are based on what they did.  a guy with 200 ABs and 20 HRs as the same "basic" salary as a guy with 400 ABs and 40 HRs if you get my drift.   It's all prorated.

So I took last night to "draft" my middle fielders,  SS, 2B, CF and catcher. 

Once you have your team then SOM auto drafts your players and you might get who you want or might not.  Depends how you rank your players.  If you REALLY want Yelich you better rank him #1  But remember that Yelich will be about 1/8 of your entire teams bankroll and you have 26 more players to draft.

And you have to deal with injuries so you need back ups at every position.  Right now you can get two teams for $14 (you don't have to play both at once).

And with 3 games a night an entire 162 game schedule will take about 8 weeks.   What else do I have to do.


If you want to be depressed this is a great read about how the  #TrumpVirus was ignored.  OH sorry  "China Virus" I guess it's called now.

Warnings Ignored: A Timeline of Trump’s COVID-19 Response

New data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission shows that federal prosecutions for marijuana trafficking continue to decline year over year as more states legalize, indicating that the illegal market shrinks when consumers have a legal place to buy cannabis.


A review concluded that "CBD has the promising potential as a therapeutic agent and might be effective in alleviating the symptoms of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome."

Have a great day - be safe!

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