Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump is FINALLY in serious trouble

This comes from a friend of mine a political scientists at the UW 

While there is nothing to celebrate about the current pandemic, it is finally beginning to shift politics and the direction is away from Trump. He is finally in serious trouble.

For his entire Presidency Trump has enjoyed the strongest levels of support from the age 65+ cohort.  Back in early March Trump was +19% with the senior electorate.

 Seniors are becoming aware now that the Republicans basically want them to hurry up and die already and golly gee, that bothers them.  Trump's support among seniors fell 20 points since early March (basically a single month).  Seniors went from his strongest base of support to rejecting his presidency once they realized the GOP wants them to die and get out of the way so they can restart the economy. 

Guess good old GOP messaging that they should die already so we can open up our economy again doesn’t sit too well.  Imagine that.  Trump has become aware of his falling levels of support among seniors because he put out three ridiculous tweets the past 48 hours that he thought would make everything copasetic with the 65+ age  and Republicans since these four recent polls detected his crashing support amongst seniors.

But Trump likely solved all his troubles today when he suggested at his daily lies briefing on COVID-19 that perhaps people could ingest or inject bleach to clean out their systems of COVID-19.

Words fail me on this one.  I have always known the man is of limited intelligence (truly intelligent people do not label themselves a “very stable genius”), but if a 71 year old man does not know ingesting bleach in any manner is toxic then he truly knows nothing useful. 

Ingesting bleach is something a 5 year old might do.  The man is a bloody idiot and the electorate is waking up to the fact as his daily briefings are beginning to backfire on him badly.  His ego needs to replace his love of campaign rallies he can’t hold at the moment with his daily COVID-19 press briefings filled with evermore nonsense, attacks, and lies during a time of generational crisis.

The problem for Trump is since COVID-19 hit people, especially Seniors, are paying a lot closer attention to what Trump and Senate Republicans are up to and his ratings are falling fast because of it.

And all this was before Mitch McConnell said the Senate was not going to bail out BLUE STATES from the impact of coronavirus.  He simply cannot turn off the partisanship, even in the face of the greatest challenge Americans have faced since WW II. 

There is no clearer sign of the moral collapse of Conservatives and Republicans due to run away partisanship than this remark.  Or, of course, Wisconsin’s pandemic Spring primary the GOP forced the state to hold against unified medical advice.  They are the party of soulless ghouls lusting for death (of urban blacks especially).

 Amongst the findings of the four distinct surveys were:

1) Biden leads 49%-43% in 11 battleground states

2) Biden is at 42% with white votes - +3 better than Obama & +5 better than Clinton

3) Biden leads 60-10 with voters who dislike both candidates.

4) Biden “holds a 60%-30% lead over Trump among likely voters ages 18 to 29 years old, the poll found, only one point below a 62%-31% lead Sanders, the Vermont senator, would have among young voters if he were the nominee.”

So much for the Sanders campaigns insistence that he was the most popular amongst the youth vote and activating the youth vote was the key to his success.  If Biden is within a point of Sanders already amongst our youngest age cohort then it is clearly part of the reason his campaign crumbled, his support amongst the cohort Sanders was counting on was a mile wide and only an inch deep and he needed the youth cohort to buttress his campaign yet their turnout levels failed to budge much from recent elections.  Not exactly the buttressing effect Sanders was counting on in the long run I fear.

The latest Morning Consult poll found that 65-and-older voters prioritized defeating the coronavirus over healing the economy by nearly a 6-to-1 ratio. And over the past month, they’ve become the group most disenchanted with Trump’s handling of the crisis. In mid-March, seniors were more supportive of Trump than any other age group (plus-19 net approval). Now, their net approval of the president has dropped 20 points and is lower than any age group outside of the youngest Americans.

All I can say is “Sadness”


You know you are in a strange time when you flip around TV and hear sound bites like "100,000 DEATHS"  and "THESE TRYING TIMES"  as you change channels 


Fear not - the guy in charge of Trump's Pandemic task force has spent the last 6 years as a labradoodle breeder ( no really he has) .  Harrison has no formal education in public health, management, or medicine.   It's all good. He did work for Cheney in the DOD a long while ago. 

SPECIAL REPORT-Former Labradoodle breeder tapped to lead U.S. pandemic task force


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