Monday, July 27, 2020

Opening day . . and . . we're done

Baseball talk

Fourteen members of the Miami Marlins cannot leave Philadelphia because they have been tested with Covid 19. They immediately had games been canceled.   THAT DIDN'T TAKE LONG.

and another game wa canceled today.

And people think there will be an NFL season?  I truly believe that is why the Packers drafted a QB - they knew there would be no season and "we" would lose a year of Rodgers.

The fake crowd on FOX broadcasts.   I dislike it unless it is there ALL the time, not just spotty which is stupid.

I was listening to the games this weekend with the Cubs and how they did not really add to their team BUT have 17 new coaches MANY of them have never played the game.  

 Bill James talked about this - how baseball is STILL one of the only sports where in order to manage a team you have had to actually play the game.   And really baseball is one of the few sports where playing a sport is not really needed to understand how to manage. 

in fact if you take all of the MLB managers - they all basically look the same.  Council is one of the few that look different.  It's creepy weird.  Football, hockey basketball you don't have to have played the sport. Baseball? You gotta LOOK like a manager. 

SO - MLB season is walking on the edge of the swamp, 57 more games in 60 days NOT including the second season where 14 of the 30 teams can go home and not worry about playing 20+ more games. 

MEANWHILE - yesterday I saw a race on the race network featuring NASCAR Heat 4 and a basketball game on the NBA network featuring  NBA2K19.   Is MLB The Show next?   All PS4 games.  



NOPE - in a typical year 2.3 MILLION pounds of peanuts are consumed at MLB games.  farmers harvest peanuts in October in preparation to MLB and are not sitting bags and bags(2.3 million pounds) of $4 peanuts on them making zero money.

One fifth of the peanut harvest goes to MLB. 


The Blue Tsunami - The CEO of the largest cannabis operation (of course) said that if there is an actual blue wave there will be a LOT of states going legal with cannabis.  Of course he IS the CEO of a cannabis company so he WOULD say that.     

But with The White House, Senate AND House all goign blue this fall it will be interesting. 

A study of review of cannabinoids in autism spectrum disorder found results to be "promising, as cannabinoids appeared to improve problem behaviors, sleep, hyperactivity, and communication deficits, with limited cardiac and metabolic side effects" and that they generally helped to "reduce the number of prescribed medications."

Just gotta say - logging on out of curiosity this morning SunnySide in S Beloit has 14 different strains of cannabis.  I HONESTLY did not think I would ever see that in Illinois.   In my 48 years of never inhaling MOST are basically the same but a few really stand out I have heard.

One interesting thing is that violent crime has diminished in areas with legal cannabis.  Just sayin'. and OH - I am still not convinced legal cannabis is a good thing.  Decriminalized yes.


 Covid19 - Wisconsin - it's not going anywhere but up!  and yes - I see an extra letter in average LOL


OH = working on some interesting videos - up videos 

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