Thursday, August 27, 2020

CSC- Las Vegas

My buddy Elweed is hopping mad and THIS time for a good reason.   He has 3 sisters and one brother.  Two sisters and one brother are big Trump supporters and one sister and himself are sane and big, ANYBODY but trump supporters.

His sister lives in Fort Atkinson and takes care of his 96 year old mom.


One sister and one brother live in Florida and believe Covid19 is a big liberal hoax because that is what the President  has told them.  They wanted to come up and visit but his mom did not think that was a good idea.   Well, they made her feel guilty so they hopped on a plane from Florida the Covid capital of the world to visit 96 year old mom because they guilt tripped her.   

Nothing will happen because it's a liberal hoax.  RIGHT?   NOW - the sane sister who listens to science can't really visit for a few weeks because mom is in self quarantine.

So - he is REALLY pissed.


We were talking last night about TV and cop shows and so forth and I believe we thought of the next THING on TV.

CSC - Las Vegas.     Crime Scene Cleanup. 

Wisconsin as an entire CSC unit you know.  Somebody has to clean up crime scenes.  Think of the stories as you are shoveling up goo or and laughing as they find an arm in the funniest place.

Join the men and women of CSC as they laugh and cry and get in trouble as they travel the country looking for crimes to clean up.






Speaking of  dark comedy propaganda, the RNC.  They literally came out and said the platform for the next four years is to follow whatever the acting President says AND they will use, AGAIN, the same platform they used in 2016

This is their ACTUAL platform in 2016

"Our economy has become unnecessarily weak with stagnant wages . . . Our standing in world affairs has declined significantly ---our enemies no longer fear us and our friends no longer trust us."

UMMMM - That COULD be the Democratic platform in 2020, nothing has changed and all of that is ACTUALLY true now. NONE of that was true in 2016

The Democratic platform is  "GET THAT SON OF A BITCH OUT OF OFFICE".

But you can boil that down to LOCK HIM UP.

Biden is outspending Trump by 8-1 in battle ground states.  Seems Trump does not have a very big war chest as the NRA and Koch Brothers and MANY big donors are sitting this one out.   The NRA has their own issues with the leaders being investigated for fraud as they spent MILLIONS on fun stuff for themselves and little went to the actual organization.

You know the drill

Church on Sunday Steal on Monday 


The US Census Bureau conducted a survey and found that in July 2019  11% of the population reported symptoms of clinical anxiety or depression.   In 2020?    41% reported symptoms of clinical anxiety or depression.
And then there is Psilocybin, also called magic mushrooms.   EVEN I was surprised when I saw Colorado looking into making Psilocybin . . .legal??    whatever.

Now I understand - many many studies have shown that people with mental disorders are sort of cured with Psilocybin.  As seems in brain scans, things are just not connecting up there in the noggin but a good trip cures things.

The patient is in a safe area and has people there so they won't trip out.  One woman had a VERY bad trip but is fine and much better. Some have AMAZING trips with colors and the whole deal and BAM - it's amazing as she is much more cognizant.  WHO KNEW!


Some dude on the White Sox had a no-hitter and Grandel (remember him?) is hitting .227 with a slugging of .387.

But then there is Josh Hader,   9.1 innings, 0 hits, 5 BBs and 13Ks    Not bad.


OK - carry on

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