Thursday, August 6, 2020

HAPPY Thursday! getting back into it

Well hello again.  geez - being in "quarantine" really silences any exciting adventures in my life.

Let's see.  While I wait for Spectrum to call me back about my internet speeds (was 225+)  and now <90 nbsp="" p="">
The Golf gods have left me.  I was doing so well and then . . .GONE!   Actually it's only been a few rounds where I lost the magic off the tee.  I THOUGHT I was doing everything I was doing before but it didn't feel right, I was missing some important key.

Then last night at The Oaks I was struggling the first 4 or 5 holes but near the end of the round I realized the issue  .  HOWEVER . . I had a par 3 up next and then the 14th where if I hit my driver as I SHOULD I would overshoot the fairway so I had to wait until the short par 5 15th..

NOTE - I was just looking at yardage and I don't believe this either - the tee box must have been far up.

So back tracking a bit.  On the 14th I hit my 5W into the junk so I dropped my ball in the appropriate spot and ONCE AGAIN - hit a perfect 6I to 4 inches from the far end of the fairway.  My 6I was the club of the day it seems as it was doing exactly what I wanted a few times already (remember that for the near of the story).

So.  I tee the ball up and THIS TIME - bring my hips back into the party and BLAST the ball straight and long  . . .really long.   So long that my second shot was only 140 yards.  No really.  The card says the hole is 437 which would mean my drive was 297????

ANYWAY - my second shot lands about 12 yards short of the hole, I chip and get a birdie and feeling pretty cocky.

Par on the next hole and SHOULD have been a par on the 180 par 3 but the ball seemed to take a right angle 2 inches from the hole for a bogie.

HOWEVER - the real test is the 18th.  Looking at the last seven times I have played this hole I have shot   7,7,7,6,7,8,7 on a par 5   NOT AWESOME

Drive is PERFECT, next show is a perfect 6I to exactly where I wanted it.   I'm crazy excited as I'm 150 from the hole and I have the perfect club in my hand, my 6I.  
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<90 nbsp="" p="">I LITERALLY still have this in my minds eye.  I line up. Take my back swing but I want to make sure I get over the 130 yards of death so I swing a little harder.  I feel my right shoulder dip just a little and I come down and take a big divot BEFORE the ball and the ball flys hot 3 feet off the ground about 100 yards.   NOOOOOOOOOOO!!    WELL - I let out a few very foul words (which is rare for golf . . . not rare when I called Glen Grothman and told him what I thought of his 5 robo calls a few nights ago . . I think I shocked DJ).

I took a 7.    45 for the 9 holes.   sigh!  
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<90 nbsp="" p="">SO - that explosion in Beirut - Timothy McVeigh used 2 tons of Ammonium Nitrate in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.  This was 2,750 tons! 

This is one of the best videos I have seen of the explosion 
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Pray for Lebanon


I've been "bragging" about how my knee has been doing so well.  Seriously - outstanding - no real pain unless I put in 4000 steps.

Then last night I go to bed and something is weird.  I feel a little PMR pain.  My ass hurts a little laying down and I just feel sore in my shoulders.  And my knee hurts. 

Last night I tossed and turned with a knee pain.  sigh.  Time to take a Meloxicam for the third time in a year.   I'm down to 2mg of prednisone which is good.  Maybe I'll get less cranky.  Well, that might end late November anyway. 

this is outstandingly funny

Have a great weekend I f I don't blog tomorrow about going to get the mail - EXCITING!! 

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