Thursday, September 3, 2020

Moving day

Not for me but for some sketchy neighbors that I have never really trusted.  In fact I've often wanted to talk to SOMEBODY about those guys and the constant weirdness from children you NEVER see outside playing but you know they are home to planting a tree with a 6 foot hole after midnight when everybody was sleeping (who digs a 6 foot hole for a tree).  Shades are pulled on every windsor 24/7.  A son you NEVER see unless he is mowing the lawn for 2 hours.

And now two HUGE moving semis (two?) and when asked where they are moving a vague confusing answer to "up north" and let's not forget every time I talked to the wife (who has been missing for a year) the husband would immediately come up and conversation would stop.  She as never outside unless he was there also. 

So many other oddities that just put a huge "?" above my head.   Of course the house is not for sale so I suspect our property value will go down.  So much for our assessment going up 41K LOL 

I would mention these things and people would laugh and say I was a conspiracy dude but man!   8 years of "see something say something" in my brain.


I was in pic n save a few days ago and had my mask on and a guy ahead of me, a fine looking chap was not wearing one.  I immediately hated every fibre of his being along with his family and any close relatives he might have had.  I got my shopping done and whet to get in line standing 6 feet away from the next person  and I was sort of blocking his way.  

I apologize and he said in a very nice way "no problem" and then I noticed he had 3 masks he was buying.    OK OK - I was wrong about you. DAMN IT.  

HOWEVER - in Walgreens today there was a family of 6 with the father wearing a MAGA hat and the kids were all running around the store (10 to 16 years old) with zero masks on at all . . . .I hated them also. 

I can't even drive down red neck lane ( also called Avalon) as there seem to be 30 Trump signs.  One house last year had multiple LOCK HER UP SIGNS.  sigh.         

MEANWHILE there is a new look "blogger" I have to deal with COME ONE MAN!!  First facebook and now blogger - Change for the sake of change SUCKS      


There is a HUGE Doctor shortage which really makes free health care a logistical nightmare and I'm not even talking about the DOUBLE huge shortage of nurses.  America needs an additional 122,000 Doctors 

Coffee?  In New Your City there are 3,900 coffee shops and only 129 have closed do to Covid19.  

In the cannabis world
A study found "no significant differences in pedestrian-involved fatal motor vehicle crashes between legalized cannabis states and control states following medical or recreational cannabis legalization."


A review concluded that "cannflavins demonstrate a number of promising therapeutic properties, most notably as an anti-inflammatory agent."


Propane heaters sales are up 83% as restaurants buy them for outdoor seating.  One major supplier of heaters said sales are up 400%. 

OK - enough!  :-)  

I'm actually in a good mood - you should see me when I get cranky! 

OH - looked at the new blogger stats - over 1,079,685 pages have been read on this blog - 


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