Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Elections have consequences - Majority Leader McConnell

 So as most know I base my entire personality on my hatred towards Donald Trump.  No surprised there.  So while I was wrapping my brain around this whole Supreme Court thing AND dealing with three painful shots I got from the DR.  Flu (a pin prick) pneumonia (a larger pin prick) and  shingles (HOLY FUCK THAT HURTS - the kind where you leg straightens.  BUT WAIT. 

Dr Asst said - "my wife did not go to work for 2 days after her 2nd shot, the first was fine"  

OH YEA, BTW it's the first of 2 shots.

The Doctor said "Yea my first shot hurt but the 2nd one did not"   

THEN On Facebook

"My son got the shots two years ago and he got really sick from it. Hope you're still kicking tomorrow."

"I had a lot of side effects"

" 10 hours after the shot I had chills for about 5 hours."

" definitely slow you down for about a day and a half"

"I had to stop working on the lawn the day after the second shot. I thought if I continued, I would get nauseous."

 WELL LA DE FREAKING DA!  (NOTE - I wrote that last night and had a HORRIBLE night with very little sleep) 

SO - as I was saying the words just were not coming in complete sentences that had any meaning - so - a friend wrote this and it's MY feelings exactly 

The single most incapable and incompetent person ever to sit behind the "Resolute Desk" nominates the single least experienced person to become the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and the single most partisan, obsequious, and hypocritical U. S. Senate has placed her on "The Bench". Remember what you said, Majority Leader McConnell . . . 

"Elections have consequences . . .

Remember - The Constitution does not Prevent increasing the size of the supreme Court and the Democrats will have 8 years. It's not illegal or illegitimate.   It's time Democrats start acting like the neo-Republicans.   If the neo-republicans who care absolutely nothing about being fiscally conservative want to play hard ball.  Bring it.  



  1. Hate is not a way to judge anything and you are a sissy when it comes to pain

  2. You got what passes for a brain try using it

  3. Your brag about how well your football picking system works but since you never publish it before the game I guess we just have to take the word of a no good leftest


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