Monday, December 7, 2020

Glucosamine - Stock Market - rain and Astico bridge

Well - if you have money in the stock market Covid has been REALLY good to you.  I mean seriously - you can't NOT make large sums of money this year - it's been crazy.  

 SADLY - the highs are not as wonderful as you might think as they are all not done with actual wonderfulness in business market but pure optimism about either Trump losing or a vaccine that will get the world back to reality.  It's like the cosmic forces said - "Let's reboot earth".   

I've read a lot of articles about 2021 and seriously - like always nobody really knows.  They go both ways.   I tend to be optimistic  (lack of prednisone in my veins this morning - more on that in a bit) and I believe that it will be a good year in the market next year with a few typical bumps along the way. 

The reason I don't trust any actual people that know anything is because the World has never gone through anything like this.  

The Spanish flu came to an end when everybody died or got immune.  50/50 chance but here we are with the acting President telling people to NOT wear masks.  I have to believe that most people dieing are Trump supporters or just stubborn Republicans for the most part or more sadly the poor.

Maybe the cosmic forces are just culling the herd.  Is that the master plan? 


Today is the first day in over a year I an not taking ANY prednisone for my bout with PMR (Polymyalgia rheumatica).  I STILL say my knee issues were brought on by the PMR that mysteriously appeared at the exact time I had knee issues.  

A year ago I was boosting my body up for a Jan 2 knee replacement.  Now?  I running up and down stairs with zero pain at all.  Of course in the last 6 months I have done absolutely nothing so it's not like my knee is being overworked.

Actually the BIG thing that happened is Glucosamine.  A few months ago I was in the normal "1" and sometimes "2" in knee pain when I started taking Glucosamine.  Now - "0" for over a month.  OH - it's not 100% great as you won't see me sprinting in a race but across the road for sure. 

I've even wanted to start working out but . . . . that covid thing.

The PMR has not been an issue for 9 months but the weaning off prednisone seems to take some time.  I tell ya though - that PMR was freaking scary.  When you can't move your arms all of a sudden and your ass is ON FIRE 24/7 and nobody knows why . . . scary!               


OH - Bridgejumper my football system was 6-6 this year.  Like everything in sports, it was an odd year. when home field advantage is non-existent and actually this year there is an away field advantage it does not help. 


MEANWHILE on the cannabis front Madison made news 

Up to one ounce can be smoked in private homes and on public places like sidewalks, but not on state-owned property, like the Capitol grounds or on the UW-Madison campus.  Not that you would eve smoke an ounce at once.

It seems in Madison they decided to STOP the race war. Typically police in large cities use cannabis as an excuse to bust black people for whatever they feel like.  Cannabis use is pretty much 50/50 between white and non-white but 70% of arrests for cannabis is non-white. 


The murder of restaurants continue in America.  In the rest of the world governments are helping restaurants during Covid.  In Germany 70% is covered in restaurants when they are forced to close.

In America there are 827 lobbyists for insurance companies putting pressure on the Senate to do nothing to help restaurants.  They say by paying the insurance they would lose 398 billion dollars and it's better that restaurants are allowed to fail then to have to pay. 

The 100,000 restaurants that closed permanently were not killed by a virus, they were killed because their insurance thought it was cheaper to let them die from a virus than to pay any claims.  And our government did nothing. 

OH there is a stimulus coming that because of firing all employees that oversee where the money goes will go to large companies or non-existence companies.  Over 1 billion of the last stimulus went to companies that were just people scamming the government. 

This stimulus will go to business and cities - nothing for normal people like the House wanted. 


WELL - that is all I have - as soon as I publish this I will think of all the things I wanted to say but . . . GONE!!   

OH - I see there is an armed group outside Michigan officials house demanding they overturn the election - the anti democracy Republican Trump supporters are all in a lather.   

Remember snow?  There was a big conversation on Forgotten Wisconsin about the bridge at Astigo Park.   We plan on taking our camper to Astigo for a 1 night "let's try not to die" first outing.

and the conversation turned to the mill.  (just a reason to post some photos) 

MAYBe an inch of snow Saturday night - not a big deal - lots of rain Friday and Saturday



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