Monday, August 2, 2021

Wedl's Hamburger Stand - the Columbus Popcort Cart of Jefferson

Wedl's Hamburger Stand since 1916 

We saw Wedl's Hamburger Stand featured on the Food Network a couple years ago as one of the best burger stands in Wisconsin and had plans on going there but then the pandemic happened.   

Growing up in Fort Atkinson we had Happs Burger stand in Fort and Jefferson was our arch enemy so it was not a Go To place.  But I had gone there a number of times but not in the last . . . . .40 years? 

DJ, Gus and I took a road trip to go there and were not disappointed.  WOW!!!!   First of all Jefferson is a nice little town with lots of things going on. Next weekend is Goat Fest with goat races, goat yoga, meet the goats on Goat Island and so forth. 

But we were there for the lard-burgers.  DON'T! get all weird on lard.  If you ate a couple Twinkies this year you can't get anal about lard.  Remember - many 5* restaurants use lard. 

SO - they have a grill which has a nice thick sheen of lard and burger juice and when I saw the grill it had maybe 12 burgers cooking.  They are smashed flat the height of an iPhone. $3.50 for a single and $4.50 for a double.  Onions are automatically fried and they have ice cream and so forth.  We had a single, double, fries and a Pepsi for $13.

You wait on a bench and we had three children hugging and petting Gus ( of course) and our name was called.  Got the bag-o-food and walked across the street to the parking lot, popped the back open and sat (like many others were doing). 

I was going to take a photo but when I lifted the burger it was SO juicy I did not want to touch anything.

First bite?  Amazing!  No condiments are needed at all as the flavor was out of this world. Was the lard from 1916? when it opened.  Does the 100 year old grill put this much flavor on burger?  Food Net said they do not use any seasoning.  WELL - we were sold.   I'm not going to go out and buy a block of lard but maybe a couple times a year I need a Wedl burger. . . . . .  

OH - then there is the actual building next to it.  I had ASSUMED it was like an old bar.  NOPE



The Vac's

 Obviously when I said anybody that does not get vaccinated are assholes - OBVIOUSLY - I'm not talking about people with underlying conditions that prevent them from getting vaccinated. Only the stubborn ones with misleading information. 

The vaccine works better then expected.  When I hear someone say it's useless because people still get Covid - that is not what the vaccine was made for. 

It's not made to keep people from getting sick, it's made to keep people from getting DEAD and in that way it's working better than advertised.   Of all the people who were vaccinated AND are getting sick . . . have you heard of more than one handful (if that) of vaccinated getting put on ventilators?  NO!  So get off your high horses and get the shot! 

As for the latest "wear a mask" thing.  This has nothing to do with protecting vaccinated people and has EVERYTHING to do with saving unvaccinated lives.  The people that got the shot are trying to save the the misinformed from themselves.  Once again - we are doing the heavy work for the deniers.    


OH - Gus had his first Gyros Thursday along with us and it was hilarious.  

We came home and obviously smelled of food.  Gus was all wiggley and excited for a snack.  DJ didn't finish hers and gave a piece of meat to Gus who chomped on it and then his lips sort of curled up and his mouth opened a little with wide eyes and a big surprised look on his face.  "WTF?" in dog language.  

Then once he got over the shock and awe and decided this was not spoiled meat, he LOVED IT!  The original look of surprised on his face was a photo op missed.      


Backgammon.  I've been playing a lot on apps, online and DJ and I have been playing on a new board we purchased. 

The one we had was small and one of those leather things with stitching which sort of sucks if you play a lot.  The ordered a bigger board and it came with rounded dice which you can just throw out for accuracy (I keep all dice as you will see). 

So - I have this metal box that Elwood made in Shop class in Junior high and keep all my dice in it. had to look for our favorites.

Been kicking around the idea of a Backgammon "club" "tournament" or something to see if there are any other backgammon players in the area . . . . .or not.  Just my brain getting ahead of itself.  


NBC sucks for the Olympics.  As Giannis Antetokounmpo tweeted last week.  "Where can I watch the men's basketball live"  Reply - "It's on Peacock, you need to subscribe"  Giannis "nevermind then".  

YEA - this ain't Tokyo 1964.  Who wants to watch a free replay 8 hours later knowing the result.  Most people in today's social atmosphere will know all the results.  


Went to an 80th birthday party Saturday.  Because of Covid it was held in the Columbus Fireman's Pavilion. The fixed and reinstalled the original window panes.  Notice how each group has three sets as opposed to the old middle set. So much beautiful light enters,  The original floor is all polished. The place looks fantastic.     Bravo !!  


WHAT? July is over already? 

We're going to the Brewer game Wednesday - 50% off for us old guys  $23 for Club Level seating is a steal.  Plus with preferred parking we are almost literally first out of the parking lot. Everytime we have gone and had preferred parking I bet we are in the first 100 cars out of the parking lot!!  Worth the extra $5? 

Speaking of the brewers.  On May21 The Brewers traded Feyereisen amd Rasmussen, both middle relievers for Adams and Richards

On July 6 the Brewers traded Richards for Rowdy Tellez. 

So at the moment the trade was 2 middle relievers, Feyereisen amd Rasmussen for two full time players,  Adamas and his .926 OPS and Tellez and his 1.038 OPS 

So far so good. 


Have a super Monday 

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