Thursday, September 30, 2021

Getting vax'ed, Roombas, Sports/Bridgejumper

 I got my THIRD vaccine shot Monday - zero issues with any after effects.  So looking at available numbers and doing the math I have less then a 1 in 500,000 chance of getting Covid AND going to the hospital compared to a 1 in 5000 chance for unvaccinated and their stupid "excuses".  

This whole excuse that "it's my God given right to do what I want with my body" is just asinine.   Where is this "right"?  I would love to see this is writing.  Did I miss this part of the Constitution? Who gave them this "right". 

It's like being proud you are a draft dodger - "I'm a draft dodger and refuse to fight in a world war that is killing my neighbors. It's my God given right to be a complete knucklehead and afraid of my shadow.  I really don't care if my loved one dies along - it's all about ME!"

Until the unvac'd die OR get a shot we're going to be wearing masks for a long long time.

WITH THAT SAID - I'm not as angry as I sound - just disappointed in slo called Americans. 

Right now if you are vaccinated you have a bigger chance of dying from the flu then from Covid.  

OH - Gus the Weather Dog got his shots yesterday.  Did he complain? NO!  


Speaking of professional golf.  

These guys have it so so easy.  I could be a professional if they let me.  Look at the golf percs they get.  

Hit a ball a mile into the rough? No problem, you have people showing your where the ball is - no need to really look for it.  OH and the crowds.  Yea - I'm going to bounce my ball off the big guy in the blue so it goes back on the fairway.  ME?  I hit that same ball and there is no big guy to stop it from going a mile into the rough and then I have to find the dang thing. 

Pro golfers have it so easy. 


Speaking of being banned from facebook for 14 more days. I have felt so calm for the previous 14 days. I dread going back on it.  LOL  


I have my first PRE season Bridgejumper NFL play this year.   YEAR 20! for those unfamiliar  Back in the late 90s I read about a system and followed it for a couple years until it failed but I liked the concept so like Brunswick - I didn't invent it but I did tweak it. 

So in 19 years of real time (no back testing to get stats) I have been playing the system every year with success.  At the moment it's 392-224 for a 63.59% winning percent and a reason I was banned from the 2+2 forums for a year - no one believed me so I made a bet with a guy who called me a liar.  BANNED - can't do that.  I would have won.    

In fact I was selling the picks with Ghoddess for a year in Pro and College football weekly for a while with a 1-900 number.  The problem was people would complain about the picks - "I CAN'T PLAY THAT GAME" and they would reverse the charge.  This week is a perfect example.  

Play the Eagles at  +7.5 over the Chiefs.     WHAT?  I CAN'T PLAY THAT GAME!  This is actually a reverse Bridgejumper.   And thus the name Bridge Jumper.  picks so bad you want to jump off a bridge AND when you lose 40% of the time you get mocked.  

The theory is play the team getting CRUSHED ATS when it plays a team CRUSHING the spread EXCEPT in a couple instances and one being if the AWAY team is the getting crushed team which is what Kansas City is.  Linemakers need to adjust the line because nobody in their right mind would put money in the Eagles.  

This part of the system is  37-23 for 61%  The ONLY concern is this is only week 4. The REAL system starts week 5 but about 10 years ago with some slightly different parameters I increased it to week 4.

So if anybody plays it its right on the edge. Week 4 is like pre-season for Bridgejumper.     

BASEBALL - almost over WHEW inputting every score of every game for ever team is daunting and because I have emotions on certain teams I DID not win as much as I could have. I did not bet the Brewers because I felt I was only a homer - I did not bet the Cards because I hate seeing them win.  SIGH! 

NHL - I have ZERO alliances to any team - should be much easier. Season starts soon and I'm a little pumped.  More on this later,


  We purchased a Roomba and it is seriously amazing.  Not a huge expensive one, the Roomba 694.

WOW - it is so cool. We put it in the finished basement first as it was wide open and set it to work.  Hour and a half later it was full and docked in its station and automatically charging.  When the battery gets low it starts to head back to its station and docks. 

Next day we were upstairs and from our phone activated it.  Got a message saying 1.5 hours later it was done.  Went down and it was full again. 

 We looked around and could not find dirt. 

This morning day 4 - turned it on - it was doing well but then picked up a catnip mouse and warned us it the rollers were clogged.  It's random but finds all dirt as it senses it.  Goes everywhere. Finds all rooms.  We put it upstairs and it did the upstairs.  You have to pick up stuff from the floor as it will scoot around Gus's Mallard duck and toys.

What we don't like it is shows us all the dirt and crap the vacuum misses  LOL  Cleaned around the litter box perfectly.   The cats and dog are not thrilled but they are fine with it.   GREAT a robot pet they figure.  

Like cell phones, DVRs, iPads and all the things you didn't think was worth it.  Add Roomba's to the list.  

Vacuum technology has found it's way into our house. 

Carry on  

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