Wednesday, October 6, 2021

City Council and the MASK RAGE outside.

And this sounds more angry then it is  really sort of a funny rant  Re-reading it  LOL  

 I watched the Columbus City Council meeting on zoom last night.  The meeting was held virtually for a number of reason one of which the anti mask crowd was VERY intent on disrupting the meeting. It's their right to disrupt City Council. 

 They were SO pissed off that they were not allowed to attend the meeting (that they have never actually been too) that instead of listening to it over different streaming services they protested outside telling people to honk their horns to disrupt the meeting. BRILLIANT! 

The fake rage by people clueless on why they are protesting except listening to local homeschooled Trump bred attorneys that believe they know all the rules.  

I believe this is called Disturbing the Peace?   Examples

  • Shouting in a public place intending to incite violence or unlawful activity;
  • Knocking loudly on hotel doors of sleeping guests with the purpose of annoying them
  • Holding an unlawful public assembly
  • it's a  misdemeanor criminal offense

What did they miss with their fake rage? blah blah blah  your typical semi boring normal agenda like dredging creeks and so forth.   

OH - and then they are all angry that City Council was discussing how to fill two vacant chairs.  One guy had a temper tantrum and quit because he had to wear a mask and another is moving to a new district.  SO - last meeting they were discussing how to fill the seats and the idea was that there are alderman from the past that have experience and could fill in for 6 months and only 6 months.  Experience is a good thing.  

So this meeting they decided, AS ADULTS, to have all candidates submit letters to be reviewed from all citizens and that is where we stand now.   

So you have one faction that believe the Columbus City Council is pure corrupt politics and they want their friends and or family to be on council for 6 months as opposed to maybe getting individuals with a lot of experience in City Councils who really could care less about politics.  

But really this all boils down to wearing masks.  HOW STUPID is that.  Of all the things to have rage over in the world THIS is the hot item?  OH - and their rallying cry is that Council did not use correct procedure in closing the in person meetings to people. How can they yell and scream at Council members now.  Guess they gotta go outside and scream and yell there! 

Council is made up of normal citizens with zero  skant education on political procedure and are just trying to do their best to help the city. They are not lifelong politicians. Yet they are being screamed at and being threatened with lawsuits for not dotting the "i's".  Yet I bet not one of the protesters AND the people riling them up ever held an office. 

It's embarrassing AND disgusting and no wonder Columbus has an issue with getting people to run for office.  These protesters WANT Columbus to fail so they can screamed I TOLD YOU SO! . 

BUT - in GOOD news - Columbus did finally hire a Treasurer.    OH - one of the HUGE complaints about corruption is that the City Admin was doing the treasurer job.  YEA - there was a problem finding ANYBODY that wanted to be treasurer. Do they know how long Columbus has been looking?   HELLO!!  KNOCK KNOCK! ANYBODY HOME? 

OH yea - there was an audio outage so for an hour there was no sound on one of the streaming services.  It was fixed almost immediately when an alderperson brought it up. But social media said the city was trying to hide something.  Yea - super secret things like how much are we spending on taking stray dogs to Dodge County shelters!!  THE HORROR!!!  WHY IS THIS KEPT FROM THE PUBLIC!! WHAT ARE YOU HIDING!   

And then there is social media -  there was a big question on social media about what the protesters were protesting.  Nobody knew.  LOL.  They had signs but nobody could read them. ONLY HONK if you agree.  It was not until the guy riling everybody up told them the fake rage reason and it seems nobody cared.


+++ Columbia County has had 78 deaths and 7,433 cases of Covid but FINALLY the number is falling. we are now at the number we had on December 1st 2020.    Columbia County is averaging 40 new cases a day for the unvaxed.  0 a day for the vaccinated. 

60.9% of Columbia County has had at least 1 shot.

Columbus is averaging 3.9 new unvaxed cases of Covid a day 0 vaccinated cases a day but only a total of 9 Columbus Citizens have passed away.  About 2 unvax'd out of every 1000 in Columbus. 0 out of 1000 for vaccinated.  






  1. Columbus wi is a real shit show. Past leadership blamed

  2. You can also blame the contingent in town that wants everything "fixed", while at the same time demanding their taxes stay the same or go down.



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