Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Rejected AND relieved at the same time. And the NHL

 I've been pretty politically correct the last 2 weeks. Not saying things like the disgraced loser X-president is looking more and more like he will end up in jail and so forth.  Can you LOOK more guilty?  EVERYTHING he has done so far screams I AM GUILTY AND STILL PRESIDENT!    

"I COULD STAGE A COUP, pee on prostitutes and brag about groping woman and my lemmings would still vote for me".  See - I could not say that before. 

Reason was Columbus City council needed 2 people to fill absent seats.  One was moving to a new district which is just STUPID how he had to give up a seat.  And the other decided Council was not as much fun and refused to wear a mask (or some other dumb reason).   

SO - duty called and I submitted my letter to help out if needed.  I was not needed as Amy Roelke wanted the seat and I say new blood is always welcomed . She was not my first choice (I was my first choice) but it's all good.   Michael Clark was the other X-alderman to get the seat.   

My ONLY sadness is I really wanted to work with the city attorney and city engineer - my two favorite contractors in the city.  I miss their cheery faces.   

I find it odd how a town of 5000 has problems filling 6 seats while Fox Lake and their new City Admin former Mayor Kelly with 1600 people have zero issues filling 6 seats.  

ANYWAY - I tried to help but was not needed.  It's all good! I feel rejected AND relieved at the same time.  I'm going to miss the 20 hours a month for low pay and constant complaining. 

SERIOUSLY - have you noticed I stopped taking photos of Columbus when I became an alderman?  Seeing the dark side - the Michael Eisaenags and  a few other current players constantly trying to screw over the government left a bad taste in my mouth.  I'm finally getting my taste back in the last 2 years. 

MEANWHILE - DJ was filling in for Josh and Jenny who were up north finding a place for Josh to live a few days a week as a traveling, WELL PAID nurse up dare in Sturgeon Bay.  He will actually have more home time as its a day job.  

Side note - they took some photos of our new land we purchased - as Jenny says this little lane will someday lead to a little cabin/house - SADLY the little house/cabin we were planning will cost $500,000 - THAT AIN'T HAPPENING!!   LOL  Back to the actual drawing board 

That land is on the 3rd squiggle on the left in Door County near the ferry 

So!   DJ has to pick up the kids at school and parked in a zone that said no parking in the morning - she was there in the afternoon and was not parking but was stopped. Got a ticket and was told parking there was not safe and it's better to drive in circles around the school waiting for a spot to open up.

YEA - MUCH SAFER - of course our lame ass school board did absolutely nothing to fix this issue for the last 7 years.  In fact when I was an alderman this was STILL a problem and they STILL had zero ideas.  

HOW ABOUT putting a fence up so kids cannot cross the road and how about A CROSSING GUARD?   KNOCK KNOCK ANYBODY HOME?  (I don't know why they didn't want me on council  LOL)  We gave the Police Department AND school board a task to come up with a plan - zzzzzzzzzz - received NOTHING in advice. yet - Council is thrown under the bus for not doing anything.

Seems their plan is to give out hundreds of tickets and tell people to drive around the school in circles.  

AND remember - I have zero issues with the current police department.  When I was running for council there were 2 departments people ALWAYS complained about and the Police clean up their act. Zero issues except the tickets and throwing council under the bus when giving them out. The officer apologize when the ticket was handed to DJ.   

OK - that is the morning rant.  Good luck to Amy Roelke and I hope the next 4.5 years are good for her.  It is still one of the things I am most proud about in my life (along with surviving the 70s).  adn I say 4 .5 years because when I decided to be an alderman tha twas my rule - you HAVe to give 4 years of your life to learn the ropes. 



OK - my football picks did not pan out but I'm actually more interested in the NHL.  My system continues to pick an amazing amount of picks and most are favorites which go against most things I believe in but geez - 73.3% win rate in 45 picks over 7 days.  YES  heavy favs so I'm only up 7.06 units.  If I can keep up 1 unit a day for the next 168 days - I would be pleased  LOL 

15.69% ROI 

The average vig is about -175 and I need to win 63% to break even - I have a 10% leeway at the moment. 

Contrary to my NBA system which is all dogs but needs more days to start.   Twitter?  @RodMelotte


Nuff said for today - OH - Bitcoin just hit a new record high!!!   



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