Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Sports and stuff.

 One of my favorite meals (and really the only meal I liked) at Olive Garden was Chicken Marsala - well - of course they changed it and it no longer is.   ANYWAY

DJ makes a WONDERFUL Chicken Marsala with actual Marsala and I LOVED LOVED it. However - she had not made it for a while so I picked up this 

OMG it is just horrible.  Don't ever buy this - YUCK.  We sort of tossed it out - Gus loved it ! But he rolls on dead mice so I can't account for his tastes in food. 


yes yes yes - I was 7-2 in the NFL and am now 15-7.  Working on next week.  Plus working on the NBA and after back testing 2 years I THINK I'm ready   70-52 two years ago and 83-54 last wonky year. NHL - well - with the wonky season last year I'm not sure what will happen. WAY WAY too many games with a WAY too high of a ATS (puck line) winning %%.  Makes me leery with only 1 year of stats.  600 games with a 65% win rate makes me REALLY uneasy. 

The NHL starts tonight with ESPN and Turner taking over the media - here is the odd thing.  In the NBA 67% of fans have a favorite team and 50% have a favorite player.  In the NFL  79% have a fav team and 54% have a fav player.  NHL?  60% team but ONLY 27% player.  Turner /ESPN want to change that.  

Back to the NFL - The FiveThirtyEight website has a "game importance" rating.  The least important game this week is Miami vs. Jacksonville  zzzzzzz  The Packers is the 4th most important game.  LA Chargers vs. Baltimore is #1 

OH - Don Grudan - WOW - what a horrible hideous human being.  When I read what his emails said - just WOW.    He hates all gay people, hates all women in football, hates black players protesting. and I am being REALLY REALLY kind.  


FOUNDATION TRILOGY - We started watching this mammoth adventure. I THINK I tried to read the books decades ago but at the time it was too deep for me - the series on APPLE is  DEEP DEEP and amazing techno eye candy  - I feel I put this trailer on before but . . . . 


Speaking or Texas - why don't they just form their little Taliban government and go away.  


A review concluded that "medical marijuana can potentially aid the recovery from traumatic brain injury by modulating the endocannabinoid system, reducing inflammation and secondary injury.

Maine sold $58 million in cannabis with the State getting 14.5 million in taxes to spend on roads, education, law enforcement and health care  - meanwhile Wisconsin got . . . $0 

Michigan sold $161 million in Cannabis IS SEPTEMBER and fot  $40 million IN SEPTEMBER - Wisconsin got . . . $0

remember the movie Twins?  with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito?  Seems Danny filled every cigar on the set that Arnold would smoke with cannabis  LOL   Bad Danny  


Remember - RodMelotte on Twitter.  3 more days of Facebook jail but I'm not sure I'll be that active.  Twitter is so much calmer.  

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