Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Wisconsin Sleep Cohort study - year 30-ish - Don't Look Up

 First of all raisins

"Raisins are a nutrient-dense food that’s minimally processed, with no added ingredients or preservatives. But they’re also high in sugar and calories, so they should only be eaten in moderation".       
"Research shows that raisins can lower your risk of heart disease by reducing blood pressure and blood sugar. The fiber in raisins works to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol, which reduces strain on your heart. Raisins are also a good source of potassium. Studies have found that low potassium levels contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. The amount of potassium our bodies need increases if our sodium intake is high, which is common for many people's diets today. As a low-sodium food, raisins are a great way to ensure you’re getting enough potassium."

just sayin - I don't think one of those little boxes will kill me.  And they are better than cheetos . . well . . not really flavor-wise  though, I would rather eat Cheetos - Cheese that goes crunch   


Wisconsin Sleep Cohort study

When I started working for the state I was contacted to see if I wanted to be part of a lifelong long sleep study which seemed interesting but then they said they would pay me - FER SURE!! 

For 20 years I would answer a 200 question questionnaire and then go in to UW and they would give me a multitude of tests which would normally embarrass me with my lack of memory but then hand over a goodsize check to make me feel better.

Then Governor Walker, who never finished school and was the least educated Governor in Wisconsin history, canceled the lifelong study.  Knowledge is for losers. 

WELL -  A few weeks ago I was contacted and the study is on again but this was home visits. 

I got the questionnaire and they went through a ridiculous amount of covid protocols and last night they visited me and put me through the wringer once again.


Normal things like height and weight and measurements.  Then simple tests.  Sit, walk to a certain spot on the floor and go back all the while counting backwards by 7 from 125.  Easy. 

Next they put an object on the floor I had to step over and counting backwards from 90 by 3.  All of this is being timed. 

Then three balancing acts which were pretty easy.  One was stand toe to heal and balance for 10 seconds - piece of cake. 

The fun part was over.  Then came the memory drills. 

Remember when the X-president loser con man grifter did his memory test. Seems he left out a number of things like there were 15 words - not eight. 

WELL!!  I listen to 15 words, how many did I remember.  Then a 2nd time, how many NOW, then a 3rd time - how many - and finally a 4th time- how many.  Then different words - how many and FINALLY - without hearing the first words again how many did I remember.     

I got a total of  11 which I felt was pretty . . . OK

OH - a grip test for both hands.  They had me grip a solid  . . thing and squeeze as hard as I could 4 times. Then the other hand.  

They never told me any results from any tests ever -  BUT - one woman said "In my peer group" that was the hardest anybody had squeezed yet.  And my head swelled.  96 pounds with my right hand and 88 with my left.  

Then a dexterity test.  Put 50 tiny pin like keys (all the same) into tiny holes all pointing different directions.  ODDLY my right hand was not as dexterous as my left.  I could spin the little key thing in my thumb and index finger with ease with my left hand - a little harder with my right and weird thumb that was severely dislocated a few decades ago (but my bowling score average went from 172 to 194 after the dislocation). 

More tests.  Circles on a paper  1,2,3,4,5 and A B C D E type circles  alternating between numbers and letters draw lines as fast as you can. 

Then 2 typed pages double space with numbers.  cross out all the 6s as fast as possible. Did well after I change strategy halfway through.  Instead of my hand going left to right I went right to left so my eyes could scan ahead.

NEXT -a tough one - SEEMS simple but . . . . . . . . and I got a little embarrassed on this one  

in one minute - how many words can I say that begin with . . . . . C  go! 

First half minute I was fine but  WOW - after 30 seconds my mind was drawing blanks!!  I did say the "C" word that woman don't like.  LOL   Try it.  get a timer and pick a random letter - use your finger to pick a random one.  That last 30 seconds will blow your mind.  Do it with a coworker.

and if memory serves me correctly - that was it. Now I have to track my sleep time for a week and they gave my a nice size check (over $100) and see you next year.  

So they have 25 years of data from me from about 1991 with about 2000 other old people that worked for the state in the early 90s.   Not that I'm "old". You are only as old as you believe you are. Parts of me are older than the rest  :-)  I refuse to grow old  . . . . . mentally.  although I have noticed some words are just not there sometimes.      

The Wisconsin Sleep Cohort (WSC)


  MANY MANY years ago there was a star guy on TV who would close every show with a "KEEP LOOKING UP".  

There is a new trailer from a movie with a TON of stars called  "Don't Look Up" That looks OUTSTANDING






  1. and other than costing a lot of money what has this study provided to the TAX PAYERS. You've been sucking the govt tit for so long you are lost in a liberal hell.

  2. Not much politics on your page. How come all the crap you said about Trump made up by the media and now you don't want to eat crow. Don't worry as long as you unfriend anyone who disagrees with your bullshit you'll be fine. Pussy. And yes I've had a gun .357 pointed right between my eyes and I told him to go fuck himself. Didn't wet my pants sissy

  3. ....says the guy who hides behind an alias.....


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