Thursday, April 7, 2022

Dunder Mifflin - final thoughts on Colonoscopies - Pink Floyd NEW music

WHOO HOOO that is over - Colonoscopy's are so much fun. Actually they are not bad at all. If I had a choice I would rather have a colonoscopy then ANY dental procedure IF - they could take the drinking of a gallon of metallic water out of the equation.  AND WHAT A TRIP THAT IS!!!  

Seriously though the actual procedure is a piece of cake. In fact it's rather relaxing - no really!!  I have never been more comfy.  They tuck you in all nice and warm and then you "wake up".   

Then the weird part happens. I remember almost nothing from the post op wake up part.  DJ says a nurse talked about my tattoos and the doctor shook my hand complimenting on how clean I was and I ate a crap load of crackers and got I dressed . . . NOTHING - don't remember ANY of that. ZIP  NADA.   DJ says I inhaled 4 pacts of crackers and asked for more juice.  

One thing I did learn was put a few drops of concentrated lemon juice on my tongue and press it to the top of my mouth and then drink the metallic liquid.  OR the nurse said she has a life savor in her mouth.  

I tell ya though - the body is AMAZING.  The pressure of a firehose cannot compete with the pressure of that last half of gallon coming out  LOL  TOO MUCH?      


Voted Tuesday and the Columbus Storm Water Utility which would save money for citizens was voted down.  I guess they WANT to pay for church's and big box stores storm water issues in property taxes which will cost 2% more rather then paying a little bit per month. 

Always good to borrow as opposed to paying a smaller amount now.  Many republicans LOVE to borrow hoping somebody else will pay their dues down the road.  Bunch of freeloading hypocrites that didn't vote for it.  I remember when they were the financially smart ones. I know a good number of NON "freeloading hypocrites", REAL Republicans that did vote for it. 

Oddly the ones that ACTUALLY understand how things work, the ones that loved Columbus enough to run for office, EVEN the right wing knew the Storm Water Utility was financially smart. 

BUT NOOOOOO.  $3 a month is way too much. 

In the last 22 days accumulation rain fall in Columbus 

Farmers do NOT want rain now - drought is better in spring.  They need the seeds they plant to sprout roots that go DOWN for water not up. Top soil water makes for weak plants. 


If you have not watched SPACE FORCE - it's pretty good.  Better then Season 1 but I think just NOT thinking of Steve Carell as Michael Scott takes a little getting used too.



Speaking of Dunder Mifflin  - remember Dwight?  

At dentists office. Put on a mask because the woman next to me has a Dunder Mifflin shirt on. #Awkward #Incognito #rootcanal


Pink Floyd is releasing their first original music tonight at some ones midnight since 1994 to help Ukraine. 

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