Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mr. Mann I Presume?

That's right ladies and germs, there was a Michael Mann sighting in Columbus a few days ago. What was he doing? He was wandering the streets looking right, looking left, looking up and doing a lot of thinking about locations.

Rumor has it some things in Chicago are not going exactly as his vision has it so . . . . . a trip back to Columbus for a walk around was necessary.

And THAT my friends is some pretty interesting news. So I rescind my previous rescind which rescinded my original comment about a return to Columbus. Don't put those Rod-on-a-stick's away yet!
In some sad news (for me) I was told that maybe I should hold off on postcard #2 by Michelle. I gather we want to keep in good grace's with Universal and this card will have to wait.

Personally I disagree, it's not like we're harming anything or showing actors in a bad light - the postcard does not have the Nat'l Enquirer Seal of Approval. But - when people with greater authority then I say "jump" I say how high (actually I have always questioned authority but don't tell them that). I'm trying to be a good guy. STILL - awesome postcard even if I do say so myself and a loss for Columbus AND Universal.
The Tudors - Watched the first episode Season 1 last night and STILL love the show. DJ was too sick to watch it, I hope someday she will be well again! Maybe near the end of summer? This Cold has her by the . . . . . . throat.
Something I have noticed but am afraid to mention.

I received a very kind email last night from a woman and one of the sentences in the mail was "I am very shy so I haven't posted anything."

I pray I do not embarrass her but this seems to be a common thread I have observed, particularly among woman that are now commenting here or people I have met at the Kurth.

From my male point of view it seems that a lot of woman are shy. Why is that? Is it just my perception and not true? Is it because males grew up in a team/sports atmosphere? I could be totally wrong with this but again, it seems woman have problems having friends because of this shy thing.

Maybe the only people that read this blog are shy??

I was shy once, sort if an introvert. Then I noticed that when I started to make fun of myself, joke about things I total mishandled it seemed to open others up because they would see that others do things wrong also. Everybody blows it from time to time. So why be embarrassed about it.

It's the same with being shy. People think they HAVE to say something or they think "what if I say something dumb". HELL - look at me!! I'm a poster boy for saying dumb things (hmmm - I'm a poster boy for two things now).

So - I would love to hear from shy people in the comments about this - you can stay anonymous. How do you overcome "shy". I know there are a few comment people that are shy but you would never know it (can't shut them up NOW).
Bonus photo from Door County

OK - off to Sharrow to get cough stuff for DJ.

Rod - OUT


  1. Maybe some of the ladies are shy because of your intimidating good lucks.....

    I'm off for a day of skateboard mayhem.

    I hope DJ feels better.....that "bug" had my wife down and out for almost two weeks now......somehow i've managed to avoid it..maybe it's the giant bubble i live in?

  2. I'm shy too, but most people don't know it. (Does that make sense? LOL)

    Truthfully, I have very few friends because of it and all of those I've had for 15+ years. I don't always come across as shy to people, but I rarely - if ever - speak to anyone outside the work environment or running into an aquaintence somewhere.

  3. Rod.... great news about PE. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!

    Sad news about Michelle's post card.... but I understand the "higher ups" thing.

    Shyness... I am sooo NOT shy. I have found that even shy people can open up on the internet.

    Sending DJ well wishes... seems like people in Cali are coming down with this "mystery bug". I hope everyone (myself included) are feeling better VERY soon!!

    Anyone who has never had a cheese curd before.... GET SOME!!!! They are the BOMB!!!!!!

  4. Great news Rod! Columbus must be buzzing with excitement! The renovations were done so beautifully; it's no wonder they would want to return.

    DJ, hope the "yuck" goes quickly...Have you tried those Cold-Eeez with Zinc? They work wonders.

    Minxie, glad you're enjoying the'll have to try that fried curd recipe next!

    As for those who are shy, it's hard sometimes to join in when there are so many established relationships, especially in "real life". I read this blog for quite some time before I began to comment...and I'm glad I did. Sometimes, though, what I've written has been misinterpreted, so I guess I need to communicate better with the written word, as to not offend.
    SHY...Go for it!

    With the warm weather, and the PE news, I know this will be a GREAT DAY! Enjoy all!


  5. ~Minxie~ - I had you as one of the NOT shy people . . . .and I STILL can't shut you up LOL

    Cheese Curds - I find few with the added ingredients that squeak - I saw once about WHY they squeak but . . . it's gone.

    Post cards are at Sharrow Drug and Julies Java House!

  6. Definitely hoping they are coming back to Columbus... If I'm back in town I would no doubt make the drive up!

  7. Tiffany - it was nice to 'e-meet' you yesterday! Hope all goes well in the World Series of Poker! (if not for you, I would never have known it existed) Thanks for 'coming out' = )

    Yeah, I'm a closet shy girl too. Cripplingly so in my school days and after. I do a good job (i think) of appearing not-shy now, but it's a pretty thin veneer. I'd been here at Rod's since Day 1, but couldn't bring myself to post for quite a while and then tentatively. I remember being soooo nervous to go to Kurth's the first time. Lucky for me everyone else msut have been nervous too cuz I was the only non-family member to show up. That was good though because it gave me a chance to get to know Rod and DJ and Jenny and Josh in a quieter setting and find them to be very genuine. (they haven't been able to shut me up since!)

    BTW: Rod and DJ looked pretty nervous too that first day I met them... Shyness, social anxiety a lot of us have it, even those who don't appear to = )

    Thanks for letting this be a safe place to open your mouth even when you are WRONG!!! = )

  8. Ha ha ...Rod... I would put tape over my mouth, but my fingers are too busy typing! =0P

  9. Wow I think this shy thing effects most of us. I even have a hard time posting on the internet. I think even Mr. Depp is extremely shy. This is hard to believe that someone that has done what he does in front of cameras for 20 yrs can be shy when it comes to social gatherings. Oh btw according to The Insider JD is a confirmed presenter at the MTV awards Sunday sure hope this is true.
    Everyone on this site seems to be open and honest a great place to visit. Sorry about DJ hope she feels better soon.

  10. I have heard that most actors and singers are shy people.

    I wonder what makes people shy. Is it fear of something? My shyness seems to be fear of being rejected.

  11. Great teaser about the possible return of PE!!!! Hope it comes true-keep us posted.

    Shy people-you cn hide behind another name like me ;) if you want. This is a great place to post very very friendly. I had NEVER posted anywher before I came here for PE news. But BEWARE- it is extremely addicting and can take up all your free time forever LOL LOL

    Just got home from Madison's Komen Race for the cure......
    have a good weekend everyone, we're off to Door County for a long weekend. (good DC pic Rod!)

  12. I was so shy in school that I think it traumatized me. No extra activities. Even now I am shy about writing for other people to read because I feel that I am lacking in the proper way to write. I only finished the 9th grade as I married the 1st time at 14! I didn't get the chance to learn all the proper grammer and writing skills. I did get a G.E.D. when I was 23. Many moons ago! I am better with people now at 54 and I find that people seem to talk to me more than ever. It seems to be that people must sense shyness in other people. I get "nervous" posting on here and other sites,but I imagine that will get better with time. I envy anyone who "never meets a stranger". Luckily I am married to one and he quiet often breaks the silence!

    I do hope PE returns to Columbus. How exciting for ya'll. I won't be able to fly up to WI again but I will definately be monitoring this blog!

    Have a great day up there in beautiful WI. It's HOT here in Tennessee.It's 78 at 10:00 AM. We'll probably have storms later on.

  13. Wow! Go Michael Mann! Use us for your gain! :) That would be so cool if they came back.

    DJ! Get better, girl! Uh, you poor thing. You must have a different strain than I did. You'd be better by's been two weeks, hasn't it? :(

    Shyness: Don't ask me. My mom says I never talked before I turned 10, then she couldn't shut me up. LOL I do feel bad for people who are sooo shy that it impedes their progress in life, at times.

    Minxie is eating cheese curds!! [does happy dance] Girl, you absolutely must use one of those batter recipes and deep fry some of those. You won't want cold ones anymore (unless they squeak)! I LOVE the white ones, probably more than the yellow ones now. Now, when are you moving to Columbus? (Note to shakenb: Buy that large brick house on the corner a few blocks over from the one you were looking to have--more room for transplants)! ;)

    Mary-what's the word on "Sex and the City?" Anybody else interested in a matinee tomorrow?

    Osh-your description of Dillinger in yesterday's comments had me rotfl...I can totally picture him running so fast that he arrives butt first! LOLOLOLOL

    Ok-I probably missed some comments, but I have to get busy on a few things before work. Enjoy the weekend, gang. :)

  14. Thanks for the Update I sure hope they come back one more time. I am sad about the post cards too I think those picture are so beautiful to show off columbus in a great way even though I live in Fall River !!! Thanks again for the updates!! Please tell Jen I argee with her we so need a Taco Bell here!!! I am very shy too that is why I was to nervous to go to the filming was shy to meet all of you. Hope DJ gets well soon I am also on the second fight of the cold!

    Shannon-Fall River

  15. Suz... I think I will try the batter today... I am feeling advetureous! Now if I can find which day the batter recipe was posted on......

    *squeak squeak squeak* Gotta love em!!!!

  16. LHL and I went to K. Brewery last night and no one showed up...boohoo!! Missed all of you! So sorry you're still sick, dj!
    It was a beautiful night, so we sat outside and played a game of cribbage, on their unusually large cribbage board and I WON!! (this is HUGE, because I never beat LHL at anything!!!Used to beat him at Scrabble, but I can't even do that anymore!)
    Rod, wanted to talk to you about the MM sighting-but you obviously knew already. So cool!
    Here's a little video of our sweet Ginny Weasley-soooo cute! HUGE THANK YOU Shaken-Betty!!!!!:)

  17. Oh, I HAVE to get in on this! People think I am shy, but I'd rather not call myself that. Have NEVER liked the word. I am VERY introverted, but I can deal with people after I get used to them. And, prob, vice versa. It's relatively easy to talk online under the cloak of anominity, but I still sensor myself. I've never met any of you in person, because an ogre keeps me locked in the basement!

  18. I used to be SUPER SHY. In 6th grade we were supposed to give a presentation in front of the class. Some people (including me) didn't want to. So are teacher said we could either do our presentation in front of the class or get a "D". I took the D!

    Now I am a lot less shy, but still have my moments.

  19. Here you go, Minxie...
    I made sure to save it on my computer! I don't remember whose recipe it was, but it sure sounds good! Let me know how it works out!

    Fairground Cheese Curds

    5 ounces beer
    5 ounces pancake mix
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 egg
    2 1/2 lbs cheese curds
    oil (for frying)


    -Make sure the cheese curds are fresh and at room temperature.

    -Mix beer, pancake mix, salt, and egg.

    -Dip curds in batter and drop one at a time into heated oil (425-450F). Fry for about 1 minute or until golden brown.

    -Drain on paper towel.

  20. Peg!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

    Gonna go try some...... ooops... do I have pancake mix?

  21. I was just hoping you still had 2 and a half pounds of cheese curds left! I didn't know how much you ordered or nibbled..hee hee!

  22. I've always been on the quiet side of the spectrum, but living in rural areas for 20 years (after growing up near the city) has really done a number on my socializing.

    For an overarching theory: I think stereotypically, women are "supposed" to be voraciously social creatures, thankful for the invention of the cell phone so that they can keep it plastered to their ears. I see that around me, but I'm so not that.

    I'm truly not comfortable at parties where people sell things (Amway, candles etc.) to friends, and I've noticed a lot of that type of social invitation lately.

    As Peg also mentioned, it seems (to me) that the well-established previous relationship barrier is stronger in a non-urban area: so many people live near extended family and friends they've kept or people they've known since grade school. I've met wonderful people since we've lived rurally, but that's a tough nut to crack. That, plus my "nontypical" interests, hobbies, and background, has made me feel like a genial outsider. Over the years, it's made me quite reserved and shy. I actually wasn't this way in school, way back when. Introspective a bit, but definitely more active socially. Or maybe that's what marriage and a young child do too.

    Third, in reference to the person Rod is speaking of... online forums have quite a reputation. The imdb board is a prime example. One cannot post "It's a nice day!" and be assured that somehow, someone else will not flame your statement and yourself. For some, that rolls off the back; for others, attacks are hard to shrug off.

    And to that person Rod mentioned-- you couldn't have "come out" to a nicer group of people than you will find here! Good luck to you.

    Hope that helped a little, Rod. And check this out, today I am:


  23. I regret that I was too shy to give Johnny a hug- I just shook his hand-wished I'd gotten my "Johnny Hug"!! I get mad at myself when I miss out on things because of my shyness.

  24. Rod - Thanks for your help in getting me to "come out" and thanks to everyone else for the encouragement. I am much more comfortable in 1-on-1 situations or in small groups. The funny thing is that my degree is in education and had no problem getting up and teaching when I was the expert, but speaking to peers - NO WAY unless I absolutely have to.

    My boss had me do a presentation to 80-100 insurance agents at a convention last year. I stumbled through it and HATED it! I'm doing much better than the turning bright red when getting called on in class back in school, even when I knew the answer, or giving a speech in tears. Funny thing is - I actually am an extrovert, just a very shy one. I love being in crowds and around people, I just don't like the attention on me. (My husband is the opposite, an outgoing introvert. He would prefer to be by himself and hates being in groups of people, but he is he tends to become the center of attention.)

    I have loved reading the blogs and comments for the last few months. My husband doesn't understand since there hasn't been any local filming for a couple weeks why I still get on each night to read everything. He just wants the computer back.

    Something else I just found out this morning from my mother-in-law - she is related to the Sheriff that was killed by Pierpoint when Dillinger broke out of the Lima, OH jail.


  25. Thanks Shakenbis-It was nice e-meeting you, too. As well as everyone else. It's because of my boyfriend Mitch's love of gambling that I was able to go to Aurora and meet Johnny Depp. They have a casino in Aurora, so he gambled there while I waited with the crowd. I met some great people there. I posted this late last night late, but if anyone wants to watch for him on TV he will be wearing a Brett Favre jersey and a Syracuse hat. It is event #32.

    I would love to meet some of you, and had planned to go to Columbus when they were there the last time. But I was unable to go. Maybe if they come back I can meet some of you. I live about an hour away. I hope they don't come back while I'm in Vegas.

    Enjoy the great weather!


  26. I saw in the paper today that Public Enemies made a donation to the Auditorium? How much did they donate? It doesn't say.

  27. I had followed the blog before I finally started adding comments here and there, part of the "too shy" club. After meeting Rod randomly in the Visitor Center one day (trip one of two), I started adding my comments. It was one of the best things I did. If no one had heard of the girl from Connecticut, I may not have met so many wonderful people on my sojourn to Wisconsin! Plus, when all caution is thrown to the wind, you can even ask Johnny for that hug! Good luck next time, krisx. Hopefully, a return trip to Columbus will pan out, and you will get your chance!

    - Tanya

  28. Thanks Tanya,
    My fingers are crossed...and my arms...legs,

  29. If any of you read my blog from the way back, I went through some very hard times with myself...PE helped change that...and setting uop his job shadowing of the reporter and taking the huge steps of going downtown on our own (well Evan would go anywhere on his own, me not so much) finding Rod's site, blogging about our experiences, meeting Michelle and Rachel, going to Kurths, meeting the Kurths Krew, talking to Betty...I could go on and on...and then there are the online buddies I have made as well...let's just say it has helped me in ways I never thought possible. And my kitteh!

    thanks everybody!

  30. Yes, minxie, from your pirate clothing and picture we could all tell that you aren't shy! Good for you & good for us, too. You prob wouldn't be posting here if you were shy, because you'd find a reason not to. I'm glad you do!

    I don't think j^p has ever been shy. And I do believe that osh is shy. I personally believe that being shy (ever) helps one understand what others are going through (empathy) and, maybe, be a bit more sensitive and caring. On the other hand, I cannot fathom how gregarious and outgoing people think, because I have never been like that!

  31. krisx,I'm glad you are having fun with little Ginny! She is so cute!

  32. I'm also pretty shy. I had to give a couple of reports in high school and 1 or 2 in college. The last one I gave was on Dillinger and Al Capone (this was somewhere around 2002 or 2004 I don't remember). And we could only use 1 notecard to have points on there. Well I had the whole report on 1 notecard and I would never look up. I think I even got a lower grade for that.

    BTW, does anyone know or could anyone help me find the acutal location of the Sioux Falls, South Dakota bank. I've been looking all over the internet and can't find any information on where it was.

  33. Ok... let me just say.....
    the batter recipe that was posted (thanks again Peg for keeping it and the person who originally posted it!) is FANTASTIC!!! and the fried cheese curds... well, lets just say... my kid and I are HOOKED!!! I didnt make the whole 2-1/2 lbs. cuz I would be in a cheese coma!!! :) I am gonna treat my pirate crew with this tastey morsels next weekend!!!

    I am soo glad to see some new names coming out today...and great posts by you all!! I want to thank Rod for bringing the shy people to the front and giving them and us such a great place to share thoughts/ideas/experiences. THANK YOU!!

    My "lack" of shyness is why my faire/pirate crew made me their Captain/Commodore. Most of the crew are relatively shy, but they seem to come out of it once they get to know other people in the crew. I like to make sure everyone is having fun and not being left out. I love to see people come together.

    Krisx ~ the video of your kitty is adorable!!! Makes me want a kitty too!

    I know, I know... "shut up Minxie"! =0P

  34. Security National Bank and Trust is the name of the bank in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, does that help?

  35. Not really Osh, because I already knew that. The only back that keeps coming up for a location is First National Bank, which is making me think that might be the old building.

  36. didnt Security National Bank go out of business 15yrs ago... or so.
    Maybe thats why it wont show anything. Perhaps an old news clip from the 30's could help you with an address?

  37. Minxie, that could be why I can't find it. I've tried to search some of the newspapers but couldn't find anything either. I was thinking of calling the chamber but I will feel really stupid (again the shy part coming through).

  38. Rod, Has DJ been to the doctor with her "cold". Could she possibly have walking pneumonia? I had that once and was sick as a dog.

  39. Fan... I think calling the chamber is a good idea. I hope they would know which building it is/was.

    Have you tried searching for historical landmaarks in Sioux Falls?

  40. Minxie, I will have to try that.

    How would I ask about the building? Any suggestions please.

  41. Doing research... would like to know the location of the building to take "current" pic...

  42. Cool I will do that. Seeing that I'm going out that way in July. Going to Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and all that stuff for 2 weeks. I've been to Mt. Rushmore and those places but never to Yellowstone or Grand Tetons. So that would be a perfect time to find this place.

  43. Rod, is it possible to get a set or two of the postcards directly from you?? I'm going to try to get
    to Kurth's Friday night, but just in case........
    Sorry the second one of Michelle's won't be part of the set, but I understand her reservations! Was that one already printed up too??
    Maybe they could be given away to volunteers at the Amtrack painting!
    I think of myself as being shy too. I think it comes from a rural childhood where I wasn't able to do a lot of socializing. I rode the bus to and from a parochial school and couldn't stay for after school activities. I met a couple
    really good friends in school, but even those friendships ended when we all got married (guess our husbands should have been friends
    too.) For some reason I find it hard to open up and completely trust people too. I find it easier
    to be more open on the internet. And I've made some great friendships here, but don't know how I'd do if I were to meet any of them personally??! It was really NOT at all like me to go to Kurth's by myself the first time! We live right next door to a friendly neighborhood tavern; and dh and I love to go there for special things they put on and for Packer games. But I have never gone there by myself! And yet I know most of the people that frequent the place!
    REALLY, REALLY hoping MM found something in Columbus that will fit what he was looking for (that
    Chicago is missing) so we will have one more opportunity to get together!

  44. I forgot to add that another "historic" (if you want to call it that) landmark in Chicago (where the St. Valentine's Day Massacre)is now a parking lot. I guess some guy in Canada bought the wall and now I believe his is gone so I don't know what happened to it after that.

  45. Fan ~ It seems that Security National Bank is still alive and well in SD. So I was wrong on that one. According to their website, all the buildings are "new"... trying to locate an old pic of the bank....

  46. That's what I thought too, but I was not sure if it was connected in any way. I will be back on later tonight I hope, I have to get ready to go to a Baseball game for those of you in Wisconsin you may know of the Northwoods League. Well all I have to say is Go Woodchucks.

    Then tomorrow on to Brewer land.

  47. Kathy wrote yesterday:
    "I can't believe the NE is still in business; who buys that crap?"
    My dd was going to Shop Ko yesterday, so I asked her to pick up a copy so I could see J^P's picture and read the article. I NEVER buy that rag!! I know it's all lies and half truths and inuendo. When I looked through it,
    IT WASN'T IN IT!! Was it last week's issue? So I not only contributed to their vile magazine, but I wasted $3+ on the
    wrong issue! LOL

  48. krisx - that was JUST what I needed to come home to! I laughed, I cried, I laughed, I cried again... She still loves the camera, I see. (we have the same waterbowl) I'm so, so glad she did turn out to be jsut the right lover kitty for you guys! = )

    I don't know what I'm gonna do when the other two go (which looks like it will be all at once around June 10th) Today their special trick was anytime I was standing in one place long enough they would each zoom up one leg and assume a spot on either shoulder! Imagine trying to paint like this!! (i could hear their little hearts beating) They are fearless and cuddly and delightful and have made all the other cat drama bearable...

    Doc Vicky - Momma's wound looks quieter today, but it seems she's lost a little weight, is this normal? She seems to be eating ok.

    I'm so glad to hear so many other shy stories, makes me feel more normal. Nice to see some new names too = )

  49. Minxie - I am jealous! You are not only a pirate, but you have a crew! I am quite certain I was born in the wrong era. Had I been born in the 1800's I'm pretty sure I'd have been a pirate (with a ship)instead of the gypsy (with a pick-up truck) I am now...

  50. Osh - I got a little mushy reading your comment... I can't wait for our road trip when we'll REALLY get a chance to talk = ) You had me cracking up with all your PWD stories yeterday (I saw them around 3am)

  51. Shake... *laughs* I am a pirate, a gypsy and a proud Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 Truck driver!!! (cringes at the gas prices though!!!!)
    I would be honored to have any of Rod's crew... join my crew!!! *PIRATE* :)

    The renaissance era has always interested me... days of Kings and Queens, Knights are so romantic. Like Johnny has said, "Pirates were the 'rockstars'" of the time. Since it is rude to dress as royalty at faire (unless you are a paid performer) I chose a pirate, they are shown more respect than a peasant. LOL!!!

  52. Sounds like a blast Minxie - some das I REALLY miss the west coast! = ) (ANY coast)

  53. Sorry Sue :(
    The "old" issue has Oprah on the cover...the "new" one has Dr. Phil on's Volume 23. Sorry you wasted $3....

    and btw..i'm super shy :)

  54. fanfromwi, you must live close to Wausau if you're going to a Woodchucks game. Or you REALLY love them! Did you have fun?

  55. j^p, tell us one of your "super shy" stories. 'cause I just can't picture it. I've seen all your other pictures, but NOT the shy one. ;)

  56. minxie, no one warned you not to eat too many fried cheese curds. Well, maybe they did and I didn't notice. They are delicious and can pack on the pounds! Believe me, I know. :( Well, that and the rum/fruit drinks. And the bratwurst and ...

  57. Lotus.... you still have fruit and rum? ;)

    Yeah, I figured I better not eat too many of them yummy curds, but they are soooo addictive!

    Shake ~ any time you want to come back to the West Coast... you are welcome to come play pirate with me. :)

  58. fanfromwi - check out

    DJ and I drove to LV, Arizona, Grand Canyon and all over in 10 days - and of course I blogged about it.

    Sue - yes - I am in position of said postcards and can bring them to Kurth.

  59. So Columbus gave Michael Mann the keys to the city and now he thinks he can just turn up whenever he likes.

  60. No, minxie, the rum's gone. Somehow it got seperated from the fruit! :0 No wonder I'm always seasick--and never on the water!

  61. I just got the Public Enemies book and was flipping through the pictures... There's one of the Biograph that looks IDENTICAL to the one I took. The only difference is mine is in color. I was impressed!

  62. Rod, I checked out your blog spot that you left for fanfromwi. Yea, I'm a pushy shy (yuck) person! Great pictures! Were any of the buttes those in "Thelma & Louise"? Breath-taking!

    Wow! Your blog comments have really soared since then!

  63. Why is the gone always rum? =0P

    *holds up FULL bottle of dark rum and FULL bottle of light rum*
    Lotus.... sure you dont want to set sail for Cali? ;)

  64. Rod ... how cool about the Grand Canyon. It is true... NO pics do it justice. Even if you don't have vertigo, the Grand Canyon will make you leary of the edge.
    Just outside a place called Seligman, AZ is the Grand Canyon Caverns :

    Click on the history of the caverns. We were told on our tour, that scientists had set off colored smoke bombs to see where the caverns had openings. Some 3 weeks or so later, the smoke billowed out of the side walls of the Grand Canyon which is about 140 miles away. The petrified bobcat is still in the caverns, however the sloth has been moved to some museum. You can still see his claw marks on the sides of cavern walls.... *laughs* I guess I should do a blog about it....

  65. Mary ~ Hooray for mojitos!!!! Hooray for RUM!!!! ;)

    Anyone wanting the recipes for fruity rum drinks that I shared with Lotus, just email me....
    email addy on my profile.

  66. mary - he heee, how about this post?

    Jenny - did you catch the JD reference in AMC yesterday? (maybe it was the day before) In ad and Dixie's scene... They seems to mention him quite often!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. J^D The NE issue I got has Oprah and Stedman on the cover!!!
    Rod, thanks for taking the postcards to Kurth's. How much are they a set? I think it will be cool to save one set and use the others to mail to JD loving friends! Maybe you'd better bring 3 sets along for me! LOL

  69. Betty, yeah that was funny they were talking about JD on AMC!

  70. minxie, after a few rum drinks I tried to set sail to CA but my dinghy was too small! Plus, I couldn't figure out how to get from the Eau Claire River to the ocean. So I dragged that little dinghy home and had a mojito! I'll try again next weekend.

    m, as in Mary, it's OK. Just have another!

  71. "The petrified bobcat is still in the caverns..." minxie, what is he afraid of?

  72. I thought he was at the Kurth?!?!

    No rum here but I've got Tequila, so this is what I cam up with

    1 shot Jose Cuervo
    4-5 cubes each frozen pineapple and mango
    ice cubs
    2 oz Frozen Marghuerita Mix
    Fill with ice water and blend in my Magic Bullet...

    Yes - I bought the Magic Bullet =)

  73. Jenny - ya think they're gonna bring back Maria?

  74. I luv my Magic Bullet, however I can't make anything like they show on the informercial!

    However, Shakenbsis, I'm liking your concoction!!! Wish I had some of that on hand right now...All I have is my Malibu and'll have to do!

  75. Lotus.... the bobcat was petrified of your dinghy!!! =0P
    and the lack of rum!!!

  76. OH boy.....another night of Rum 3am I predict Lotus and Minxie will have Rod walking the plank...and searching for bigger dinghies.

    And now that I think of it...maybe i'm not that shy anymore....i guess i haven't been the same since prison. :)

  77. Peg - I think the thing it is best at is chopping ice! I don't use it for much else besides various smoothies, but I make them often enough to leave it on my counter full time.

  78. there is a cuban restaurant in Milwaukee that has the best mojitos evah...Hemingway's Habana Vieja GO THERE!

    I had 6 when we went and then for dessert I had a 7th.

  79. jp - are you joking or did you really do some time? (Is it rude of me to ask?)

  80. J^P, when you were in prison did you eat bananas like an ear of corn or like the regular way to eat a banana? Cause if you ate it it the regular way, it could explain a lot. ;)

  81. Shake... tequila? wow you are a gypsy!!! Tequila & Minxie dont mix! ;)
    The recipe sounds delicious though!

    Ok, so what was the JD reference on AMC? oh I miss Maria... Eva LaRue and I went to school together.

  82. So, that crazy person emailing me the weird flight plan of could have been MM using the plane...the plane was all over the place, including Tampa, Miami, Detroit, Madison and then Chicago...hmm the plot thickens.

  83. The postcards are $1 each. WAY more expensive then the Wisconsin ones with a cow that could be ANYWHERE!!

    I SHOULD have all 4 by Friday - it'll be close and I'm making #5 later tonight!

    #4 won't be for mass market but I'm sure if used for private consumption . . . .

  84. Regular way = licking it ALOT before nibbling????

    If so..then yes...regular way!

  85. j^p, prison can do that to ya. Is that where you got so buff? You either spent a lot of time in the excercise room or running (from friends). Which was it?

    minxie, osh, & shakenbsis (nice recipe): Ya all make me LMAO!!!

  86. Osh... JD's sister lives in FL. (or so I have read).... most of the locations correspond to filming dates etc.

  87. Sorry slow tonight momma is on my lap letting me rub her belly! How odd to see the blue veins on a kitty's belly, just wrong!

    Rum is to me what Teqilla is to you Minxie!

    mmm Cuban food, I'm very into island flavors these days...

  88. so J^P, your wife is OK with being your beard? Poor thing. Well, at least she got 3 darling kids out of the deal.

  89. Ok, I am going to have to keeps my lips zipped +++++ but here is some info and observations.............

    What day was Michael suppose to be up there? That would be news to the crew. We got a tentative schedule and no Columbus. Michael has been under intense pressure with the Biograph shoot. The scene being shot from the low flying helicopter was intense. A lot of FAA requirements and curfews for flying over the neighborhood etc.

    We tried to wrap up the killing scene last night but will be carried over to Tuesday.

    The Aragon Ballroom pushed off for at least a day.

    Bryan Burrough was an extra last night posing as a reporter. I was able to talk to him he was most gracious and down to earth.

  90. I've missed you Lotus! We haven't been on at the same time for a while!

  91. Ooh anon - I'm jealous! I'd love to meet BB = ) I've heard he's very down to earth. I like his blog...

  92. Shake... you've got recipes! ;)

    Rod... you've got mail! =0P

  93. I've missed you too, shakenbsis. But you've been very busy! Enjoy the kitties while you can.

    I wish I knew WHO anon 9:03 pm is. Hummmmm.

  94. minxie, R U emailing all these peeps your recipes? No one will be posting, 'cause they'll all be drunk!

  95. nah... just emailing to Shake.... she wants to be drunk on rum ... like Tequila messes me up... ;)

    I think Lotus, Shake and I should make someone walk the plank.... but I dont think it should be Rod, since he is the reason we are all here....

    hmmm, maybe it should be the prison boy?

  96. Since you're all drinking anyway, join me. I'm toasting my 29th wedding anniversary on June 1st! And I said it'd never last. Ha!

    Rod's older blog said everyone should renew their vows every 10 years. I've always thought a marriage certificate should come with a 10 year renewable clause. If it's going good, renew for another 10 years. Not so good; hit the road Jack, no strings attached!

  97. How cool that BB got to be an extra last night!!! And the helicopter filming... cant wait to see that!!!

    Thanks Anon... keep them lips zipped!

  98. Yep! j^p has commited the most indecent of crimes! He ridiculed our rum! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank!

  99. I wish crew ananon could have asked BB about the Patzke confusion.

    I should be a fact checker when I grow up.

  100. Happy 29th Lotus!!!
    That is awesome!!!!
    Congrats to you both!!!!

    *raise tankard to propose a toast*

    *takes a long drink of nice spiced rum*

    Rum all around!!!! ( and tequila for Shake)

  101. Osh - why don't you try psotinga question on his blog over at Vanity Fair?

  102. Thanks, minxie. I wish it was me 29th birthday! :)

  103. Not only has JP committed crimes against the rum... he eats bananas in the most strange manner....


  104. Shake... "psotinga"? LMAO... tequila is GOOOOOOOD!!!!!

    I am 29 and holding for.... many years now!

  105. Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank!

  106. Minxie - I forgot about AMC! (are you current?) If so, it was in the Tad/Dixie Dream sequence while he was under anesthesia. They were looking into their would have been future and were in their old age and he compared himself to JD (if I remember corrctly) it was a couple a days ago and I'm almost finished withmy concoction over here!

    OH! now I remember, you asked about Maria, not the JD ref! LOL I was wondering if Maria would make an appearance since Julia was killed, and of course wondering if they would so some icky Kendall/Zach/Maria triangle. I hope not!

    How wild you went to school w/her! Is she as down to earth as she seems in interviews?

  107. shakenbsis, does tequila make your clothes fall off?

  108. He insinuated I was rude by default!


    (sorry I was rude)


  109. is there a place to contact him on Vanity Fair? I looked and didn't see...
    Loks like J^P fell off the boat on his own. No plank needed.

  110. ok, so this actually has to do with the nat'l enquirer thing from yesterday. there is a JD quote out there where he is discussing a fake affair with madonna. he tells the reporter that it was NOT madonna at all. his affair was with the pope. the pope apparently "swept him off his feet". it is totally sarcastic and hilarious. yesterday i just about fell off my chair i was laughing so hard at the enquirer. way to go :)

    -jumpstreet girl casie

  111. j^p is a scurvy dog! (Pummels table w/fists) Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank!

  112. i HAVEN'T BEEN THERE I A LO OOPS long time Osh. I think I found the link over at JDR near his interview...

  113. Not as current as I would like to be on AMC... have been surprised how many "old" characters that have been brought back....

    I met Eva once at a football game... of course she wasnt really a "star" then, yes, she was very sweet. She has come back "home" ever so often to be the Grand Marshall in her hometown of Norco, CA. I graduated a year before she did.

  114. I have finally joined y'all after a really long and busy day. Race for the Cure (please see my blog), Farmers Market (I took pictures of cheese curds for you--how weird is that?), Festa Italia, Frugal Muse, and Chile's. Also watched 1/2 of Finding Neverland (love that movie).

    Shyness? I was the queen of shy. But I LOVED being on a stage. So after many years of dancing, I started competing in scholarship pageants. The only way to do well in them was to talk to people, interview well, etc. So I learned how to interview really well and gradually got more used to talking to people. I have had people say that they can't believe I was ever shy. Wow!

    I'm crossing my fingers for Columbus. I was fortunate to see some filming in Beaver Dam, but never got to meet JD. That would be soooo cool.

  115. Clothes are on Lotus, too many kitty claws over here...

  116. I think we have our plank walker for tonight....
    What say you JP... are you ready to walk? or would you rather skate the plank?

  117. MSWife.... you have pics of curds? ok.... I am so excited..... I love those little critters!!!!

  118. Thaks MSW - I jsut read your blog. Congrats to your sister!!!

    Funny JS Casie!

  119. I didn't see the curd pics, going back...

  120. Aarrrrrrrrrrr, answer yer Commodore, j^p, ye scurvy dog with fleas! ;( Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank!

  121. Oops I better post the curds. Stay tuned I'll do it right now.

  122. Ay ya scurvy bilge rat with fleas!!!! We want yer booty on the plank!!!!

    *draws cutlass* Dont make me go Disney on ya!!!!

  123. shakenbsis, naked curd pics at

  124. YAY!!!! She is posting curd pics! Oh, I hope they are nekked!!!!

  125. msm--(drooling profusely) Gorgeous curds! I must get minxie would say, "Where there's a will, there's a whey."

  126. *grabs bag of curds and pops some in mouth*
    Oh yes.... lovely little nekked curds..... *squeak squeak squeak*

  127. Osh - try this...

    Tips? Recriminations?
    Email us at

    Leaving a comment?
    Click here to register. It's free and easy.

    I guess you can register ad leave a comment, not sure if it goes to BB or not...

  128. Curds are posted--just for you guys!

    My favorite are the garlic!

  129. Oh - found left hand side of page, half way down.

    Wahhhhhh - I want curds now!!! hungry!

  130. I'm startin' to think that j^p is avoiding the plank. He really is a scurvy, mangey, flea infested dog and a filthy, scurvy bilge rat invested with lice & nits.

    GET THE PENCILS!!! ;( Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank! Plank!

  131. Maybe MM was wandering around Columbus trying to figure out which door his key opened! Hehe!

    I feel really stupid for asking, but what does DH stand for? or DD?

    Happy 29th Anniversary Lotus!

  132. MSW - NOW i'm REALLY hungry = )
    come to thinkof it, I didn't eat dinner. No wonder that tequilla went to my head so quick...

  133. Thanks, jenny! I always thought dh stood for "dear hubby/husband." Notice I have never used it. :)

  134. For me DH = Dept Head but I think others here use it for Dear or Darling? Husband?

    No clue on DD...

  135. Jenny... dont feel stupid... I have wondered the same thing. I cam up with my own ideas....
    Dastardly Husband
    Dashing Husband
    Dorky Daughter
    Darling Daughter....
    the list could go on.... as long as the rum holds out....

  136. minxie, I think j^p is with your crew planning a mutiny. One more reason to make him walk the plank!

  137. OMG! - I get a lot of trouble calls, but this one takes the cake. A guy just called to tell me he has bats in his basement! He say's he's killed 7 of them but there are more... What does he expect me to do, come kill the rest??? Yikes, not my specialty...

  138. Forget the rum. You know what I've been craving? A strawberry margarita from Pedros!

  139. ha ha ha .... the werewolf in me crew tried munity.... he was lashed, flogged and pelted with water balloons, glitter and jello filled balloons for his bad behavior! THEN we made him walk the plank!!!

  140. I caught a bat once.

    It was indoors and other people were screaming. I used a towel to capture it and then I set it free outside.

    However, they do carry rabies--I didn't know that then. Yikes.

  141. I thought it was supposed to be bats in the bellfrie (sp?)....
    cant he just open the basement window and let them out? Not too many basements in Cali... they dont go along with the earthquakes...

  142. MSW - that would be the way I would go about it too, no killing bats for me. But if He already killed 7 I wonder how many more there could be that he would quit now...

    I think i better call in the calvary!

  143. Yeah... the werewolf... he is a "haunt monster" at Knotts Scary Farm... it was funny, it was a war between the werewolf and the wenches... the wenches wore silver bullets around our necks!

    Yeah... we have a great time!

  144. Oh No! - now I want boysenberry pie...

  145. hahaha
    funny story on my blog today about internet abbrivations for people
    DD can be dear daughter
    DH can also be damn husband

    the blog entry is called Classic Evan...for 3 years on another message board he was known as SOB

  146. excuse my crappy spelling, I blame the kitteh

  147. ROFLMAO!!!!! You all are cracking me up... the kid thinks I have lost my mind!!!!!

  148. MSW.. thanks for the neeked curds in a bag!!! A lovely site to behold!

    Shake.... have you ever eatten at the Chicken Dinner Restaurant at Knotts?

  149. Minxie - yeah baby, that's where my mind was... at the chix dinner restaurant slobbering over a big slice of Boysenberry Pie!

  150. Yeah... I love them pies too! I adore the boysenberry punch too! You can now buy it in concetrated to take home and mix with rum!

  151. Yeah... I love them pies too! I adore the boysenberry punch too! You can now buy it in concetrated to take home and mix with rum!

  152. Gotta snooze. Don't stay up too late (I don't want to miss too much).

  153. MSW- I LOVE PEDROS!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's my fav!

    Shaken - why is someone calling you about bats? R U some sort of exterminator???

    Speaking of bats... I'm watching Batman Begins right now. I love CB!

  154. Shake.... me thinks ye needs food!!! =0P

  155. To anon - All I know is that there were two confirmed sightings and I THOUGHT one high ranking government official person talked to him.

    It's all I know.

  156. Rod, make j^p come out and walk the plank! You are the Supreme Commander.

  157. G'night MSW! Thanks again!

    Yes, me evil twin posts twice when the computer freaks! She doesnt like frozen puters!

  158. I need food and a big BAT! = )

    Jenny - Yuu made me laugh so hard the poor momma cat jumped! I am the emergency maintenance call person for a guy who has a lot of rental properties in the area. Mostly I get calls like, "I'm locked out!" or "my toilet's stopped up" or "my furnace quit"...

    this is my first bat call!

  159. I'm keeping my fingers, toes & eyes crossed hoping that PE comes back to WI. The two should be together 4ever; PEWI!

  160. or sadly, "i found an abandoned baby kitty..."

  161. not sadly Betty! Look how it turned out!

  162. you are so right Osh! I'm jsut looking at sad littele momma conehead right now, hence the sadly... but it really has been quite the experience! = )

  163. "By your leave, Commodore Minxie, might I be relieved of duty Maam?"

    Good night ladies. Smoke 'em if you got 'em!

    PEWI 4ever

  164. I wish I knew for sure that Universal was coming back to Columbus.... it would be great to fly out to meet you all and get my own PE experience....

  165. Anon Lotus.... tis a wonderous pleasure to have ye on me crew! Faire thee well....

  166. You are too sweet Minxie!

    Alas! I must also beg your leave... Got to eat, and I can't believe it, but I'm ready to sleep already. msut be getting OLD!

  167. Shakes, I can't seem to leave a comment for BB.
    Oh well.

  168. Sorry...i jumped overboard hours ago....i saw this coming from a mile away....just like in prison.

    I'm going to be at the state capitol on Monday....Rod we should meet for lunch!

  169. Bummer Osh - it LOOKs like you should be able to... too bad!

  170. Anon sweet Shake.... eat well, sleep well... dream well.

    Well wishes for the momma kitty

  171. JP... you jumped too soon!! Another trick you learned in the stocks?

  172. Osh... is there any info in the PE book that could help you get in contact with BB?
    Perhaps thru his publisher?

  173. eh, what are they gong to do, rewrite the entire script because I found a mistake BB made in his writing of the book that in turn the script fact checkers didn't find as well?

    I will stand alone in knowing the truth (well y'all can stand with me) against the big Hollywood little cheese curds from Wisconsin will know in our hearts that it was Ursula Patzke that was the bank hostage and not Anna Patzke...and you can all know you heard it first from Osh...the Professional Information Gatherer.

  174. Osh... have hope! Maybe they did catch it and maybe the credits will say Ursula and not Anna....
    If they do have it incorrect... WE will know!
    I think its great that you found it...! You did miss your calling.

  175. I missed a lot of callings...first was being J^Ps prison guard.

  176. Eh..i needed the exercise....but swimming is so tiring...i wish Rod wasn't so stingy with his dinghy.

  177. JP.... you need a life preserver?
    or are ya gonna use sea turtles?

  178. Yeah...a life preserver would be much appreciated...walking on my hands is getting tiring.

  179. J^P, you are such a show off. You are just begging for J^P on a stick.

  180. No whhhhhay!
    I had way too much JP on a stick in prison.....thanks tho! :P

  181. No JP on a stick.... its JP on a PLANK!!!!

  182. Hello. For all you flower garden lovers out there, have any of you heard of Sisson's Peony Gardens, in Rosendale, WI?

    I grew up in Rosendale and I can still remember back when The Gardens were really popular. The place was neglected over the years, but more recently was purchased and donated to the Historical Society. They have revamped the place, and I stopped in on Memorial Day to have a look around.

    Unfortunately, the flowers won't be in bloom for another week or two. June 8 is 'Peony Sunday' so that would be the day to see the place in all its glory. It's located right on Hwy 26 in Rosendale.

    Anyway, here is my Flickr set:

    (Hopefully I don't need to make it a Tiny URL.)

  183. J^P soap on a rope?

  184. Debsmad...that sounds nice..but I'm morally opposed to anything "Rosendale related" because of the police officer who constantly gives me speeding tickets every time i drive thru

    My mom might be interested tho..thanks for the heads up.

  185. So you're morally opposed to me?

    *flees in tears*

  186. Debsmad.... how cool!!! Love the little windmill!!!

  187. Lol..i can tell you're truly hurt Debsmad...sorry :(

  188. LMAO! Osh.... you are funny!!!!

    He might have had enough of that one too when he was in prison!

  189. Oh yeah Osh....
    Sorry..i haven't seen my ankles in.......


  190. Well all... I must take me leave to the Captain's Quarters.... thinks the crew be wantin yer booty in the stocks!!!

  191. Gnight minxie...
    yeah..i've always done fairly well with the "not straight" demographic.


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